
  1. 国产设备在垃圾填埋气发电中的应用

    Application Example of Domestic Equipment in the Landfill Gas Power Generation

  2. 垃圾填埋气发电项目的经济评价及其政策建议

    The economic evaluation of the landfill gas power plant project and its policy suggestion

  3. 在介绍国内利用垃圾填埋气发电的基础上,分析了济南市垃圾填埋场填埋气处理的状况,建议尽快建设垃圾填埋气体发电厂。

    Based on introduction of generating electricity using waste landfill gas in China , landfill gas status in Ji'nan waste landfill site was analyzed , construction waste landfill gas electricity plant as soon as possible was suggested .

  4. 热气机在垃圾填埋气燃烧发电方面的研究和应用

    Development and Application of Stirling Engine Generation in Use of Landfill Gas Combustion

  5. 垃圾填埋气在发电方面的应用&某13.8MW电厂的运行经验

    Utilisation of landfill gas for energy production-operational experience from a 13.8 MW power plant

  6. 垃圾填埋气回收发电的经济性和激励政策研究

    Study on the Profitability of Landfill Gas Recovery and Power Generation and Relative Incentive Policies