
kěn huāng
  • reclaim wasteland;land reclamation;open up wasteland;reclaim virgin soil;bring wasteland under cultivation;open up virgin soil
垦荒 [kěn huāng]
  • [reclaim wasteland;reclaim virgin soil;open up wasteland] 将荒芜的土地开垦出来

垦荒[kěn huāng]
  1. 汪炳华指出,按照《跨境阴霾污染法令》(TransboundaryHazePollutionAct)的规定,与印尼非法垦荒活动有牵连的新加坡上市公司,可以因为给企业和个人造成经济损失而被告上民事法庭。

    Mr. Ang noted that under the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act , Singapore-listed companies involved in illegal land clearance in Indonesia can be sued in civil court for causing financial losses to businesses and individuals .

  2. 然而,由于过度垦荒,原始生态遭到严重破坏。

    However , the original ecological environment had been destroyed heavily .

  3. 第二节,第二次垦荒运动的经过:主要向东部殖民。

    The second segment is chiefly about the process of lords ' colonization eastwards .

  4. 找出薄弱环节和垦荒。

    Find a weak spot and exploit it .

  5. 从古文字透视远古垦荒耕种农具及发展

    Research on Farm Tools of Reclaiming and Cultivation From the Angle of the Ancient Chinese Characters

  6. 第三章:论述第三次垦荒运动与德意志资本主义生产关系的萌芽。

    The third chapter describes the second reclamation and the sprout of capitalist productive relationship in Germany .

  7. 第一章:论述第一次垦荒运动与法兰克王国采邑制的发展。

    The first chapter describes the first reclamation and the development of the fief system in Frank .

  8. 充分发挥气候资源优势大力发展垦荒撩壕植蔗

    Make the Most of Climate Resources and Develop Energetically Wasteland Reclaiming and Ditch Digging for Sugarcane Planting

  9. 徐光启力图用垦荒和开发水利的方法来发展北方的农业生产,主张实行备荒、救荒等荒政。

    He strived to develop agricultural production in the north by reclaiming wasteland and developing water conservancy .

  10. 第一节,第一次垦荒运动出现的原因:农业生产日渐成为进入西欧的日耳曼人的主要社会活动:战乱减少,人口增长,需要土地;

    The first segment is about the reason for reclamation : Agriculture production gradually becomes the principal activity .

  11. 人类活动对植被大规模的破坏和垦荒是加速现代土壤侵蚀和增加入黄泥沙的主要因素。

    And accelerate modern soil erosion and sediment increase mainly from human activities of vegetation destruction and reclamation .

  12. 人为因素包括人口过度增长、过度垦荒、过度放牧、水资源的不合理利用、决策失误等。

    Human factor include excessive population , excessive reclaim , overgrazing , unreasonable water resource use and policy mistake .

  13. 从艺术创作的角度和人性的拷问等层面对董立勃现象和他的垦荒文学进行解读。

    And it explains the phenomena of Dong Libo and his Reclamation Literature from the view of artistic creation and humanity torment .

  14. 单凭这样一个发明,就使西部垦荒的速度和效率大大提高比采用其他方式来得更快更好

    This single invention made possible the settling of the west much sooner and more efficiently than it would have occurred otherwise .

  15. 20世纪早期,西方植物采集者梅耶、植物学考察者史密斯、林学家罗德民和肖记述了华北毁林垦荒的严重后果。

    In the early period of 20th century , the western plant hunter F. Mayer , botanical explorer H. Smith , foresters Norman Shaw and W.

  16. 因此,抗战时期在全国范围内展开的垦殖运动中,陕西省垦荒运动有着非常重要的地位与影响。

    Therefore , during the war of resistance against Japan in the nationwide reclamation movement , Shaanxi province reclamation have very important status and influence .

  17. 第三部分主要概述了陕西省垦荒运动的发展情况,分别从全省的垦荒情况与具体办理程序两个方面来讨论。

    The third part mainly summarized Shaanxi province reclamation movement development course , from the start the prevalent reclamation and specific procedures to discuss two aspects .

  18. 最近的资本流入给垦荒前沿地区的发展提供了便宜的贷款来源,但同时也带来了重要的专门技术。

    The recent inflow of capital has provided a cheaper source of credit for the development of frontier regions , but has also brought important know-how .

  19. 于此同时,清政府陆续把京师的旗人向东北迁移,垦荒僻壤,与流民争夺资源。

    At the same time , the Qing government continued to migrate capital banner to the northeast for reclamation and competition for resources with the displaced persons .

  20. 第三节,第一次垦荒运动对法兰克王国所产生的影响:促进了采邑制的发展,为封建制度的形成奠定了基础。

    The third segment is about influence of reclamation , which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system .

  21. 第一节,第三次垦荒运动出现的原因:人日增长湘食价格上涨。

    The first segment is about the causes of the increase of population and the rise of the price on crop that makes reclamation spring up again .

  22. 人口增多,对水资源的需求量增大,人为的过度垦荒和放牧、乱砍乱伐林木、乱采沙区植物等行为加速了土壤退化的进程。

    Increased population , quick increasing water demand , over cultivating wasteland and grazing , slash woods and digging etc have accelerated the course of soil degeneration .

  23. 湖南耕地的开发与发展,与清王朝鼓励垦荒的政策密切相关,但人口因素始终是贯穿其中的关键性因素。

    Developing farmland was closely associated with the Qing dynasty 's policy to encourage the development of wasteland , but human factors were decisive ones in the process .

  24. 配电系统的最优规划(新域区的垦荒计划及旧城区的增容计划)是一个非常复杂的非线性组合优化问题。

    The optimal planning of distribution system ( including design for new residential developments and expansion for old districts ) is a very complicated nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem .

  25. 大槐树移民是中国移民史上一次重要的移民活动,是明王朝建立初年大力推行和奖励屯田垦荒政策的直接表现;

    ″ Dahuaishu emigration ″ was an important emigration in Chinese history . It was the representation of encouragement policy on cultivating barren land in early years of Ming Dynasty .

  26. 然而目前由于人类剧烈的活动干扰如滥砍滥伐、滥捕滥猎、环境污染、火灾、垦荒等,生物多样性丧失的速率怵目惊心!

    However , the frequent human activities such as denudation , over-hunting , pollution , fire and so on have causedvast loss of biodiversity , and are reducing the biodiversity greatly .

  27. 在东北部边陲,也有一支版画创作劲旅,起初以表现北大荒垦荒生活为主,以后又反映了社会建设和生活。

    In Northeast china , woodblock printing was first used to describe the life of exploration to document in the wastelands , and then to document social organization and daily life .

  28. 但由于盲目垦荒,从而使湖南在经济不断发展而成为明代南方的一个重要漕粮解运区的同时也遭受了前所未有的自然灾害的侵袭。

    However , due to over reclamation of the land , Hunan became an area suffered from unprecedented natural disaster as well as a fast growing region with abundant corn production .

  29. 数周来,邻国印度尼西亚烧林垦荒造成的浓重烟雾笼罩着这个岛国,并已向马来西亚和泰国南部扩散。

    Thick haze from forest fires set in neighboring Indonesia to clear land for agriculture has blanketed this island state for weeks , and has spread to Malaysia and southern Thailand .

  30. 第二章:论述第二次垦荒运动与德意志城市经济的发展。第一节,第二次垦荒运动出现的原因:人口激增;

    The second chapter discusses the second reclamation and the development of German economy in the city . The second segment is about German economy is rapidly revival after the Black Death .