
  • 网络Base rate;base interest rate;Basic Rate
  1. 伦敦银行同业拆借利率达到6.7975%,远大于英格兰银行的5.75%的基础利率;

    The so-called Libor rate is6.7975 % , way above the Bank of England's5.75 % base rate ;

  2. 银行收取的的货款利率通常高于其基础利率。

    E.g. the interest which a bank charges on loans is at a rate which is usually higher than its base rate .

  3. 只要通胀率高于基础利率,就会出现这种情况,眼下的英国或美国就是如此。

    It can happen whenever inflation is higher than base rates , as in the UK or us today .

  4. 由于本国市场状况较为平静以及投资者对更高收益率的追求,面对信贷紧缩,日本市场需求相对更有弹性,日本国内的基础利率为0.5%。

    Demand has been relatively resilient in the face of the credit crunch due to calmer local conditions and a search for higher yields , given domestic base interest rates of 0.5 per cent .

  5. 他还承诺推进“以市场为基础的利率改革”。

    He also promised to push forward with the " market-based reform " of interest rates .

  6. 因此,逆向浮动利率证券的存续期就大于其基础的固定利率债券的存续期。

    Hence , the duration of the inverse floater exceeds the duration of the underlying fixed-rate bond .

  7. 货币政策传导的主要问题表现在:1.中央银行公开市场操作的市场基础薄弱,利率传导机制受阻;

    The major problems in monetary policies conduction consist : 1 . The blocked channel of interest rate ;

  8. 以美国为首的发达市场经济国家主要通过公开市场业务来调控基础货币和利率,中国央行的公开市场业务自1998年以来也得到了快速发展,已成为央行日常货币政策操作的主要政策工具。

    Open market operation is the main instrument to control base money and interest rate in developed countries .

  9. 基准利率应当以银行间的实际拆借利率为基础,此类利率更难操纵。

    Benchmark rates should be based on actual interbank lending rates , which are more difficult to manipulate .

  10. 而长期来看,则根据传导机制内外影响因素的发展要求,在完善信用的基础上发展利率机制的作用。

    In long term , however , should develop credit basis and perform the function of interest rate mechanism .

  11. 之后,结合我国利率政策,运用基础理论分析利率的现状,确定实际贷款利率。

    Thirdly , analyses interest rate policy and uses the theory of interest rate to determine the net lending interest rate .

  12. 许多经济学家目前接受的是更宽松的泰勒规则,即更注重产出缺口而不是通胀率,或者以失业率为基础计算目标利率。

    Many economists now accept more relaxed Taylor rules , which give more emphasis to the output gap and less to inflation , or which are based on the unemployment rate .

  13. 随着国债市场在我国的逐步发展,国债的金融功能也不断显现,但由于市场基础制度如利率市场化等条件还不具备,使国债的金融功能的发挥受到了限制。

    As the gradual development of Chinese bond market , public debt has shown its financial function , however , it can 't be fully exerted because of the absence of basic institutions in the market such as free float of interest rate .

  14. 所以说,SHIBOR的推出,为货币市场基准利率提供了一个很好的选择,从而为我国建立完善的利率体系奠定了基础,进而对利率市场化改革起到了巨大的推动作用。

    SHIBOR provides a good choice for benchmark interest rates in the currency market . It prepared the ground for establishing perfect interest rate system and is a crucial step in the process of the Marketization Reform of Interest Rate in our country .

  15. 第三章在第二章讨论的基础上考虑借贷利率不同时的情况,利用动态规划原理与随机分析方法,最优策略可以通过控制问题对应的HJB方程求得。

    Methods adopted in this dissertation are the dynamic programming principle and the stochastic analysis theory , through which the HJB equation corresponding to the control question can be worked out , and therefore , the optimal strategy with feedback from can be obtained .

  16. 以营利为基础的学校的利率会较非营利的营利更差,因此看相关利率可以看出这个学校的基础。

    For-profit online schools tend to have worse rates than other institutions , so examine the rates on a school-by-school basis .

  17. 但是,作为我国金融改革中基础问题之一&利率市场化,尤其是货币市场中基准利率的选择问题仍然没有得到彻底解决。

    But , as one of the basis problem , interest rates have not achieved marketization , especially the benchmark interest rate has still not been completely fixed .

  18. 同时在分析我国制度环境的基础上,对利率、汇率、国际资本流动三者之间不协调的关系作出理论分析,对人民币汇率的升(贬)值压力予以预测。

    Meanwhile , it analyses the inconsistent relationship between exchange rate , interest rate and international capital flow , and predicts the pressure of devaluation or revaluation of RMB .

  19. 本文共分为八章,第一章阐述企业融资的理论基础,主要是利率期限结构理论和融资结构和融资选择理论。

    Chapter one would speak of the theoretical basis for corporate finance , mainly about interest rate term structure theory and the theory of financial structure and financing options .

  20. 第二部分为利率期限结构的理论基础,介绍了利率期限结构理论的组成部分和基本概念,并论述了利率期限结构的预期理论等本文用到的理论。

    The second part is the theory basis of interest rate term structure . This part introduce the basic concept of interest rate term structure , and some traditional theory of interest .

  21. 我国经济转型近30年,市场化程度已经能够支持市场配置资源的基础性作用,利率平滑操作在不同层次和深度上应用于我国的宏观经济调控具有必要性和适用性。

    It is necessary and applicable to depend on interest rate smoothing at different level as we have gone on transition to market-oriented economy and market has been playing the fundamental action in resources allocation .

  22. 在分析信用贷款和简化模型主要特征的基础上,针对利率过程与违约过程相关的情况,提出了应用简化模型解决银行信用贷款定价问题的建模思想。

    Based on analyzing the main characters of the credit loan and reduced form models , in the case of the interest rate process being correlated with the default process , the modeling idea on pricing the credit loan is presented by applying the reduced form models .

  23. 随后,在比较借鉴国际商业银行成熟的利率风险度量模型的基础上,运用利率敏感性缺口模型,对利率市场化给中国农业银行带来的利率风险相关影响指标进行了实证分析。

    On the basis of comparison from international commercial banks interest rate risk measurement maturity model , the use of interest rate sensitivity gap model , the interest rate market to the Agricultural Bank of China to bring the interest rate risk associated with impact indicators empirical analysis .

  24. 利率市场化改革就要建立中央银行利率为基础、货币市场利率为中介、金融机构存贷款利率由市场供求决定的利率体系和形成机制。

    The reform of interest rate liberalization is to build a system which is based on the interest rate of center bank , appeared through the medium of interest rate of currency market , and the interest rate of deposit and loan in the demand and supply of the market .