
  • 网络InterCity;Inter City;Trains;intercity train
  1. 与法国和德国的类似铁路服务系统不同,“城际列车”很少闲置。

    In contrast to similar services in France and Germany , Intercity rolling stock is very rarely idle .

  2. 城际列车开行方案的客运量预测及评价

    Traffic Volume Forecast and Evaluation of Intercity Passenger Train Operation

  3. 沪宁杭城际列车开行密度的统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Inter City Train 's Density in Hu-Ning-Hang Area

  4. 城际列车的概念及其开行条件

    Conception of Inter City Train and Its Operating Conditions

  5. 新财务清算政策下提高铁路城际列车效益的思考

    Reflections upon Improving the Benefit of Inter-City Trains under New Financial Settlement Policy

  6. 公交化城际列车时刻表优化

    Timetable optimization for inter-city train of transit type

  7. 而CJ-2城际列车的车头设计成了类似鲨鱼头的造型。

    The CJ-2 intercity train is equipped with a locomotive in the shape of shark head .

  8. 具有地铁、城际列车、机车的驱动链综合系统工程经验者优先考虑。

    Prefer those with experience in system engineering for drive chain integration of metros , intercity trains or locomotives .

  9. 杭州至上海的城际列车,它将成为所有参展艺术家的共同经历。

    N524 , a train from Hangzhou to Shanghai : it will be a common experience for all the participating artists .

  10. 傍晚,一列城际列车驶过金门大桥,背景是厚厚的云朵,不列颠哥伦比亚。

    A city transit bus is silhouetted against evening clouds as it crosses the Lions Gate Bridge into downtown Vancouver , British Columbia .

  11. 但城市用地日益紧张使城际列车车站不得不往地下发展,由此产生了一系列环控问题。

    But the increasingly tense urban land make inter-city train stations to be developed underground , which bring in a series of environmental problems .

  12. 城际列车地下车站的形状与结构与地铁车站相似,因此城际列车环控系统与通风空调系统的设计基本都是参照地铁的规范标准。

    Therefore , the environmental control systems and ventilation air conditioning systems of intercity train are basically designed with reference to the standards of the subway .

  13. 利用时空网络模型,提出了基于列车时刻表的的城际列车节能运行控制的多目标优化模型和算法。

    Using time-space network formulation , a multi-objective optimization model of train energy consumption on a inter-city rail line is proposed on the basis of train time table predetermined .

  14. 论述了北京-大同间城际列车采用提速的电力动力组的迫切性,并从技术、经济两方面论述了其实施的可能性。

    〕 This paper discusses between cities train from Beijing to Datong adopted with raised speeds electric locomotive crew 's urgency and its possibility of implementation from technology and economics 〔

  15. 目前我国高速铁路处于快速发展阶段,已开通运行的京津城际列车、武广高铁和郑西高铁为客运分流作出了贡献,同时其客运服务质量也在承受着考验。

    The Beijing-Tianjin inter-city trains , Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway and Zhengzhou-Xian high-speed railway which have been operating made contributions for the passenger diversion . At the same time , the passenger service quality is being tested .

  16. 最终通过案例数值分析得出最优成渝城际列车票价和运行时间。验证了理论的正确性和实用性。

    Finally , by analysis of numerical value in the case , this article has the chance to set the best fares and travel time of Sichuan-Chongqing inter-city train , which will validate the correctness and practicability of theories .

  17. 在对旅客列车密度加以分类的基础上,定义了城际列车密度的含义,分析了城际列车开行密度的相关因素和统计方法。

    Based on the classification to the density of passenger trains , the paper defined the conception of the density of the inter city trains ( ICT ) and analyzed correlative factors and statistic methods of ICT 's density .

  18. 随着经济的迅速发展,城际列车因其运输能力大、安全舒适性好、能源低消耗、环境低污染、节省国土资源等优点,在国内被大力推广。

    With the rapid economic development , because of the advantages of large transport capacity , good safety and comfort , low energy consumption , low environmental pollution , saving land Resources , inter-city trains have been promoted in the country .

  19. 以沪宁线为背景,预测城际列车开行方案的客运量,并对其经济效益和盈亏平衡点分析计算,为铁路运输企业设计旅客列车开行方案提供科学依据。

    This paper predicts , the passenger volume of inter city train operation , as well as analyses and calculates the economic benefits , profit and cost balance in order to provide the scientific in basis for railway transportation enterprises in designing the passenger train operation .

  20. 城际铁路列车停站对小时通过能力的影响

    Effect of Train Stops on the Hourly Carrying Capacity of Intercity Railway

  21. 城际旅客列车一般指中、短途,开行于城市之间的列车。

    Generally intercity passenger trains refer to the short train running between cities .

  22. 随着旅客列车的提速,城际旅客列车的运行距离将逐步增加。

    As the passenger trains increase speed , intercity passenger trains will gradually increase running distance .

  23. 如果你乘坐城际直达列车,比普通列车要快1个小时左右。

    If you get the intercity it 's about an hour quicker than the normal train .

  24. 基于周期运行图的京津城际铁路列车开行方案研究

    The Research on the Train Operation Plan of the Beijing-Tianjin Inter-city Railway Based on Periodic Train Diagrams

  25. 并着重分析了京津唐大都市区中心辐射型城际快速列车运输系统对承德市旅游开发的促进机制及相应的交通规划与运输服务措施。

    It further analyzes the impacts of center inter - cities train system on tourism development , transportation plan - ning and services .

  26. 中心辐射型城际快速列车对城市旅游的促进作用&以河北省承德市为例

    The Promotion of the Center - Radiative Inter - Cities ' Train System on the Tourism of a City : With Cases Study of Chengde City

  27. 你知道,坐和谐号城际特快列车,从上海去那里很方便。

    You know , from shanghai to Hangzhou , it is really convenient to go by CRH ( china railway highspeed ), namely , the inter-city express .

  28. 研究了城际轨道交通列车周期开行方案的制定。

    Study on periodic operation plan of inter-city rail traffic .

  29. 沪宁城际轨道交通列车开行方案研究

    Study on Train Running Solutions for Shanghai-Nanjing Inter-city Rail Transit

  30. 这条线路主要行驶长途城际和区域列车,不包括货运列车。

    Traffic is mainly long-distance inter-city and regional trains , and there are no freight trains .