
  • 网络plastic toy
  1. 安全标准对塑胶玩具气味无奈

    There is not any rule to limit the smell from plastic toys in Safety standard

  2. 目前,由于塑胶玩具喷涂作业的复杂性,喷涂自动化程度仍然很低。

    At present , the automation level of spraying is still very low , because spraying plastic toys is a complex work .

  3. 种种弊端的存在,严重制约了塑胶玩具生产企业的发展。

    All of drawbacks existing seriously hampered the development of plastic toy manufacturers .

  4. 某塑胶玩具厂的塑胶焊接超声机工作时噪音特别大;

    Noise for plastics to weld a machine work that factory of some plastics toy is specially big ;

  5. 产品:金属及塑胶玩具齿轮箱,齿轮,玩具配件及特别订造产品。

    Products : Metal and plastic toy 's gear box , gears , toy 's parts and OEM products .

  6. 塑胶玩具材料有很多种,而且很多材料都是好几种塑胶混合使用。

    There are lots of plastic toy materials and many of them are mixed together from several plastics to use .

  7. 塑胶玩具由于材料来源广泛,造价相对低廉,成为商家设计的首选。

    Because of the wide material sources , it is comparatively cheap and becomes the first design choice of different merchants .

  8. 塑胶玩具制造过程中,表面装饰是一道重要的工序,而表面装饰一般是对塑胶玩具进行喷涂。

    In manufacturing process of the plastic toy , surface decoration is an important process , which generally spray on plastic toys .

  9. 国内塑胶玩具喷涂作业基本上还是靠手工完成,不仅劳动力成本高,而且喷涂作业对操作者的人身危害较大。

    Domestic spraying plastic toys are basically completed by hand , not only the high cost of labor , but also harmful to the operator .

  10. 因此,研究开发塑胶玩具自动喷涂机器具有重要的意义,而其中喷涂机械手是设计关键。

    Therefore , the research and development of automatic spraying machine for plastic toys is of important significance , and the design of spraying manipulator is the key among them .

  11. 根据机械结构设计的准则,结合塑胶玩具的喷涂要求,确定了塑胶玩具喷涂机的系统组成,并对塑胶玩具喷涂机的总体结构进行了设计。

    According to the criteria of mechanical structure design , and combined with plastic toys spraying requirements , the plastic toys sprayer system can be determined , and design overall structure of the plastic toys sprayer .

  12. 基于作业空间,利用计算机辅助技术对本塑胶玩具喷涂机械手的结构参数进行了分析,随后建立了优化模型,计算得到机械手结构参数的初步优化解。

    Based on the work space , analyzed the structure parameters of the manipulator make use of Computer Aided Technologies . Then an optimization model was established , and calculated , get the original optimized result .

  13. 对所设计的塑胶玩具喷涂机进行了多机组合,阐述了多机组合的意义。第三,在总体结构方案的基础上,对塑胶玩具喷涂机的关键部件进行了详细的结构设计。

    Making the plastic toys sprayer designed multi-machine combination , and explain the significance of multi-machine combinations . Third , based on the overall structure of the program , a key component of plastic toys sprayer carried out a detailed structural design .

  14. 国内外对于大型喷涂机械手的研究较多,有很多成熟的产品,但是针对塑胶玩具特点喷涂的机械手研究较少,商品化程度较低。

    There is a lot of studies for the large spraying manipulators at home and abroad , have many mature products , but still fewer studies aimed at the characteristic of spraying manipulator for plastic toys , the degree of commercialization is low .

  15. 塑胶产品玩具在玩具市场中占主要地位。

    The plastic toy product plays an important role in the toy market .

  16. 本文作者先阐述了塑胶充气玩具产品的特点及珠三角塑胶玩具企业企业特点。

    The author first expounded the features of inflatable plastic toy products and characteristics of the PRD enterprises .

  17. 作者希望通过作都对珠三角塑胶充气玩具企业及行业现状及出路的研究,能给该行业中正在苦思进退的企业一些参考与帮助。

    The author hopes that his study on the reality and possible solution of inflatable plastic toy business and industry of RPD , can give some help and reference to those enterprises who are pondering the advance and retreat .

  18. 环大的木制,塑料或金属圈,尤指用作玩具或训练动物从中跳过主要用于汽车涂料、卷材涂料、高档塑胶漆、玩具漆和各种高档油墨等行业。

    A large wooden , plastic , or metal ring , especially one used as a plaything or for trained animals to jump through . They are suitable for high-end automotive OEM , plastic coatings , coil coatings and so on .

  19. 移印工艺在塑胶、电子、玩具、钟表等行业的装饰印刷方面占据着重要位置。

    Trans-printing holds the important position in decoration printing of polythylene , electronic , toy and timepiece .