
chéng bāng
  • city-state
城邦[chéng bāng]
  1. Hawkwood带领士兵进入某个城邦。

    Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state .

  2. 从技术上来讲一座豪华的五星级酒店将巍然耸立于城中,AbrajKudai酒店规模如此之大,堪称一座垂直型城邦国,而且城中的每个居民保证都是百万富翁。

    Technically a luxury , five-star hotel that will loom over the holy city , the Abraj Kudai is so big that it more resembles a vertical city-state , where every citizen will be a guaranteed millionaire .

  3. 因为我们要做REST城邦的好市民,就建立一个简单的框架使用这四个动词传递JSON数据吧。

    Since we want to be good RESTafarian citizens , let 's put together a simple framework that moves JSON data using all four verbs .

  4. 自耕农武士(yeomanwarrior)所扮演的角色使得城邦国家成为例外。

    The role of the yeoman warrior helped make the city states exceptional .

  5. 在攻击,Cephalus,时,苏格拉底,主攻惯例观点的体现,那些支撑起城邦的习俗。

    In attacking Cephalus as he does , Socrates attacks the embodiment of conventional opinion , the Nomos supporting the city .

  6. 就目前而言,对抗埃博拉的最佳武器仍然是最古老的方法:对暴露者实施隔离检疫(quarantine,这个名词和这种方法是14世纪意大利各城邦发明的);对感染者实施完全隔离。

    For now the best weapons against Ebola are still the oldest : quarantine of the exposed ( a word and an idea invented by Italian city states in the 14th century ) and isolation of the sick .

  7. 作为一个主要由外来移民所组成的社会阶层,外邦人(Metics)是解读雅典城邦社会形态的重要载体。

    As an estate that is mainly composed of foreign immigrants , metics is the important carrier to unscramble the Athenian polis .

  8. 希腊文明给人最突出的印象是城邦(Polis),它是一种典型的城市文明,城市公共事务的发展和公民意识的成长培育了健康的“希腊精神”。

    Greek civilization was the polis civilization which was a typical city civilization . The developments of the common affairs and the growth of civil consciousness cultivated the healthful reek Spirits .

  9. 为了躲避一同竞争皇位的哥哥——庇格玛里翁(Pygmalion)的迫害,她逃离了现在位于黎巴嫩的腓尼基城邦泰尔。

    She fled the city of Tyre located in present-day Lebanon in order to escape the wrath of her brother Pygmalion , who was her contestant to the throne .

  10. 在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(RegnodiSardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。

    Under France " s Napoleon " s military action , all the Italian city-nations were being conquered and unified as an Italian empire ( Regno di Sardegna ) by Napoleon .

  11. 传统上,现在称作乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦的这些国家,当时并非国家;那时的中亚是相互重叠、错综复杂的部落群,或布拉哈(Bokhara)这样的多民族城邦。

    Traditionally , the countries now called Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Tajikistan were not states ; central Asia was an overlapping maze of tribal groups or ethnically diverse city states , such as Bokhara .

  12. 波斯帝国对希腊城邦政策的演变

    The Change of Persian Empire 's Policy of the Greek City-States

  13. 那部族崛起,成为城邦。

    The tribe rose to power and became a nation state .

  14. 城邦还有其他一些社会机构。

    And then you have other social structures of any city-state .

  15. 旅行在世界最小的城邦开始之处结束。

    The tour ends where the world 's smallest city-state begins .

  16. 这是一个他形容为城邦式独立的系统。

    It is a system he describes as city state-style independence .

  17. 生活在这些偏远城邦中的人外貌如何?

    What did the people look like in these far-off cities ?

  18. 封建制度正在崩溃中,新的城邦正在崛起。

    Was falling apart and the new city republics were rising .

  19. 斯巴达不是城邦国家,而是领土国家。

    Spartan is not a city-state country , but a territory country .

  20. 宗教对古希腊城邦对外关系的影响

    The Influence of Religion on the Foreign Relationship of Ancient Greek Poleis

  21. 古希腊各城邦的立法会议。

    A legislative assembly in any one of the ancient Greek states .

  22. 罗马共和国,亦即罗马帝国的前身,是以城邦制发端的

    Rome , which began its republican history as a city-states

  23. 罗马人建立了城邦里的第一个公共浴场。

    The Romans built the city 's first public baths .

  24. 雅典曾是古希腊诸城邦之一。

    Athens was one of the city-states of ancient greece .

  25. 论《理想国》中的城邦内在秩序的合理性

    On the rationality of the " Inner City Order " in Utopia

  26. 希腊城邦间应坚持主权平等和不以武力相威胁的国际法基本原则。

    Equality in sovereignty and no menace from powers should be persisted .

  27. 古希腊城邦经济研究

    A Research on the Polis Economy of the Ancient Greece

  28. 试论希腊城邦与中国早期国家的差异&兼谈地理环境对国家经济结构及治理形式的影响

    On the Difference Between Grecian Polis and Chinese Early State

  29. 希腊城邦制度与古代奥运会的产生

    Greek City state System and Appearance of Ancient Olympic Games

  30. 圣马力诺是仅存的意大利城邦。

    San Marino is the only surviving Italian city-state .