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táng shàng
  • parents;the place that elders and betters live in;that parents live in
堂上 [táng shàng]
  • (1) [the place that elders and betters live in]∶尊长居住的地方。

  • 拜夫人于堂上。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

  • (2) [that parents live in]∶父母居住的正房

  • 堂上启阿母。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 堂上阿奶仅汝扶持。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

堂上[táng shàng]
  1. 我对堂上直话直说,从头到尾解释了一番。

    I made a full and frank explanation to the court .

  2. 昨天老师建议学生们在堂上说英语。

    Yesterday the teacher advised the students to speak English in class .

  3. 自由还高耸在另一个纪念堂上:就是这里。

    And freedom stands tall over one more monument : this one .

  4. 云南地矿企业国际化经营战略的理论与实践&广南堂上金业有限公司海外上市

    The International Management Strategy of Yunnan 's Geology and Mineral Resources Industry

  5. 今天我们堂上要做听写,是不是?

    We must do dictation in the class today , isn 't it ?

  6. 美玉:我听说阿堂上礼拜出了个车祸。

    Mei-yu : I heard that A-ton had a car accident last week .

  7. 这是为了方便在堂上讨论阅读资料。

    This is for the purpose of facilitating discussion of the readings in class .

  8. 打基础,堂上精读几门课;做学问,馆中博览万卷书。

    To lay a foundation , attend intensively a new classes in a school ;

  9. 习题在堂上提交,教学时程中给出了提交日期。

    Problem sets are due in the lecture on the days indicated on the calendar .

  10. 有时是礼拜堂上的钟在说话,有时是那园丁的铃。

    Now it was the church-bell which spoke , now it was the gardener 's bell .

  11. 堂上考试练习卷,作为期末考试的学习指导。

    A practice exam was provided to the class as a study guide to the final .

  12. 堂上了前面的座位,对于他的年龄和大块头来说,迅速协调地移动着。

    The Don got into the front seat , moving with quick coordination for his age and bulk .

  13. 我通常都可以提前完成堂上练习,但这一次有人比我更早完成。

    I can usually finish the in-class exercise ahead of schedule but this time someone has got there first .

  14. 现在会听话了吗还是要再教训你一次等会儿朝堂上见

    Will you obey now ? Or do you need another lesson ? I 'll look for you in court .

  15. 可是麦唛也始终没有把桃子吃掉&只在劳作堂上忍不住揭开盒盖看了一眼。

    Couldn 't resist ! During craft lesson , McMug took a quick look at the peach – that sweet thirst-quenching crispy peach .

  16. 由于时间有限,我们不可能在堂上讨论所有案例,因此我们会挑选那些最有助于整体学习的案例。

    Given time limitations we will not be able to discuss all cases in class , so we will select those most useful for overall learning .

  17. 他最终被炀帝赐死的原因是因为他在朝堂上公开赞扬高颎,使得炀帝将他看作改革的绊脚石所致。

    He was eventually Yang Di Ci dead because he publicly praised the DPRK-classroom high Jiong , Yang Tai makes his due as a stumbling block to reform .

  18. 你是我亲爱的小姐.有朝一日我们会在朝堂上举行婚礼.七国各地的领主和夫人们都会赶来,

    You 're My Lady . One day we 'll be married in the throne room . Lords and ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms will come ,

  19. 看到了吗,这个题目的难度来说,在考试里可能就会麻烦了一点,但是呢,作为作业题目,或者堂上例子就恰到好处。

    Already you see here it is a the level of difficulty that is a little bit much for an exam but perfectly fine for a problem set or for a beautiful lecture like this one .

  20. 在记忆中美丽的相辉堂草坪上。

    On the beautiful lawn in front of the Xianghui Hall in my memory .

  21. 今年获得奥斯卡提名的音乐人将会齐聚一堂登上奥斯卡颁奖典礼的舞台。

    This year 's Oscar-nominated musicians are going to take the stage at the Academy Awards ceremony .

  22. 美元钞票背面的林肯纪念堂图案上列出了所有50个州的名字。

    All50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $ 5 bill .

  23. 住在法维洛勒的天主堂广场上的面包店老板穆伯·易查博,一个星期日的晚上正预备去睡时,忽听得有人在他铺子的那个装了铁丝网的玻璃橱窗上使劲打了一下。

    One Sunday evening , Maubert Isabeau , the baker on the Church Square at Faverolles , was preparing to go to bed , when he heard a violent blow on the grated front of his shop .

  24. 乾隆中叶,随着罗教庵堂转移到老堂船上,罗教组织内帮会权利系统的建立,漕运水手罗教组织已具备秘密会社的主要特征。

    In the middle of the Qianlong period , churches of Luo Religious transferred to old boats . The gang rights system inside Luo religious organizations had established . Luo religious organizations inside water transport sailors already have the main features of the secret societies .

  25. 他听见荷米恩在他耳边低语:“有人曾对它施了魔法,使它看上去更像外面的星空。这是我在《霍格瓦彻故事》中得知的。”真难以想象其实大会堂并不是露天的,堂顶上还有一层天花板。

    He heard Hermione whisper , " Its bewitched to look like the sky outside . I read about it in Hogwarts , A History . " It was hard to believe there was a ceiling there at all , and that the Great Hall didn 't simply open on to the heavens .

  26. 几十年前,柯达公司就已经预见到数码摄影将会赶超胶片。事实上,柯达公司在1975就发明了第一台数码照相机。然而,在这一决定命运的抉择中,柯达公司选择了搁置新发明而把注意力继续集主查传统堂片业务上。

    Decades ago , Kodak anticipated that digital photography would overtake film — and in fact , Kodak invented the first digital camera in 1975 — but in a fateful decision , the company chose to shelf its new discovery to focus on its traditional film business .

  27. 在我的第一堂体育课上,老师要求我们跑几圈,然后打垒球。

    In my first P . E . class , the teacher required us to run laps and then hit a softball .

  28. 在一堂ESP课上有一个关于“运用动物来预测地震的可能性以及人们是否会感到他们应当从地震中逃离”的讨论。

    During one ESP Class session , there was a discussion of " possible use of animals to predict earthquakes , and whether people should feel they need to run away from earthquakes " .

  29. 发表在林肯纪念堂的台阶上。

    delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial ,

  30. 这堂课程相对上,有充分的时间让同学实验和学习。

    Project ideas come from the students in the class and from opportunities presented by industrial sponsors .