
  • 网络Basic time;base time
  1. 尽管出现在各自基本时间单元内的FFS事件的形态及特性各自不同,但是,叠加在射电爆发背景之上的特性,构成了它们的共同属性。

    Even though the morphological properties of fast fine structures occurred on every basic time unit are different , the characteristice superimposed on the radio burst is their common property .

  2. 三种基本时间单元的确认,对于研究微波快速活动的精细时间结构,划分FFS事件的种类找到了根据。

    The confirmation of three basic time units provides the scientific basic for study the fine time structures of solar microwave fast activities and for separation of the category of fast fine structures .

  3. 在这些图表中,您可以将第一个SAX2计时值作为解析文档的基本时间。

    In these charts you can regard the first timing value , for SAX2 , as a base time for parsing the documents .

  4. 就泄滩滑坡而言,以小时为基本时间单位较为合适。

    Basic time unit of hour is feasible for Xietan landslide .

  5. 一种构造数据仓库的基本时间轮转模型

    Basic Time Rotation Model Used for Constructing Data Warehouse

  6. 另一个局限是在方法定义中的基本时间单位。

    Another limitation is just the basic timescale inherent in the method definition .

  7. 对经过预处理的测试数据进行三次样条插值,得到基本时间序列。

    First , the testing data must be interpolated and the basic time series must be built .

  8. 工作总时差是工作最主要的基本时间参数之一,其大小是网络图中关键工作和关键线路的判别依据。

    The total float time is one of the important time parameters of the work , and its value is the basis to determine the critical works and pathes .

  9. 建筑能耗遗传基因被定义为可以反映建筑寿期能耗特征的基本时间步长内的能耗。

    The hereditary gene of building energy consumption is defined as the energy consumption within the basic time interval that can reflect the characteristic of building energy consumption within its lifetime .

  10. 文献[1]已经介绍了综合最佳飞行控制系统的基本时间域方法,本文继从工程观点介绍这个课题的频率域方法,描述对象仍是线性二次型最佳问题。

    Reference [ 1 ] has demonstrated the basic time-domain technique of synthesizing optimal flight control system . This paper continues to introduce frequency-domain approach on the topic from the engineering viewpoint .

  11. 系统软件包括主程序和中断模块,基本时间、总天数、星期、公历、阴历等日历算法模块。

    The system software includes : main program , interrupt program and the programmed algorithm about calendar of basic time , total days , week , the Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar .

  12. 在分析数据仓库建立的一般方法基础上,提出了一种用于构建数据仓库的基本时间轮转模型·介绍了基本时间轮转机制的概念及实现原理,分析了时间轮转模型的特征;

    Analyzing some conventional ways to construct data warehouse , a new time rotation model that can be used to construct data warehouse is developed . The concept and implementation principle of basic time rotation mechanism are introduced and characteristics of this model are analyzed .

  13. 在对区间内渡线设计的技术要求、运行图基本时间参数以及对区间通过能力影响分析计算的基础上,提出相关的结论性意见。

    On the bases of analyses and calculations of the technical requirements for the design of the cross over lines in section , the basic time parameters of the train working diagram and the influence upon the carrying capacity in section , a conclusive proposal is presented .

  14. 因此,正确设计基本的时间顺序循环控制程序应注意I/O点、辅助点继电器线圈及TIM动作原理和动作条件;

    Therefore , proper program design of sequence and cycle control should notice as follows : make I / O point 、 coil of relay of auxiliary point and act principle and act condition of TIM definite ;

  15. 数码通基本通话时间1400分钟的月费由838元减至788元。

    Fees come down from $ 838 to $ 788 for1,400 minutes with Smartone .

  16. 所需投资:基本的时间管理

    Investment : Time management basics Stop over-scheduling .

  17. 预测了熔深随时间的变化规律,基本随时间的延续而呈上升的趋势。

    A trend of increase with time for the depth of molten zone is predicted .

  18. 在最初几周的基本训练时间内,新兵不得请假外出。

    During the first weeks of basic training recruits are not permitted to walk out .

  19. 为了精确地量度这些变化周期,需要有一个基本的时间单位。

    In order to measure these various cycles accurately , we need a basic time unit .

  20. 随后,从基本构成时间和从重或加重构成时间两个层次,探究了非法拘禁罪客观行为的时间限定问题。

    Then , the paper explores the time limiting question of objective behavior of unlawful detention crime .

  21. 以基本通话时间100分钟计,万众电话的月费由75元加至95元。

    The rate for 100 minutes of talk time has gone up from $ 75 to $ 95 at Peoples Phone .

  22. 分两种情况:增长率与基本加工时间无关以及增长率与基本加工时间相关。

    There are two situations : the basic processing times are independent of the increasing rates and the basic processing times are related to the increasing rates .

  23. 对增长率与基本加工时间相关且工件具有有跟森林约束和有串并有向图约束的的单机问题进行研究,分别给出了最优算法。

    For the special model of the basic processing is related to increasing rate with rooted forest precedence constraints jobs or series-parallel digraphs jobs , the optimal algorithms are presented .

  24. 基本治愈时间治疗组为(27.06±8.31)天,对照组为(31.50±8.70)天,2组比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    The basically cured time was ( 27.06 ± 8.31 ) days in treatment group , and ( 31.50 ± 8.70 ) days in control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  25. 历史时间的迷惑来自过去、现在、将来之间分离的关系,而这三者的统一性则是最基本的时间现象。

    The puzzle to the concept of historical time comes from the separation among the past , the present and the future , whereas the unity of these three is most basic phenomenon .

  26. 对于工件间没有优先约束,目标函数为极小化完工时间和的平行机问题,证明了工件按基本加工时间不减排列可以得到最优调度。

    Then for the parallel machine problem to minimize the sum of completion times , we show that an optimal schedule can be obtained by sequencing jobs in non-decreasing order of basic processing times .

  27. 利用实验过程中样品粒度分布曲线的变化确定附聚完成时间,认为附聚基本完成时间为6.5~9小时;

    Conclusions were made as follows : 1 . The period of agglomeration was determined as about 6.5 ~ 9h by the curves of the crystal size distribution of aluminium hydroxide samples in the experiments .

  28. 结果:治疗组在退热时间、抑制疱疹出现时间及疱疹基本结痂时间均优于对照组,统计学上差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Results : The time for abatement of fever , for skin rash not coming out and for incrustation for children in treatment group was statistically significant ( P < 0.01 ) from that in control group .

  29. 工作时间取决于某些因素,如工作环境、安装管件的特性等等。这就是所说的工人的基本工作时间、工作效率、运行速率及工人人数。

    The work time depends on factors such as the work environment , the character of installed objects , and so forth , and so was expressed in terms of workers ' basic work time , work efficiency , operation rate and number of workers .

  30. 之后,讨论了极小化加权误工数的单机连续型批调度问题,证明了该问题为NP-难问题,对工件基本加工时间恒等的特殊情况给出了最优算法。

    After , we consider the problem for minimizing total weighted tardiness on a single continuous batch processing machine . It is proved that the problem is a NP-hard problem . In regard to the problem with constant processing time , a optimal algorithm is represented .