
  1. 的确,周五夜间,埃及国家电视台发布了一项意外声明:穆巴拉克任命情报主管、最高外交特使奥马尔苏雷曼(OmarSuleiman)出任副总统。

    Indeed , before the end of the day , state television had made a surprise announcement : Mr Mubarak had appointed a vice-president , the intelligence chief and top foreign policy envoy Omar Suleiman .

  2. 埃及国家电视台将获准进入内部进行报道,很有可能是进行现场广播,不过这一点现在尚未得到证实。

    Egyptian state television will be allowed access , most probably for live broadcasting , though that has not yet been confirmed .

  3. 埃及国家电视台援引医院方面的信息说,两天前,82岁的穆巴拉克得知自己要接受检方讯问的信息后便拒绝进食和饮水。

    Egyptian state television quotes medical sources saying that Mr Mubarak , who ' s82 , refused to eat or drink after being summoned by the public prosecutor two days ago .