
  • 网络exurban;exurbs;exurbia
  1. 城市远郊农业发展探究

    Investigation on Agriculture Development of the Outmost Belt of the Urban

  2. 城市远郊区和城市中心区人口都呈现减少的现象,城市近郊区成为人口增长最活跃也是唯一的区域。

    The population of the outer suburb and the center part is decreasing , and the near suburb is the only and most active area in population growth .

  3. 钱江新城跨地铁超限超高层住宅设计“城市远郊富裕阶层住宅区:城市远郊区,尤其主要为富人所居住.”

    Super high-rise building design in Qianjiang new district stepping over metro " exurb : a region lying beyond the suburbs of a city , especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people . "

  4. 以上海市青浦区为例,通过对城市远郊区县的特点分析,依据产业布局的区位理论、产业聚集理论、产业价值链理论等,研究了城市远郊地区的产业选择和产业发展。

    Through using the example of qingpu area and analyzing the character of the outskirts of sity , the choice and development of industry in outskirts of city is studied according to some theories , for example industrial clustering theory ? industrial value chain theory and so on .

  5. 城市至远郊温度场、大气污染及植被梯度分析研究

    Analysis Research of Temperature Field , Air Pollution and Vegetation Gradient in Urban and Exurb Area

  6. 由于过多未售出及被取消赎回权的房屋的存在,该城市的远郊出奇的安静。

    The city 's outer suburbs are eerily quiet , thanks to the preponderance of unsold and foreclosed homes .

  7. 首先是东京市中心的地价上涨,接着蔓延至近郊、其它大城市、远郊,最后是农村地区。

    First , the land price rose in central Tokyo , then spread to first-tier suburbs , other large cities , second-tier suburbs and finally to rural land .

  8. 大城市与近、远郊地区甚至市域范围内必然形成较大的客流需求。

    The forming of large passenger demand between metropolis and exurbs , even the range of regional city is inevitable .

  9. 人口大量由中心城市向近、远郊区的中小城镇扩散,形成世界最大的通勤圈;

    A world biggest commuter region is shaped by a large amount of population pour into the suburban cities and towns from the central city ;

  10. 随着中国城市化的步伐突飞猛进,高铁设站城市将向远郊的高铁站发展延伸,而不是更加远离,而实现前者也只是时间的问题。

    With urbanisation in China roaring ahead , it is only a matter of time before the cities pull up at the stations , rather than the other way around .

  11. 针对不同类型村落的格局和功能的变化,提出三种村落空间重构模式,即城市近郊村落的集中式、城市中郊村落的单元式、城市远郊村落的组团式。

    In view of the different type village pattern and the function change , proposes three kind of village space restructuring pattern , namely city suburb village central , in city suburb village unit type , city outer suburb village group type . 5 .