
  1. 最后,借助对HW公司的激励机制运行情况的考察,重新建立、完善了新的考评体系,员工培训激励体系,职业生涯体系,培育了适合本企业特点的创新精神和企业文化。

    Finally , draw support from setting-up and completion of the incentive mechanism of HW Company correctly , set up the new system of checking and rating again , staffs training encourages the system , career system , initiative spirit and corporate culture .

  2. 客服中心在发展的同时注重建立一整套完善的人员培训激励机制。

    With the development , Customer contact center paid more attention on setting up an integrated policy in employee 's training and motivating .

  3. 方法通过教育培训激励、支持激励、利用双因素理论指导奖金发放、主人翁精神激励、个人发展前途激励等方法调动教师积极性。

    Methods Appling Dual Factors Theory to clinical teaching management , it will motivate the teachers by education & training , sustaining , rewarding , entrepreneur spirit and career development etc.

  4. 总结企业如何健全内部的人才管理及培训激励措施,如何制定更有效的适合市场规律的营销策略。

    It will sum up for the enterprise how to develop its inside personnel management and training stimulation treasures , how to institute more effective distribution strategies to suit for the market rules .

  5. 大连金州新区团干部激励还存在物质和精神激励效果不佳、转岗输送机制不完善、教育培训激励不到位、目标考核流于形式等问题。

    Dalian Jinzhou new district cadres incentive mechanism exists some problems . Such as material and spirit incentive play less effect . Transfer conveying mechanism and training incentive are not perfect . Assess become formalistic .

  6. 具体从立法体系、监管制度、合同签订、薪酬待遇与员工保障体制、培训激励体制、道德约束力、市场诚信来研究我国寿险代理人制度的缺失。

    Concrete from the legislation system , supervision system , contract signing , remuneration and employee security system ﹑ training incentive system , moral sanction , market credit to study China life insurance agent system flaw .

  7. 利用现代管理理论和心理学原理,分析高职院校科研激励机制的基本途径,并结合具体实践从政策激励、沟通激励、培训激励、蓝图激励等角度,对高职院校科研激励的方法进行探讨。

    The author applies modern management theory and psychological principle to analyse the path to conduct encouragement mechanism of scientific research in higher vocational school , discusses the concrete methods to implement it combined with practice .

  8. 分析了国有商业银行人力资源的现状,国有商业银行与国外银行在人才激励机制上有何差别以及国有商业银行现有人才激励机制在薪酬激励、晋升激励、培训激励等方面存在的问题。

    The author analyzes the existing problems in human incentive mechanism of state-owned banks in such fields of salary incentive , promotion incentive , training incentive , and puts forward to the corresponding solving schemes and measures ;

  9. 根据对激励要素的理解,通过对问卷结果的分析,作者发现了该研究院在薪酬激励和培训激励两个方面问题尤其突出。

    According to the understanding of the incentive elements , the author designed a questionnaire . Through analysis of the questionnaire results , the author found that the problems of pay incentive and training incentive are prominent .

  10. 在前人研究激励方式的基础上总结提出一些新的激励机制,如股权激励、培训激励、参与激励、团队激励及目标激励,每一种都是从各个不同的侧面对员工进行激励。

    In this paper , the authors pose some new encouragement on the basis of previous encouragement modes , such as stock encouragement , training encouragement , joining encouragement , team encouragement and objective encouragement , which inspire people from different lights .

  11. 员工激励机制要在坚持以人为本、坚持物质激励和精神激励相结合等原则的基础上,要充分创新薪酬激励、晋升激励、培训激励和精神激励等激励手段。

    The employee incentive mechanism must be based on the people-oriented principle and the combination of material incentive and spirit incentive , and it must make good use of payment incentive , promotion incentive , training incentive , spirit incentive and so on . 3 .

  12. 其次,B公司通过明确采购岗位的职责及对采购人员的培训和激励,使采购人员致力于增加公司价值的工作。

    Second , the thesis analyses the process how Company B formulates the responsibilities of purchasing positions and encourages purchasing personnel to devote themselves to add value to the Company by trainings and incentives .

  13. 本文基于胜任力理论,对XX高校辅导员现状进行研究,构建胜任力模型,并将胜任力模型应用于该高校辅导员的聘任、培训和激励。

    This thesis studies the recent situation of certain college counselors to build Competence-based model by using Competence-based theory .

  14. 这不只是德勤的Wall先生说的那种学徒模式一大群高级员工可以帮助培训并激励新手,更重要的是更多的人能得以成功。

    It is not just that a large number of senior people are available to help train and encourage junior ones what Deloitte 's Mr Wall calls an apprentice model but that more people can succeed .

  15. 另外,公司在体系实施环节中对培训和激励、奖惩方面未能充分体现规范的要求。

    Training , motivation and punishment during quality system implementation .

  16. 有管理、培训、激励团队及组织活动的能力。

    Able to manage , train and motivate the team .

  17. 从根本上体现薪酬福利及培训的激励作用。

    Incarnate excitation action of salary welfare and training .

  18. 第四,培训、激励计划对员工参与有正向的显著影响。

    Fourthly , training and incentive pay had a significant impact on EP .

  19. 通过培训和激励机制提高教师学习信息技术的主动性;

    We also can improve our teachers information ability by training and encouraging them .

  20. 领导、培训、激励生产检验团队达成质量目标。

    Lead , coach and motivate the in-process inspection team to achieve the quality goals .

  21. 每一位管理人员应该培训和激励员工,使他们尽心尽力,作出最大的贡献。

    Every manager must train and motivate his staff to maximise their contribution and potential .

  22. 质量体系应该包括一个持续的正式项目来培训和激励所有人员。

    A quality system should include an ongoing formal program for training and motivating all personnel .

  23. 江苏省种苗企业管理人员培训和激励措施的探讨

    Study on the Training and the Stimulant Measures of Managers of the Forestry 's Seeds in Jiangsu Province

  24. 员工教育:对员工进行教育、培训和激励,使他们以对环境负责的态度从事工作。

    Employee Education : To educate , train and motivate employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner .

  25. 同时描述了激励在安全管理中的常用方式:工作激励、成果激励、批评激励以及培训教育激励。

    Motivation in safety management are common described as work motivation , reward motivation , criticize motivation and training education motivation .

  26. 作为知识创新的载体,人力资源成为知识创新过程中的核心因素,知识创新对人力资源的素质、技能、知识构成、学习能力等提出了新的要求,企业应当据此对人力资源加以培训和激励。

    As the carrier of the knowledge innovation , human resources become the core factors of the process of knowledge innovation .

  27. 对质量工程师和技术员提供必要的培训。激励和管理员工以确保高效的团队工作。

    Provide necessary training for quality engineers and technicians ; motivate and appraise the staff , achieve high efficiency team work .

  28. 它对人力资源管理过程中的员工招聘、培训、激励、绩效考核都产生了重要的影响。

    This concept has exerted a great influence on recruiting , employee educating , motivating and performance assessment of human resource management .

  29. 如何选择、培训和激励高校辅导员,成为影响高校辅导员工作达成高绩效成果的重要因素。

    The way to choose , train and prompt college counselors is the important factor of achieving high performance on their jobs .

  30. 虽然一次培训可以激励参与者将改变带入生活,但是这种激励作用削弱得也很快。

    While a workshop may motivate individuals to introduce change in their lives , the motivation usually wanes shortly after the program is over .