
  • 网络tandy;Jessica Tandy
  1. 坦迪逃跑的消息让他们所有人都无比震惊。

    The news of Tandy 's escape had shaken them all

  2. 正如坦迪一篇中的醉汉所预言,具备双性气质的新女性将给两性关系带来希望。

    As the drunkard in " Tandy " proclaims , the future woman with androgynous temperament will bring about the future ideal male-female relationship .

  3. 纳珀坦迪握住了我的手。

    He takes me , napper tandy , by the hand .

  4. 《如何不穿黑色衣服》一书的作者朱尔斯斯坦迪士,是女性出挑恐惧症的时尚设计和色彩搭配咨询师,她相信改变你的购物习惯能够提高你的幸福指数和自尊心。

    Jules Standish , author of How Not To Wear Black , is a style and colour consultant for women afraid of standing out , and she believes that changing your shopping habits can boost your well-being and self-esteem .

  5. 坦迪在公司中发动反对她父亲的政变失败之后,一直处于劣势。直到偶然间,她发现了一个不可告人的秘密,还利用这个秘密以及自己对于怀亚特工业公司财务系统的了解来弥补了此前的过错。

    A failed attempt to stage a coup against her father for his company left Tandy in a position of weakness , until she stumbled upon unsavory information and used it -- as well as her knowledge of Wyatt Industries ' financials -- to right the past .