
  • 网络fund manager;fund management
  1. 基金管理人变动资产组合的Markowitz模型分析

    Markowitz Model Analysis of Fund Manager Changing Portfolio

  2. 第二章基金管理人行为的法律规制。

    Chapter 2 is legislative regulation for behavior of fund manager .

  3. 基金管理人不适合监管公司。

    Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms .

  4. 其他商品对冲基金管理人,包括伦敦的BlueGoldCapitalManagement在内,都认为有必要回归套利交易(又称相对价值交易)模式。

    The need to return to arbitrage trading or relative value is shared by other commodities hedge fund managers including London-based BlueGold Capital Management .

  5. 太平洋投资管理公司(pacificinvestmentmanagementco)上周表示,该公司对冲基金管理人、执行董事之一朱长虹将离美返华,加盟外管局,出任储备管理部门负责人。

    Last week Pacific Investment Management Co said Zhu Changhong , one of its managing directors in charge of hedge funds , was leaving the us to return to China and join safe as head of its reserve management department .

  6. Markowitz模型假设条件太多,因而基金管理人变动资产组合时,在证券市场上进行应用较困难。

    Markowitz model has many provisional conditions , and so application of fund manger changing portfolio , on negotiable securities market is very difficult .

  7. 他在备忘录中解释道:之前,大部分基金管理人很少关注商业周期、整体GDP趋势或者是政治力量的潜在影响,他们关注的焦点是管理能力、产品优越性、市场力量。

    Previously , most managers paid scant attention to business cycles , overall GDP trends or the potential effects of political forces   .   .   .   they focused mainly on management prowess , product superiority , marketing clout , his memo explains .

  8. 将来的报表小单可能会使基金管理人变得更具判断力。

    Further fine print may give fund managers even more discretion .

  9. 证券投资基金管理人选择中的信号传递博弈

    A Signaling Games Model for Choice of Stock Investment Fund Manager

  10. 第一部分对私募股权基金管理人监管的必要性作出了分析。

    The first part is the necessary of regulation on fund manager .

  11. 有限合伙制条件下基金管理人的业绩报酬机制分析

    An Analysis of Performance Reward Mechanism of Fund Manager under Limited Partnerships

  12. 该机制能够对基金管理人起到激励作用。

    This mechanism has the incentive function to fund manager .

  13. 基金管理人在整个过程中一直非常安静。

    Fund managers have remained fairly quiet throughout these developments .

  14. 信息不对称情况下基金管理人的最优激励合同

    Optimal Incentive Contract of Fund Manager under Asymmetric Information

  15. 努力水平:基金管理人内因核心行为分析

    Efforts Level : Analysis on Funds Manager Key Behaviors Because of Internal Cause

  16. 大型银行大多是存款接收者、资产托管人或基金管理人。

    Large banks mostly held deposits or were asset custodians and fund administrators .

  17. 基金管理人的最优激励合同设计与监督机制研究

    The Research on the Fund Managers ' Optimal Incentive Contract and Supervision Mechanism

  18. 风险揭示书的格式文本由基金管理人制定。

    The standard text of risk disclosure shall be formulated by funds managers .

  19. 第三章基金管理人制衡机制的模型设置。

    Chapter 3 is the model establishment of check-and-balance system of fund manager .

  20. 本研究对基金管理人的投资决策具有指导意义。

    This study has practical significance in guiding fund managers ' investment decision making .

  21. 证券投资基金管理人义务刍议

    On the Duty of Securities Investment Fund Manager

  22. 投资基金管理人信托投资义务问题探析

    A Theoretical Research on Duty of Trust Investment Performed by Fund 's Management Company

  23. 在这些市场因子中,市场冲击的函数模式是我们首先关注的重点内容,它直接影响基金管理人变现策略的制定。

    Among the market factors , the modes of market impacts are our focus .

  24. 针对这一情况,分别对监管者、投资者和基金管理人提出不同的建议。

    In response , respectively , regulators , investors and fund managers with alternative proposals .

  25. 中国基金管理人的持股偏好

    Chinese Fund Manager 's Stock Holding Preference

  26. 中美证券投资基金管理人行为:差别与原因

    The Sino-American Differences in the Behavior of Securities Investment Fund Managers and the Reasons Concerned

  27. 因为基金管理人自身无法克制私利的追逐,政府监管必须加强。

    Because fund keepers cannot restrain themselves from chasing self-interests , governmental regulation must be strengthened .

  28. 流动性与盈利性是开放式基金管理人面临的“两难选择”;

    It is a dilemma for the open fund administrators to choose between liquidity and profitability .

  29. 基金管理人对其提供的基金份额净值的合法性、准确性承担责任。

    Funds mmanager will be responsible for the validity and accuracy of offered unit funds net values .

  30. 这些都要求我国的基金管理人拥有更全面的资产管理技巧。

    Such situation we discussed above need our fund manager master a comprehensive skill of asset management .