
  • 网络grass-root party organization;grass-roots Party organizations
  1. 非公有制经济中基层党组织的政治领导功能

    The Function of Political Leadership of Grass-root Party Organization in the Economy of Nonpublic Ownership

  2. 新农村视域下农村基层党组织建设研究

    Research on Rural Grass-root Party Organization Reconstruction in Socialism New Rural

  3. 你得参加基层党组织。

    You have to join the party at grass-roots level .

  4. 随着Internet的迅速发展,电子党务管理系统建设应用的不断发展和新需求的不断提出,社区党员服务中心以基层党组织为汇集点进行集中管理和信息共享的使用已经成为发展方向。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the increased demand of e-party management system construction , new proposed community center with grass-roots party members , information sharing and party organizations as the focal point for centralized management has lead the development direction .

  5. 如何看待基层党组织的领导作用

    How to treat the leading role of basic level Party organization

  6. 论农村基层党组织执政能力的提高

    Improve ability in power of rural primary organization of the party

  7. 高校基层党组织是构建和谐校园的保证

    Grass-roots party organizations are the guarantee to construct a harmonious campus

  8. 突出农村基层党组织的领导作用;

    Strengthening the leadership role of rural grassroots party organizations ;

  9. 对当前加强基层党组织思想政治工作的思考

    Reflections on ideological work of basic - level Party organizations

  10. 国有企业基层党组织工作活力问题研究

    Study of Vigor of Basic Party Organization in State-owned Enterprise

  11. 强化高校基层党组织党员意识的思考

    On Improving College Grass-Roots Party Members ' Sense of Membership

  12. 简论高校基层党组织作用的有效发挥

    On the Role of the General Party Branch in Colleges and Universities

  13. 发挥基层党组织的核心作用。

    Exerting enough the core effect of basic party organization .

  14. 浅谈高校基层党组织的学生党建工作

    On Party 's Organizational Work of its Primary Branches in the College

  15. 高校党建的育人功能党的先进性要求与高校基层党组织建设

    On the Function of Educating People by Means of Party 's Construction

  16. 谈新时期基层党组织工作的三个方面

    New Tasks for Grass-roots Party Organizations in the New Era

  17. 高校基层党组织加强凝聚力建设的创新研究

    Innovative study on the basic party organization 's cohesion construction

  18. 社会主义新农村与农村基层党组织建设

    Building Rural Grass Roots Party Organization under the Building of New Socialist Country

  19. 固本强基,加强和改善高校基层党组织建设

    Strengthening and Improving the Party 's Primary Organization Construction in Colleges and Universities

  20. 社会发展视野中的基层党组织建设新格局

    New Pattern of Building of Basic-Level Party Organization in View of Social Development

  21. 农村基层党组织思想建设思考

    On the ideological construction of the rural grass - roots Party organization s

  22. 加强农村基层党组织建设夯实新农村建设组织基础

    Enhance Rural Party Organization to Reinforce the Organizational Foundation of New Countryside Construction

  23. 强本固基重在制度&谈国有企业基层党组织的制度建设

    Strong Emphasis on the Constuction of the Party System at the Grassroots Level

  24. 论高校基层党组织在和谐校园建设中的作用

    On Higher Institutions Party organization 's Role in the Construction of Harmonious Campus

  25. 提高执政能力是基层党组织建设的核心

    Enhancing Reigning Capability is the Core to the Construction of Basic Party Organizations

  26. 联系高校实际加强基层党组织建设

    Strengthening CCP Construction on the Bases of College Reality

  27. 从两委关系看加强农村基层党组织执政能力建设&山西省泽州县9个村的调查

    Perspectives into Strengthening Ruling Power of the Party Organizations at Rural Grassroots Level

  28. 加强高校以教研室为单位的基层党组织建设

    Strengthening the Construction of the Basic Party Organization of Teachers in Higher Learning Institution

  29. 人才是加强农村基层党组织建设的关键。

    Talent is the key to strengthen the construction of rural grass-roots party organization .

  30. 农村基层党组织的工作中心是引领农民增加收入

    Guiding peasants to increase income is the centre work of communist party in countryside