
  • 网络Training Risk
  1. 基于动态博弈的员工培训风险控制条件透析

    Condition Analysis of Training Risk Control Based on Dynamic Game

  2. 强化国有企业管理培训风险的规避措施,树立受训人员的正确培训观念,建立相互忠诚的培训模式;

    Sixth , strengthen the measure of evading of the training risk , establish the correct training idea , set out loyal training mode ;

  3. 试论企业员工培训风险的规避与防范

    A Discussion of the Risk Evasion and Precaution in Enterprise Workers ' Cultivation and Training

  4. 如何防范知识型员工培训风险已成为困扰企业管理者的一大难题,因此,研究如何防范知识型员工培训风险具有重要的现实意义。

    How to prevent the knowledge workers ' training risks has become a difficult problem which puzzles the enterprises ' managers .

  5. 在城市劳动力市场不完备、市场分割加剧并且就业前景不明了的情况下,就业不确定性所导致的培训风险对农村劳动力培训决策的影响是通过加大培训成本、降低培训预期收益而起作用。

    In the circumstance that the labour market is not complete , the market segmentation is increasing and the prospect of employment is unknown .

  6. 后者又主要包括投资预决策风险、招聘培训风险、配置使用风险、代理风险、流失风险等。

    And the later mainly includes prediction and decision risk 、 recruitment and training risk 、 distribution and use risk 、 agency risk and loss risk etc.

  7. 对企业而言,有助于解决劳动力结构性矛盾,规避培训风险与降低培训成本,满足批量吸纳劳动力需要,降低劳动力筛选成本;

    Order-oriented education is also beneficial for enterprises to solve the structural contradiction of laboures , decrease training costs and risks , and meet their demanding of laboures .

  8. 环境风险、预测风险、决策风险、招聘培训风险、配置使用风险、代理风险、流失风险等审计内容的构想;

    The design on the content of environmental risk , forecast risk , decision-making risk , the risk of inviting application for a job and training , the risk of allocating and using , agent risk , losing risk ;

  9. 围绕人力资本投资中的预决策风险、招聘培训风险、配置使用风险、代理风险、流失风险等为企业创建了一套较科学、完整的人力资本投资管理风险的评估指标。

    The thesis establishes a series of scientific and perfect humane capital investment and management rate index system mainly for environment risk 、 prediction and decision risk 、 recruitment and training risk 、 distribution and use risk 、 agency risk and loss risk etc.

  10. 针对上述情况,我们应该从哪些方面进行管理,才能将培训风险减少到最小,培训咨询公司的生存和发展必然面临着许多不利因素的威胁,同时也增加了培训项目运作的风险。

    As is stated above , what should do to minimize risks in training ? It is known that training & consultation companies which want to survive and develop must face many inevitable bad factors , and meanwhile they may add operation risks in training projects .

  11. 对员工培训风险这个长期困扰各企业的问题进行了分析研究,系统地识别了一般高科技企业员工培训风险,并对培训风险进行了分析评估,提出了应对策略。

    The problem of employees training risk of which long-term puzzles each enterprise were simply analyzed and researched , the risk of employees training in general hi-tech enterprise was more systematically identified , and the training risk was analyzed and evaluated , some risk response strategies were put forward .

  12. GARP在金融培训以及风险管理方面有着资深的经验,我们很荣幸能与GARP合作。

    We are delighted to work with GARP given its risk management expertise and its long tradition in delivering high-quality specialized training .

  13. 浅谈企业员工培训投资风险的规避

    Risk Evasion of Investment on the Employee 's Training Program in the Enterprises

  14. 交易员的培训与风险管理质量也同样重要。

    Equally important is the quality of traders ' training and risk management .

  15. 提供了河南省考研培训项目风险评估方法及防范对策。

    Providing risk assessment methods and preventive measures for Henan Graduated Training Project .

  16. 培训的风险分析与规避

    The Analys and Avoidance of Training Risks

  17. 第二部分是企业人力资本培训投资风险的衡量与评估。

    Evaluation of training investment risk .

  18. 通过对这三类风险因素的分析,建立了河南省考研培训项目风险评估指标层级结构。

    Through analyzing the three risk factors , the indicators hierarchy of risk assessment about Henan Graduated Training Project was established .

  19. 利用专家评判和层次分析方法,通过两两比较确定了各个层级之间的权重,提供了河南省考研培训项目风险评估方法。

    Using expert judges and AHP method , it determined the weight among various levels by pair comparisons , and provided risk assessment methods of Henan Graduated Training Project .

  20. 具体方法:提高对护理风险的认识,健全护理风险管理组织,确认和识别现存的和潜在的护理风险,制定护理风险管理计划,培训护士风险防范的意识和能力。

    Concrete methods were : raising recognition of nursing risk , perfecting nursing risk management organization , affirming and identifying existing and potential nursing risk , making nursing risk management plan , and cultivating nurses ' consciousness and ability of nursing risk prevention .

  21. 著名的企业管理学教授沃伦·贝尼斯(warrenbeiennis)说过员工培训是企业风险最小,收益最大的战略性投资,人力资源已经成为生产要素中最活跃、最重要的因素。

    The famous enterprise management professor warren bei ennis said " employee training is enterprise minimal risk , the biggest strategic investment returns ", Human resource has become the most active factors of production , is the most important factor .

  22. 这种耗时长、投入高的培训过程存在风险。

    Such a long and expensive training process comes with its risks .

  23. 员工培训:基于风险的最优投资模型

    Employee Training : Risk and Optimal Investment Decision

  24. 最后,针对教育培训投资的风险,研究了教育培训投资风险管理的方法。

    Lastly , aiming at education and training investment risk , the part analyses steps to manage that investment risk .

  25. 在第四章选取模糊综合评价法对培训企业的风险进行评价。

    In the forth chapter , it evaluates the risk of training enterprise in the way of " Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation " .

  26. 第四部分是企业培训外包的风险识别,通过识别外包各阶段的风险,为第五部分风险评估和第六部分风险控制做好准备。

    The fourth part identifies risks based on the operational process of training outsourcing , which prepares for the risk assessment and risk control .

  27. 通过河南省考研培训项目的风险因素分析,将考研培训项目风险因素归结为环境风险、市场风险和经营风险三大类。

    With analyzing the risk factors of Henan province Graduated Training Project , three categories were classified including environmental risk , market risk and operational risk .

  28. 第二部分主要包括企业培训外包及其风险的概念、研究的基础理论及培训外包的运作流程。

    The second part includes the concept of training outsourcing and its risk , the basic theory of training outsourcing , the operational process of training outsourcing .

  29. 第六部分是对企业培训外包进行风险预警并在此基础上提出解决风险的具体措施,希望这些措施可以为企业实际的培训外包提供借鉴,以达到本文的研究目的。

    The sixth part proposes the specific measures about solving risk based on the risk warning , author hopes these measures can provide reference for practical training outsourcing , achieves the purpose of this article .

  30. 究其成因,主要是由于偏重对培训投资的风险性意识,业务部门对培训工作的自主参与意识不足,思想观念落后,缺乏科学、合理的培训制度等。

    Investigate its causes , mainly due to the emphasis on training investment risk awareness , lack of self-awareness of the business sector to participate in the training , the ideas behind the lack of scientific and reasonable training system .