
  • 网络Monopoly;monopolist
  1. 这毕竟是一个万无一失的垄断企业,今年的利润可达700000美元之多。

    It is , after all , a secure monopoly that should yield $ 700,000 in profits this year .

  2. 贝宝(PayPal)联合创始人彼得•蒂尔(PeterThiel)将谷歌描述为一家善良的垄断企业。

    Peter Thiel , a co-founder of PayPal , describes Google as a benign monopoly .

  3. 完美的竞争至少在理论上应该会使利润为零,但我们有垄断企业持续获得高额利润。

    Perfect competition should drive profits to zero , at least theoretically , but we have monopolies making persistently high profits .

  4. C市电信分公司属于典型的国有垄断企业,目前正在实施从传统通信运营商向综合信息服务提供商转型。

    China Telecommunications Corporation Limited ( China Telecom ) is a typical stated-owned enterprise and is transferring from the traditional basic telecom operator to an integrated information services provider .

  5. 罗斯福认为,任何私人利益集团都不应比美国政府更强大,并开始通过打击北方证券公司(northernsecurities)和其他垄断企业来保证这一点。

    Roosevelt believed that no private interest should be more powerful than the American state , and set about to ensure that by going after northern securities and other trusts .

  6. 韩国公平交易委员会(FairTradeCommission)承诺,今年将对滥用市场主导地位的公司采取更强硬手段,工作重点将特别集中在垄断企业和并购交易方面。

    South Korea 's Fair Trade Commission has pledged to take an even tougher line against companies that abuse their market dominance this year , focusing on cartels and mergers in particular .

  7. 对于俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)来说,供应多元化是一个非常重要的趋势。他指的是俄罗斯国有天然气出口垄断企业。

    The diversification of supplies is a very important direction for Gazprom , he said , referring to Russia 's state gas export monopoly .

  8. 当年晚些时候,反对派发起了一场运动,原本想令国有的石油垄断企业委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)陷入瘫痪,但是最终还是失败了。

    An opposition strike later that year paralysed PDVSA , the state oil monopoly , but it failed .

  9. 在传统的投资回报率价格规制条件下,为获得更多的绝对利润,垄断企业会采取使用更多的资本投资代替其他要素投资的策略性行为,从而导致资本投资过剩,即A-J效应。

    In the traditional price regulation conditions , for the more absolute profits , monopoly enterprises will use more capital invest to alternative investment of other elements for the more absolute profits , leading to excessive capital investment , which means A-J effect .

  10. 寡头垄断企业战略投资期权博弈模型

    Option games model of firm ′ s investment strategy in oligopoly

  11. 多元化垄断企业的R&D策略分析

    The Strategic Analysis of RD Activity in a Diversification Monopoly Enterprise

  12. 这家垄断企业在许多方面都遇到了竞争。

    It is a monopoly now facing competition on many fronts .

  13. 因此哥斯达黎加需要解散几家国有垄断企业。

    This will require Costa Rica to dismantle several state monopolies .

  14. 垄断企业内部的工资收入分配

    Internal Earnings Distribution in Monopoly Enterprise : a Case Study

  15. 垄断企业捆绑销售的策略效应

    The strategic effect of the bundling of enterprise monopoly Billboard Of Sales

  16. 自然垄断企业利益相关者导向的综合绩效评价研究

    On the Stakeholders-Orientated Integrated Performance Assessment for Natural Monopoly Enterprises

  17. 就这样,在大公司和垄断企业之间作出了谨慎的区别。

    A careful distinction was drawn between bigness and monopoly .

  18. 垄断企业的顾客忠诚研究

    A Study on Customer Loyalty under the Context of Monopolization

  19. 基于价格合作的寡头垄断企业供应链产品定价

    Pricing in Oligopoly Supply Chain Based On Price Cooperation

  20. 没有人能和这些钢铁垄断企业竞争。

    No one could compete with these steel monopolies .

  21. 基于需求价格弹性的垄断企业生产计划调整

    Adjustment of Production Plan for Monopolistic Enterprise Based on Price Elasticity of Demand

  22. 基于投资报酬率管制下上下游垄断企业福利分析

    Welfare Analysis Based on Rate-of-Return Regulation on Successive Monopolistic Upstream and Downstream Firms

  23. 日本能源垄断企业——拽高成本,扼杀创新

    Japan 's power monopolies raise costs and stifle innovation

  24. 非线性定价下的双头垄断企业行为分析

    The Actions of Duopoly Under the Nonlinear Pricing

  25. 四是强化对垄断企业工资分配的严格控制和管理。

    Fourth , strengthen the strict control and management of the monopoly wage distribution .

  26. 垄断企业垂直兼并前后的产品价格和利润比较

    Comparison of Product Price and Profit before and after Vertical Merger of Monopolist Enterprises

  27. 但有两点是清楚的:墨西哥电话公司是一家利润极高的私有化准垄断企业;

    But two points are clear : Telmex is an extremely profitable privatised quasi-monopoly ;

  28. 需求弹性与垄断企业的价格歧视

    Demand Elasticity and Price Discrimination of Monopolize Enterprises

  29. 非对称寡头垄断企业非线性定价与市场分割

    The Asymmetric Duopoly Nonlinear Pricing and Market Segmentation

  30. 目前的背景是,许多私营和公共垄断企业已经分拆。

    The background is one in which many private and public monopolies have been dismantled .