
  • 网络Capability;Fundamentals;Basic Competency
  1. 高职艺术设计基础能力分析与课程设计思路

    Analysis of the Basic Capability of Art Design and its Implication for Curriculum Planning for College Students

  2. 它们共同构成人类社会发展的金字塔;包括矿产资源的自然禀赋在内的基础能力处于金字塔的底部,是社会可持续发展的基础,也是培育其它能力的基础。

    Basis capability , including natural gift of minerals resources , is the base of sustainable development and giving birth to other capability .

  3. SNS用户行为分析能力分为基础能力层次(内容分析模块、时间分析模块、关系分析模块)和高级能力层次。

    SNS user behavioral analysis capability has basic capability ( content analysis module , time analysis module , and relationship analysis module ) and advanced capability .

  4. 国家工程研究中心(NERC)是国家创新基础能力建设的重要组成部分。

    The building of National Engineering Research Centers ( NERC ) is an important part of national innovation system in China .

  5. 发展中国家经济起飞时最容易出现的一个偏向就是片面追求GDP增长,而忽视了这种GDP的高增长往往是以牺牲整个社会基础能力的提高为代价的。

    One of the deviations made by developing countries at the initial period of economic development is to seek unduly for the growth of GDP and ignore the fact that such a growth of GDP is usually obtained at the cost of the raise of the whole social fundamental ability .

  6. 您可以预计到几乎没有具有坚固的基础能力的完全成熟的组织。

    You can expect to find few fully-matured organizations with solid foundational capabilities .

  7. 增强武器装备科研生产基础能力。

    The basic capabilities of weaponry and equipment research and production have been enhanced .

  8. 教师的基础能力、师资水平与普通高中相比差距甚远。

    Teachers ' basic ability and qualifications lag far behind those in normal high school .

  9. 减灾需求分析及减灾基础能力建设的措施选择

    Disaster Reduction Demand Analysis and Measure Choice of the Fundamental Ability Construction of Disaster Reduction

  10. 学好、用好标点符号是提高英语学习基础能力的重要内容。

    Therefore , it is very important to learn and use well English punctuation marks .

  11. 本论文从三个方面讨论高校怎样培养大学生工作基础能力的问题。

    This paper discusses how to cultivate the basic work ability of undergraduates from three aspects .

  12. 我国区域减灾基础能力建设的需求分析与对策探讨

    Demand analysis and countermeasure investigation on the foundation capacity building of region disaster reduction in our country

  13. 语言的发展涉及四项相关的基础能力:听、讲、读、写。

    Language development entails four fundamental and interactive abilities : listening , speaking , reading , and writing .

  14. 基础能力与创新能力的关系,这样才能有的放矢的在课程设置上找寻到切合实际的科学方法。

    Only in this way will it be possible to find the most sensible and scientific method in course offered .

  15. 本文在阐述了地理教师的专业能力包括基础能力(思维能力、信息技术能力、表达能力、审美能力、处理人际关系的能力等);

    It will expound the professional ability of geography teachers including basic ability as well as professional ability and self-improvement ability .

  16. 缺乏正式的手段,识别用来启用项目组合管理的起作用的基础能力应该是可能的。

    Lacking a formal instrument , it should be possible to identify the contributing basic capabilities which are required to enable portfolio management .

  17. 阅读是个体全面学习的基础能力之一,是个体获取知识和信息的重要途径。

    Reading is one of the basic abilities of individual all-round learning , and an important way for individuals to obtain knowledge and information .

  18. 这个层面的目标集中于保持和吸引客户的方法,在没有牺牲基础能力的前提下更具竞争力,并降低成本的方法。

    Goals at this level center on ways to retain and attract customers , be competitive , and reduce costs without compromising essential capabilities .

  19. 从能力的内在本质来看,则表现为从基础能力到亚核心能力,再发展到核心能力。

    While from the view of capability content , it has experienced the following three stages : basic capability , quasi-core capability , core capability .

  20. 本论文所说的素质基础能力指一种狭义的素质能力,即个人的价值观念、职业观念、社会道德观念以及心理特征等方面的综合体。

    The basic quality ability here is narrowly defined , namely a complex of personal values , professional values , moral conception and psychological characteristics .

  21. 所谓大学生工作基础能力,指在通常情况下,所有或者绝大数岗位都要求大学生必须具备的基本技能和其他相应的要求。

    The basic work ability refers to the basic technician and other relative skills that all or the vast majority of undergraduates should have under normal circumstances .

  22. 高职英语教学的目标是在提高语言基础能力的前提下培养学生实际应用语言的能力。

    The English teaching goal of high professional institutes is to train students'language ability in the authentic environment on the premise of improving basic ability of languages .

  23. 一旦你拥有了合适的基础能力,你就应该通过实现组合服务和编配来响应业务需求。

    Provided that you have the foundation capabilities in place , you should be in position to implement composite services and orchestrations in response to business needs .

  24. 职业能力的测评体系可设计为以通用能力测评为主要项目进行开发,同时也建立对专业基础能力和职业岗位能力测评的项目;

    The project of the evaluative system can be designed for the aim of general competence evaluation , as well as the basic professional ability , occupational Status capacity .

  25. 随着职业教育的发展与人才培养的需要,职业院校对职业教育基础能力建设的要求也逐年增加。

    With the occupation education development and the need of talent training , occupation college on the occupation education foundation ability construction requirements are also increasing year by year .

  26. 在泰国学习文学文化都是在大学阶段,因为学生的汉语基础能力水平高了,适合学习文学文化了。

    In the Thai study literature cultural aspect is , because the student in university of Chinese foundation ability level is high , for learning a literary and cultural aspects .

  27. 通过对指标体系中各个因素的分析,提出了国防科技工业基础能力指标评价设计的原则和步骤。

    The evaluation indexes design principles and process of basic capability of science technology and industry for national defense are proposed based on each factor of the evaluation index analysis .

  28. 轻声唱法既是歌唱者必备的基础能力之一,也是表现演绎作品所必须的高级能力之一。

    Pianissimo singing is one of the basic qualities that is indispensable to singers , and one of the advanced qualities that is indispensable to performing masterpieces , as well .

  29. 它既是人们审美心理结构的三种能力(感知能力、想象能力和理解能力)的一种基础能力,又与传统观念中的通感有着明显的区别。

    It is also the basic abilities of sense , imagination and comprehension in creating people 's aesthetic psychology structure . However , it has an obvious difference from traditionally so called correspondence .

  30. 本文把技术能力分为了技术创新能力和技术基础能力两个维度,把创新战略分为探索式创新战略和开发式创新战略两个维度,从而对后续的相关研究具有一定的开拓性意义。

    This study finds that the technical strength can be divided into technological innovation capability and technological basic capability ; innovation strategy can be divided into exploration innovation strategy and exploitation innovation strategy .