
  • 【天】Fundamental Catalogue
  1. FK5星表的现状和基本星表的未来

    The Present Status of FK5 and the Future of the Fundamental Reference System

  2. 1984年开始,天文计算中采用FK5基本星表和新天文常数,这些变动直接影响了经典光学仪器观测确定的地极坐标。

    The FK5 fundamental catalogue and the new astronomical constants have been used in the astronomical calculation since 1984 . These changes will directly effect the results of the polar coordinates with classical optical instruments .

  3. 在选用高精度基本星表的基础上,分析了导航星的选取方法及其分布特征。

    In order to meet the requirement of high precision measuring device , guide stars are selected from high precision fundamental star catalogue .

  4. 本文对编制基本星表的一般原理作了简述,并较为详细地介绍了系统改正时选取初始星表的方法,最后还介绍了确定每本初始星表相对权重的方法。

    The general principles for drawing up a fundamental catalog and the methods for selecting primary catalogues and for determinating their relative weights arc also proposed in this present article .

  5. 较详细地叙述了几何学方法,即以河外星系作为不动的定标点,形成参考框架,测定若干恒星的绝对自行,导出基本星表系统的岁差旋转。

    And the geometrical method is described in detail , namely , when extragalactic systems are used as the fixed reference points to form a reference frame , the precessional rotation of the fundamental catalogue system is derived through the determination of the absolute proper motions of some stars .