
mái zànɡ wù
  • hidden property;objects buried underground;treasure trove;fortuna
  1. 进一步详细考察了埋藏物概念和范围。

    It also analyzes the concept and scope of the hidden property in details .

  2. 通过论述,使与埋藏物发现制度有关的基本理论问题得以澄清。

    Through discussion , the treasure trove found in the system with the basic theoretical issues related to clarification .

  3. 试论我国埋藏物发现制度的完善

    On Perfection of the System for the Discovery of Buried Things

  4. 浅析侵占罪行为对象中的遗忘物和埋藏物

    Oblivious Goods and Embedded Goods in the Object of Crime of Embezzlement

  5. 埋藏物发现者权益保护并非真正意义上的法律概念。

    Rights protection of buried objects discoverers is not a true legal concept .

  6. 这部分主要讨论侵占遗忘物、埋藏物的问题。

    This section focuses on issues of embezzling the forgotten property and the buried property .

  7. 埋藏物的发现是传统民法中的制度,是用以规范动产所有权原始取得的制度之一;

    It is a system in the traditional civil law , which can lead to disputes and lawsuits among many people .

  8. 第七十九条所有人不明的埋藏物、隐藏物,归国家所有。

    Article 79 If the owner of a buried or concealed object is unknown , the object shall belong to the state .

  9. 埋藏物发现制度的不完善,也导致在具体实践中不能均衡相关方的利益诉求。

    Treasure trove of discovery system is imperfect , but also result in concrete practice can not balance the demands of stakeholders .

  10. 就埋藏物来讲,侵占行为发生时的财产关系是行为人以消极、无害的方式持有了他人的埋藏物。

    For the buried things , its property relationship shows that the con ductor holds it only by a negative or innocent means .

  11. 事实上,埋藏物发现者权益保护不仅仅是一个法律问题,而且是一个社会问题。

    In fact , the protection of discoverer interests is not only a legal issue of treasure trove , but also a social problem .

  12. 传统的埋藏物一律收归国有的国家所有权主义模式是忽视私权就公权的变态模式。

    Traditional mode of state ownership that the treasure trove all are nationalized is a abnormal pattern that it ignores private rights when considering public rights .

  13. 同时并未提及埋藏物发现者权益的含义、性质以及对发现者未获得权益的救济途径。

    Meanwhile it does not mention the meaning and nature of rights protection of buried objects discoverers , and it does not mention the remedies for the discoverers .

  14. 应注意埋藏物同样具有脱离持有的性质,应根据埋藏物的性质定罪。

    We should pay attention to the same nature of burying things with the things separating from possessors , should determine guilt according to the nature of buried things .

  15. 摘要:埋藏物之发现是动产所有权原始取得的方式之一,其法律效果在于确认埋藏物所有权的归属。

    Abstract : Treasure troves discovered was one of the original made of movable property ownership , its legal effect is to confirm a treasure trove of ownership attribution .

  16. 本部分首先论证了借鉴国内外法律,设立发现人有限取得埋藏物所有权制度的必要性及可行性。

    Firstly , the writer discusses the necessity and feasibility of establishing the regime that the discoverer ought to acquire the ownership of the buried-object limitedly in light of international legislation .

  17. 因此,本文主要是通过对埋藏物发现案例的介绍,归纳、分析案例中涉及到的争议焦点问题,并进行了相关的法理分析。

    Therefore , this is a treasure trove of discovery through case presentation , summarize , analyze cases related to the focus of controversy , and carried out the relevant legal analysis .

  18. 笔者认为应当确立先占、添附、遗失物的拾得、埋藏物的发现和时效取得制度,有助于定纷止争和提高物的利用效率。

    Believe that accounts should be established first , accretion , Lost in Lost , the discovery and Buried usucapio system , help to set only differences between the use of materials and improve efficiency .

  19. 延及哈德里亚努斯帝时代,伴随着土地买卖日益增多和渐生转变的社会观念,权力机关赋予了发现人有限取得埋藏物的权利。

    In the times of Empire Hadrianus , the authorities granted the discoverer limited rights to acquire the ownership of the buried object along with the background of increasing trades of land property and the shifting social attitude .

  20. 还指出埋藏物既包括私人所有的埋藏物,也包括属于国家或集体所有的埋藏物的理论,以求能够对完善我国侵占罪的理论研究与司法实践有所帮助。

    The author also points out the theory that " buried objects " includes both the private and State or collective , in order to consummate the study on the theory of embezzlement and judicial practice in our country .

  21. 所有人不明的埋藏物、隐藏物,归国家所有。在正在活动的沉积作用区,沉积物迅速地将海底的有机物质掩埋起来而避免了遭受氧化作用。

    " If the owner of a Buried or concealed object is unknown , the object shall belong to the state . " Where organic material on the bottom is quickly covered by sediment and thus saved from oxidation .

  22. 相形之下,我国对被发现的埋藏物采用国家取得所有权主义,致使作为民事主体的埋藏物发现人的权利无法得到有效保护,同时也使得物的价值无法被最大化利用。

    By contrast , China adopts the state-owning way with respect of the discovered buried-object , which makes that the rights of the discoverer as a civil subject cannot be protected and the values of the object cannot be maximally utilized .

  23. 具体制度上,应该界定埋藏物的概念、明晰埋藏物发现的构成要件、赋予发现者有限取得所有权、分担所有权不明的证明责任、明确发现者权利丧失的情形。

    On Specific legislative system , we should define the concept of treasure trove and clear elements of discovering a treasure trove , give people the limited ownership , share the burden of proof and clear the situation of discoverer losing rights .

  24. 埋藏物发现制度可追溯至罗马法早期,当时由于财产的不流通和社会一般观念的限制,采取的是埋藏物所有权归属土地所有人的制度。

    The regime of buried-object discovery dates back to the early era of Roman law . The ownership of the buried object was attributed to the land owner thanks to the contemporary non-circulation of property and the bondage of the common societal attitude .

  25. 将他人的遗忘物或者埋藏物非法占为己有,数额较大,拒不交出的,依照前款的规定处罚。

    Whoever unlawfully takes possession of an object , which another person has forgotten about or buried , and refuses to hand it over , if the amount is relatively large , shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

  26. 最后笔者通过埋藏物在刑民两部法律中规定的不同,指出埋藏物在刑法的内涵比民法更为广泛的观点。

    At last , according to the differences in the regulations of " buried objects " between criminal law and civil law , the author points out the view that the connotation of " Buried objects " in criminal law is much broader than that in civil law .

  27. 在布洛克岛海滨埋藏掠夺物的可能不只是海盗。

    Probably not only pirates buried loot on the beaches of Block Island .

  28. 深层致密砂岩气藏具有埋藏深、物性差、产量低的特点,但勘探潜力大。

    Deep tight gas reservoirs are characterized by deep burial depth , poor reservoir quality and low production rate , but large exploration potentials .