
jī yīn lián suǒ
  • gene linkage
  1. 全身性癫痫伴高热惊厥附加症2个家系致病基因连锁定位分析

    Gene linkage analysis in two families of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus

  2. 利用与β地中海贫血致病基因连锁的遗传标记进行产前诊断已成为可能,但群体中遗传标记与致病基因的不完全连锁决定了产前诊断的局限性。

    It is possible to use some β - thalassemia gene linkage markers for prenatal diagnosis of the disease currently . But there are some limitations due to incomplete linkage between these genetic markers and β - thalassemia gene in population .

  3. 利用ASP方法进行基因连锁分析的一个最优抽样方案

    An Optimal Sample for Genetic Linkage Analysis with ASP Methods

  4. 8个与三个抗性基因连锁的PCR标记被用于分子辅助选择。

    Eight PCR-based markers linked to the three SMV resistance genes were used for marker-assisted selection .

  5. 与辣椒抗蚜性基因连锁的RAPD标记

    A RAPD Marker Linked to Aphid Resistant Gene in Capsicum annuum

  6. 用RAPD技术鉴定橡胶树抗白粉病基因连锁标记

    Identification of mildew resistance gene from Hevea tree by RAPD Technique

  7. 萝卜抽薹基因连锁的AFLP和SCAR分子标记鉴定

    Identification of AFLP and SCAR Molecular Markers Linked to Bolting Trait in Radish

  8. 用RAPD技术鉴定烤烟抗赤星病基因连锁标记

    Identification of brown spot disease resistance gene from flue - cured tobacco by RAPD technique

  9. 与黄瓜抗白粉病相关基因连锁的AFLP标记的获得

    AFLP Markers of Cucumber Powdery Mildew Resistance-related Gene

  10. 与PPAR基因连锁的5个微卫星标记与猪肉质性状的相关性

    Effects of 5 Microsatellite DNA Markers Linked with PPAR Gene on Meat Quality Traits in Pig

  11. 我们筛选到1个与抗性基因连锁的SRAP标记。

    One SRAP marker linked to the , resistance gene was obtained .

  12. 运用RFLP、SSR技术,采用集群分析法(BSA)进行了与甘蓝显性细胞核雄性不育基因连锁分子标记及分子辅助育种的研究。

    RFLP and SSR biotechnology were applied to identify the markers linked to Ms gene based on BSA method .

  13. 黄瓜M基因连锁的SRAP分子标记

    SRAP Molecular Marker Linked to M Gene in Cucumber

  14. 我国Marfan综合征基因连锁标记的研究

    Linked marker analysis of Marfan syndrome in China

  15. 获得了与Co基因连锁的RAPD标记S1065-437.该标记与Co位点的连锁距离为8.66cM。

    Finally , a RAPD marker S_ ( 1065-437 ) was acquired . Further analysis showed that the genetic linkage distance between the marker and Co locus is 8.66 cM .

  16. 集团分析法(BSA)与RPAD和AFLP技术相结合可快速筛选到与黄籽基因连锁的分子标记。

    Bulked segregant analysis ( BSA ) combined with RAPD and AFLP techniques would quickly identify markers linked to the yellow seed coat gene .

  17. 随着DNA分子标记技术的逐渐发展以及该技术在家蚕研究中的应用,找到与突变基因连锁的分子标记,便可将这些基因在染色体上进行定位并进一步克隆相关性状的基因。

    With the development of DNA molecular marker techniques and their application in silkworm , we can map the mutants on chromosomes at level of fine scale by DNA molecular markers and further clone the genes underlying these mutants .

  18. 甘蓝显性核不育基因连锁标记及分子标记辅助选择高通量AFLP体系的建立

    Establishment of a high-throughout AFLP system for molecular assisted breeding and its application for identification markers linked to a dominant male sterility gene in cabbage

  19. 本研究旨在检测与烟草青枯病抗性基因连锁的SSR标记,以期为烟草青枯病抗性的标记辅助育种提供技术手段。

    This study aimed at detecting SSR markers linked to the resistance genes of TBW so as to facilitate the molecular marker-assisted breeding of tobacco varieties resistant to TBW .

  20. 利用集群分离法(BSA)找到了与白花基因连锁的RAPD标记,探讨了该RAPD标记用于辅助选择的可行性。

    The RAPD marker linked to white-petal gene was found using bulked segregation analysis . The possibility that the RAPD marker would be utilized in molecular supplementary breeding was discussed .

  21. 结果:AD与12号染色体上α2M区的关联是通过基因连锁分析得到的,有大量的数据支持α2巨球蛋白基因在AD患者病理中的表现。

    RESULTS : The association between AD and α 2M region on the twelfth chromatosome was analyzed with the genic linkage , and pathological symptom of α 2M in AD patients was supported by many evidences .

  22. 与Pi-2(t)基因连锁的栽培稻BAC克隆在药用野生稻和栽培稻中的比较物理定位

    Comparative Physical Map of Linked Markers of Pi-2 ( t ) Gene in Oryza officinalis and Oryza sativa with BAC-FISH

  23. 本论文从DNA入手利用RAPD技术筛选与抗性基因连锁的分子标记,并转换成SCAR标记,为分子标记辅助育种育种奠定基础。

    In our study , RAPD technique was used for screening molecular markers linked to the resistance gene . The molecular marker we obtained was converted to SCAR that may lay a foundation to molecular marker assisted breeding .

  24. 基于文献[1]关于假设检验的优良设计理论,提出了一个合理的回归模型,并找出了在这一模型下利用ASP方法进行基因连锁分析的一个最优抽样方案。

    Based on the theory of the optimal design for hypothesis test proposed by references [ 1 ] , this paper suggests a reasonable regression model , and gets an optimal sample for genetic linkage analysis with ASP methods .

  25. 这说明这些标记与特定性状可能存在相关,其遗传基础可能是该标记与控制性状的QTL或主基因连锁。

    This suggested that these markers and some special traits might be correlative , and the genetic mechanism might be that these markers are linked with QTL or main gene controlled some special traits .

  26. 中国人St14/TaqⅠRFLPs及其在甲型血友病基因连锁分析与产前基因诊断中的应用

    The RFLPs of St14 / Taq I in Chinese and Its Application to Gene Analysis and Prenatal Diagnosis of Hemophilia A

  27. Machado-Joseph病四个家系的基因连锁定位分析

    Genetic linkage studies of Machado Joseph disease with chromosome 14q warkers in four Chinese kindreds

  28. 显性核不育亚麻在育种上的应用研究初报甘蓝显性核不育基因连锁标记及分子标记辅助选择高通量AFLP体系的建立

    A Preliminary Study on Utilization of Dominant Nuclear Sterile Flax in Breeding Establishment of a high-throughout AFLP system for molecular assisted breeding and its application for identification markers linked to a dominant male sterility gene in cabbage

  29. 分析认为HB供体亲本可能存在与HB基因连锁的叶片增大加性主效基因,其连锁关系也比较容易被打破。

    Through the analysis , we believe the HB donor may exist the additive major genes for large leaf , which were linked with the HB-gene . And also , the linkage relationship is easy to break . 6 .

  30. 【方法】以黄瓜抗黑星病和感黑星病亲本组合(Q6×Q12)的F2分离群体为试材,采用BSA法和AFLP技术筛选与黄瓜抗黑星病基因连锁的分子标记。

    【 Method 】 With a F2 population between a resistant and a susceptible parent ( Q6 × Q12 ), the linked marker was screened by BSA method and AFLP technology .