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shú shī
  • School teacher;tutor in a private/family school
塾师 [shú shī]
  • [a teacher in a private school] 私塾的教师

  1. 塾师以笔法谈作文,如匠人以规矩谈美术。

    Professors of composition talk about literature as carpenters talk about art .

  2. 第二章,清代塾师教学技能的表现形式。

    The second chapter , form tutor teaching skills in the Qing dynasty .

  3. 塾师与主人通过饮酒作乐而增加情谊,通过相互的经济帮助而加深情感。

    The private teacher and the host strengthened their friendship through drinking and mutual financial help .

  4. 《闺塾师》在研究中体现出的优长与不足对反思中国妇女史研究方法颇具典型意义。

    In sum , the merits and flaws of Teachers of the Inner Chambers have provided a typical example for introspecting research methods of Chinese women 's history .

  5. 其后塾师年老病逝,伦文叙因而失生,但仍一面操持糊口,一面专心钻研经典。

    Old died later Shu Shi , Kung Fu and thus loss of health , but still the one hand perform household subsistence on the one hand to concentrate on studying classics .

  6. 《闺塾师》突破了压迫&解放的中国妇女史研究旧有模式,采用女性视角这一新的研究方法,对明末清初江南才女们的生活做了有意义的诠释。

    Discarding the conventional narrative mold of " Oppression-Liberation " in Chinese women 's history , Teachers of the Inner Chambers interprets the life of elite women in Jiangnan ( south of the Yangzi River ) of seventeenth-century China from a new female perspective .
