
  1. 你的信被压在一堆文件底下。

    Your letter got buried under a pile of papers .

  2. 我在一堆书底下发现了这封信。

    I found the letter under a pile of books .

  3. 在这堆盒子底下不起眼的地方,有一个盒子,上面只标注了两个字:尼克。

    Hidden low in the stack was a box simply marked Nick .

  4. 我要的那本书就在这堆书底下。

    The book I want is right at the bottom of the pile .

  5. 看看那堆东西的底下有没有一只像高尔夫球袋的帆布袋。

    See if there is a canvas case like a golf bag under that pile there .

  6. 只有半分钟的工夫他已横越甲板爬到左舷的排水孔那里,从盘成一堆的绳子底下摸出一把长长的小刀,可以说是一把短剑,上面的血一直染到了刀柄上。

    In half a minute he had reached the port scuppers , and picked , out of a coil of rope , a long knife , or rather a short dirk , discoloured to the hilt with blood .

  7. 角落里有一堆书,那底下你找过了吗?

    There 's a pile of books in the corner-have you looked underneath ?