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  • 网络Kish
  1. 在接受《国家地理》杂志采访时,基什解释了这个过程是如何进行的。

    In this interview with National Geographic , Kish explains how the process works .

  2. 基什为我们研究伊朗大陆提供了一种迂回的方式。

    Kish offers us the possibility of a metonymical approach towards the mainland .

  3. 基什说:我父亲保克是一位优秀的猎人。

    Keesh said , My father Bok was a great hunter .

  4. 我们最初是在设计和展示领域进行基什的“未知的乌托邦”项目。

    Our approach to Kish in'Undecided Utopias'is initially within the realm of design and display .

  5. 其中一段有人介绍说基什是一个没有限制、开放的实验场所。

    In the piece one of them describes Kish as a place with no regulations , an open place for experiments .

  6. 有时在语句里“自由”这个词意味着与伊朗内陆相比基什能提供的一种差异性。

    The word'free'in the phrase sometimes suggests a kind of difference in what Kish has to offer in comparison to the mainland .

  7. 这次展览上最大件展品之一是一个皇室灰泥胸像,在伊拉克基什皇室遗址出土。

    Among the exhibition 's largest pieces is a royal " portrait " bust in stucco found at the royal site of Kish in Iraq .