
péi tǔ
  • earth up;ridge;hill up;bank up with earth
培土 [péi tǔ]
  • [earth up;hill up] 在基础周围覆盖泥土;在植物的根部垒土

培土[péi tǔ]
  1. 3~4月份结合甘蔗松、培土,每公顷施5%丁硫克百威颗粒剂45、60、75kg,对蔗螟的防效在80%左右,可作为甘蔗螟虫防治中的轮换用药。

    The 5 % Carbosulfan G 45-60 kg / ha was applied in the loose and hill up soil during March-April , and the control efficacy was reached about 80 % against Sesamia inferens Walker and Chilo infuscatellus Snellen .

  2. 不同覆盖处理间烤后烟叶淀粉含量差异达显著水平,其中以旺长期揭膜+中耕培土+垄上覆盖秸秆处理的烟叶淀粉含量较低,在中、上部叶中表现得尤为明显;

    The difference of starch content in cured leaf was significant among treatments . The treatment of " picking up film + earth up during the blooming period + mulching straw on the ridge " has lower starch content , particularly showing this trend for cutters and upper leaves .

  3. 与普通和钢质仿生表面相比,UHMWPE材料仿生培土器和推土铲具低的等应力及其分布。

    The covering device and blade surfaces with UHMWPE structures recorded lower equivalent stresses and stresses distribution in motion direction as compared to the conventional surfaces and the surfaces with steel structures .

  4. 盛蕾初花期深中耕高培土;

    Deep tillage and high-hilling when full-bud and first - bloom stage .

  5. 磁化培土器工作阻力的测试分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Work Resistance on the Magetic Coverer

  6. 堤防水泥固化培土强度的试验研究

    Laboratory Study on Unconfined Strength of Cement-stabilized Soil in Embankment

  7. 爸爸伤心地捧起万年青,重新为它培土。

    Dad sadly evergreen victory , for it to re-earth .

  8. 起台犁培土翼的研究与设计

    Researching and designing on the coverboard of cultivating share

  9. 壅根培土对大麦生长和产量的影响

    Effect of hilling on barley growth and yield

  10. 条桑带培土繁苗技术研究

    Studies on vegetative propagation of twig mulberry by earthing method in its Bush belt

  11. 不同揭膜培土方式对烤烟生长及产质量的影响

    Effect of Film Uncovering and Earth-up Method on Growth and Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

  12. 他小心地给那些树苗培土,使它们能抗住即将来临的风暴。

    He is careful earthing up the saplings so that they can withstand the imminent storm .

  13. 培土宁风法探析

    Elaboration on Earth-Supplementing and Wind-Calming Method

  14. 结论:培土活血解毒法有较好的降糖及改善胰岛素抵抗的作用。

    Conclusion : PHJ therapy possesses a good effect for lowering BS and improving insulin resistance .

  15. 培土抑木法治疗乙型肝炎56例

    56 Cases of Treating Hepatitis B with the Therapeutic Principle Reinforcing the Spleen to Control the Liver

  16. 种树的时候,一定要先把树苗竖直了再培土。

    While planting trees , we must first make sure that the sapling is upright , and then add earth .

  17. 培土生金对脾虚哮喘大鼠气道环核苷酸水平的影响

    Effect of Strengthening Earth to Support Metal Method on Trachea cAMP and cGMP Level of the Asthmatic Rats with Spleen Deficiency

  18. 氮、硫水平和培土措施对大葱生长、品质及根层养分供应的影响

    Effects of Nitrogen , Sulfur Application Rate and Ridging on Growth , Quality and Root-layer Soil Nutrition of Chinese Spring Onion

  19. 清心培土法对特应性皮炎患者IL-2/TNF-α及其受体的影响和疗效评价

    The Impacts of Qing-Xin-Pei-Tu Therapy for Atopic Dermatitis on IL-2 / TNF - α and Their Receptors and Evaluation of Its Therapeutic Efficiency

  20. 一年生插条苗的根原基形成时间、部位和分化的过程,以及培土措施对根原基分化的影响。

    At the same time the differentiation process of the root primordium , and the effect of hilling up with earth on the process have been carefully followed .

  21. 我要知晓我能用种子、土壤、阳光和雨水做些什么,去为收获一个硕果累累的生活培土浇水。

    I want to see what I can do with seed , soil , sunshine and rain to turn them into the building blocks of a productive life .

  22. 其技术特点①。以中医理论“培土生金”脾(土)为肺(金)之母的相生关系为辩证指导。

    " By the theory of traditional Chinese medicine Shengjin " spleen ( soil ) for lung ( gold ) the mother of the mutual relationship between dialectical guide .

  23. 以低起垄两次培土成垄,团棵期、圆顶期分次施钾对烟叶的钾含量和品质效应最好。

    The content of potassium and the tobacco leaf quality in the treatment of ridging by low planting and applying potassium fertilizer at rosette and toping stage respectively are better than any other treatment .

  24. 是的,现代农业设备让农业发生了革命。但是农夫还是得砍树、开荒、培土。你喜欢辛苦的工作吗?

    Yes , modern farm equipment has revolutionized farming . But the farmer still must cut down trees , clear a lot of land and cultivate the soil . Do you enjoy hard work ?

  25. 培土处理的玉米植株在根层数上大于空白处理1.3层,根系性状明显优于对照处理。5玉米的高产优质源于合理高效的玉米群体的建立。

    Root characteristics of treated plants were better than control . The secondary root layers were 1.3 more than untreated plant . 5 A reasonable and efficient population was the foundation for good quality and high-yielding maize production .

  26. 结论温阳益阴、培土荣土法能显著改善慢性乙型肝炎患者的临床症状、体征以及肝功能,是治疗慢性乙型肝炎的有效方药。

    Conclusion The method of warming yang and tonify yin , tonifying the spleen could improve clinical symptoms , sign and liver function of patients with chronic hepatitis B. It is an effective therapy on the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

  27. 综合而言前期地膜覆盖,团棵期揭膜后培土并用稻草覆盖(6000kg/hm2)为最佳的覆盖物。

    To sum up , The film mulching treatment of earlier stage , which is hilling and removing membrane that is treated in spherical plant stage , is covered by straw ( 6000kg / hm2 ) in spherical plant stage , is the best cover .