
  • Saipan;Saipan Island;SPN
  1. 相比之下,奇诺A6M5零日本仍然有其荣引擎被抓获时,在塞班岛上的1944年6月。

    In contrast , the Chino A6M5 Zero still has its Japanese Sakae engine from when it was captured on Saipan in June of1944 .

  2. 我们是塞班岛的居民,我们走了。

    We are the residents of Saipan , we are gone .

  3. 塞班岛可爱的鲨鱼小玩具。

    The shark of the Saipan amiability small toy .

  4. 爱尔兰代表队目前在太平洋的塞班岛集训。

    The Irish representative team is currently training on Saipan in the Pacific Ocean .

  5. 我们都知道,在我们挚爱的塞班岛北边有一座悬崖。

    We all know of a cliff by the north of our beloved island of Saipan .

  6. 而在太平洋战场,我们的军队在塞班岛登陆,一个伟大的行动预示了日本的最终失败。

    And in Pacific our forces landed on Saipan , a great operation forecasting eventual Japanese defeat .

  7. 1944年,随着太平洋战争的展开,美国海军正在迫近塞班岛。这座岛屿上居住着数千的日本人。

    In the1944 , as the war in the Pacific unwinds , the US Navy is approaching the island of Saipan .

  8. 2018年的数据显示,关岛平均每年发生近700起森林大火,帕劳约175起,塞班岛约20起。

    On average , Guam has nearly 700 wildfires a year , Palau about 175 and Saipan about 20 , reports data from 2018 .

  9. 受社会历史条件变化的影响,拉提文化的外在表现形式展现了不同时期遗留下来的特点,但制衡力的思想依旧贯穿于塞班岛原住民的意识形态之中。

    The social historical conditions change , pulling culture forms show different age characteristics , but the balance force of ideas still runs through Saipan Aboriginal ideology .

  10. 不同时期、不同背景下,不同的力在相互制衡,塞班岛原住民的文化表现形式就不同。

    In different periods , different background , different " force " in the checks and balances , Saipan natives are the forms of cultural expression is different .

  11. 原始社会时期,由于生产力极度低下,塞班岛原住民对自然的敬畏和对气候的依赖表现在祭天祈雨的仪式上。

    The primitive society period , as a result of productivity is extremely low , Saipan Aboriginal reverence for nature and the dependence on climate in heaven rain-praying ceremony .

  12. 本文将大量篇幅用于描述塞班岛原住民的文化历史现象,根本目的在于为塞班岛原住民的社会历史变迁加以探究。

    A huge part of this thesis will be used to describe the Saipan Island aboriginal cultural and historical phenomenon , on account of exploring it will be the fundamental purpose .

  13. 这样的仪式之所以会产生,是源于拉提文化的中心思想&制衡力,这种制衡力以交换的形式体现在社会生活中,因此社会交换是塞班岛原住民与外界相处的主要方式。

    This ritual occurs , is derived from pulling Cultural Center thought-balance , the balance force to exchange embodied in social life , so the social exchange Saipan is the main way of Aboriginal and outside .

  14. 夏威夷大岛最近发生的一场森林大火烧毁了该州约1%的土地,帕劳、塞班岛和关岛等太平洋上其他岛屿的烧毁面积甚至更大——某些年份高达10%。

    A recent wildfire on Hawaii 's Big Island burned about 1 percent of the state 's total land , and other islands in the Pacific such as Palau , Saipan and Guam burn even more - up to 10 percent in some years .