
chuí zhí chuán bō
  • vertical transmission
  1. 提示:首次从DNA测序分子水平证实母婴垂直传播CT,垂直传播CT在重庆地区颇为常见。

    This is the first report of vertical transmission of CT proved by DNA sequencing .

  2. 在B族链球菌感染预防期间垂直传播的新生儿脓毒症的流行病学趋势

    Trends in the epidemiology of neonatal sepsis of vertical transmission in the era of group B streptococcal prevention

  3. HBV感染单个核细胞对阻断乙肝垂直传播的影响

    Blockage effect of HBV infection in PBMC on mother-infant vertical transmission

  4. HBV经胎盘垂直传播的分子机制研究

    A Study of the Molecular Mechanism of Intrauterine Transmission of HBV in Placenta

  5. 由此可见,维生素A确有预防HIV母婴垂直传播的作用。

    This shows that vitamin A does have vertical transmission prevention of HIV mother-to-child role .

  6. HCV的母婴垂直传播已经被证实,目前尚无有效的方法阻断,因此经母嘤传播的HCV感染者相对日渐增多,已成为HCV感染的一条主要途径。

    Increasing children are infected with HCV by maternal-infant transmission .

  7. 昆明地区孕产妇、医务人员HIV母婴垂直传播相关知识、态度对比分析

    Knowledge , attitudes and behaviors in relation to HIV vertical transmission among pregnant women and medical staff

  8. 结论根据孕母HBVdna程度不同宜采取不同方法联合免疫阻断HBV的垂直传播。

    Conclusion According to the different HBV DNA take different combined immunodeficiency approach to prevent maternal-infant vertical transmission .

  9. HIV和HCV母婴垂直传播影响因素的比较

    A comparison of influencial factors on vertical transmission from mother to child of HIV and HCV

  10. 结果HBV双抗原阳性孕妇60%发生HBV母婴垂直传播。

    Results The HBV transmitting rate from mother to fetus in HBV antigens both positive women was 60 % .

  11. 结论HBV可以通过母婴垂直传播在胎儿大脑组织中表达。

    Conclusion There was the expression of HBV in the cerebral tissue of the dead fetus by maternal-fetal transmission .

  12. 同时,亦有研究证实其在HIV的母婴垂直传播中可能发挥重要的作用。

    Also , it has been confirmed that DC-SIGN might have played an important role in the mother-to-infant transmission of HIV .

  13. 目的:了解丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)母婴垂直传播情况。

    Objective : To investigate the complexion of Mother to child transmission of hepatitis virus C ( HCV ) .

  14. 孕妇PROM的发生率以及CT感染的母婴垂直传播率与宫颈CT浓度有关。

    The incidence of PROM in pregnant women and maternal-infant vertical transmission rate of CT infection were correlative with CT concentration of cervical samples .

  15. 目的进一步探讨不同方法阻断乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)母婴垂直传播的效果,明确携带HBV生育期妇女干预治疗对保护婴儿抗HBV感染的意义。

    Objective To investigate further the preventive effects of different intervention approaches on mother-infant vertical transmission of Hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) .

  16. HBsAg与HBeAg阴性孕妇乙肝垂直传播的临床观察

    Clinical observation on the vetical transmission of hepatitis B from HBsAg and HbeAg-negative mothers to the babies

  17. 了解重庆地区近年来临产孕妇Ct感染和母婴垂直传播状况及常见基因型。

    The incidence of Ct infection in pregnant women , the common genotypes and vertical transmission rate of Ct in Chongqing area during the past one year were also investigated .

  18. 拉米夫定孕晚期阻断HBsAg阳性孕妇垂直传播疗效的Meta分析

    Meta-analysis on the effect of lamivudine in late pregnancy to block HBV vertical transmission for HBsAg positive pregnancy women

  19. 波的传播受UU母婴垂直传播新生儿易发生呼吸道系统疾病。

    Wave propagation respiratory system disease is relatively common in vertical propagation between mother and baby .

  20. 造成HBV家庭内聚集的原因可能是垂直传播和遗传因素及水平传播综合作用的结果,而母系在垂直传播中具有重要意义。

    It is suggested that the etiology of HBV contagiosity of familial inhabitation is a combination of vertical transmission , horizontal transmission and genetic factors .

  21. 目的:研究乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)母婴垂直传播与T辅助细胞1、2型细胞因子的相关性。

    Objective : To Study on the relationship between maternal-infant vertical transmission of hepatitis B virus and T helper cells 1 , 2 type cytokines .

  22. HIV感染途径分别为:经血液传播(单采血浆)75.00%,经性接触传播18.75%,经母婴垂直传播6.25%。

    The routes of HIV infection : blood transmission 75.00 % , sexual & transmission 18.75 % , the vertical transmission from mother to child 6.26 % .

  23. 本文结果证明了HCMV感染的普遍性和严重性,垂直传播是新生儿先天性HCMV感染的重要途径。

    They suggested that HCMV vertical transmission might play an important role in congenital infection of neonates .

  24. 目的通过对乙肝病毒(HBV)母婴垂直传播者胎盘超微结构的观察,探讨HBV母婴垂直传播的细胞学机制。

    Objective By observing the placental ultramicrostructure in the fetuses infected by HBV in uterus from their mothers , to investigate the cellular mechanism of HBV transmitting .

  25. 掘调查,我国婴幼儿HBV感染约1/3系由乙肝表面抗原阳性的母亲将HBV传给婴儿引起感染所至,因此母婴垂直传播途径引起人们特别关注。

    According to the investigations , the way of about 1 / 3 baby HBV infection was the transmission to child from mothers who were HBsAg positive .

  26. 母婴间垂直传播,明显的家族聚集和使用消毒不严的注射器是农村儿童感染HBV的主要原因。

    The main reasons of infections among the rural students bade such characteristics as vertical infection between mother and infant , family history and the usage of injector unsterilized .

  27. 分析了磁场平行和垂直传播方向两种情况下,外加磁场的变化对TM模式色散特性的影响。

    For two cases including the magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the direction of propagation external magnetic field affects the dispersion characteristics of TM mode .

  28. 在乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的传播途径中,垂直传播是十分重要的一种途径,即HBV可通过胎盘引起胎儿感染,又称作HBV宫内传播。

    Vertical transmission is a very important route of HBV transmission . In this route , HBV could infect fetus through placentae , which is called one of intrauterine transmission .

  29. STAg滴鼻免疫小鼠对弓形虫垂直传播的阻断作用

    Effects of intranasal immunization with STAg on vertical transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in BALB / c mice

  30. 不良妊娠结局孕妇人微小病毒B19感染与垂直传播的研究

    The study human parvovirus B19 infection in pregnant women with abnormal outcome and it 's placent vertical transmission