
chénɡ zhèn hù kǒu
  • urban residence registration
  1. 城镇户口及农业户口新兵的饮酒率相近(43.0%,41.3%)。

    There were no difference between recruits having city and country registered residence ( 43.0 % vs41.3 % ) .

  2. 自去年8月发布政策起,已经签发城镇户口的人数就超过170万人。

    Since it relaxed its policy in August last year it has given urban hukou to more than 1.7m people .

  3. 持有城镇户口的居民比无户口居民享有更多的福利待遇,包括教育、医疗服务、社会保障等。

    Those who obtain a city hukou enjoy more benefits in education , medical services and social security than those without .

  4. 一位持有上海城镇户口、在北京居住了十多年的居民说他至今无法登记成为北京居民。

    One Shanghai urban hukou-holder who has lived in Beijing for well over a decade says he still cannot get registered there .

  5. 去年下半年国家统计局询问东北省份吉林的农村户口持有人是否愿意转换成城镇户口。

    Late last year the National Bureau of Statistics asked rural hukou holders in the north-eastern province of Jilin whether they wanted to switch to urban status .

  6. 在以往适用的在交通事故死亡赔偿中区分农村和城镇户口以确定赔偿金额的做法已越来越不能适应社会的发展和进步。

    In the past , applicable in the traffic accident death compensation between rural and urban residence to determine the amount of compensation practices has become increasingly unable to meet the social development and progress .

  7. 城镇农业户口阶层的地位与再流动

    Social Status of the Stratum with Agricultural Residence Registration in Cities

  8. 尽管中国政府界定人口已经达到接近50%城镇化,农村户口的持有者数量仅有约35%。

    Although Chinese officials define the population as being already nearly 50 % urban , the number of urban hukou holders is only around 35 % .

  9. 城镇廉租住房制度就是政府针对具有城镇常住居民户口的最低收入家庭提供租金相对低廉的普通住房并实施管理的一项制度。

    The low - rent-house system of urban place means that the government offers inhabitants with low-rent-house and manages them .

  10. 但是直辖市政府说将会在接下来的10年通过将其100万农村居民(他们中的有些人已经居住在城镇地区了)转变为持卡的城镇居民倍增城镇户口的持有人数。

    But the municipality says it wants to double the number of urban hukou holders by turning 10m of its rural citizens ( some of whom already live in urban areas ) into card-carrying urbanites over the next ten years .

  11. 全国综合社会调查(GSS)结果显示,在城镇生活的居民有近10%的人不具有城镇常住户口,15%左右的流动人口,近20%的人有人户分离现象。

    The results of GSS show nearly 10 % residents living in cities and towns have not registered for the permanent residence , approximately 15 % are mobile population , and nearly 20 % don 't live in the registered places .

  12. 农民工的身份性质及其个人属性(例如教育程度、收入水平等)与城镇职工存在着很大差别,心理预期和诉求也与城镇户口职工人不相同。

    In addition , the identity and personal traits of migrant workers such as education and income level differentiate from those of city workers ; there mental expectation and demands are also different .