- 网络Slope bottom;descenter

Analyzes the existent problems of technique system in Huipodi preparation plant .
Derivation of Bottom Curves of Abutment Conic Slope
The saturated soil permeability of bottom was the highest in the same slope land .
The maximum displacement respectively occurred on the landslide top and at its base after governance .
Soil moisture of five land use structures represented an increasing tendency from top to foot hillslope .
At the same time the water content of the top of slope is smaller than the bottom .
The maximum stress occurred at the intersection of the landslide base anchor cable reinforcement strata and class ⅱ surrounding rock .
The platform slope bottom facies that a well position to supply the sandy material of rich is a specially environment .
I don 't know what 's at the bottom , but so far , not the miracle on 34th Street I was hoping for .
When a vehicle goes uphill on a mountain road , it should change to the lower gear in advance , speed up and dash uphill .
A few nervous men climbed aboard the cable car , and with Hallidie at the controls , the car descended , arriving safely at the bottom .
The stability analysis method could evaluate the stability of the colluvial slopes from the top to the base , and provide technical basis for the governance program of high slop .
She ran off down the hill , but Laurie came after her and reached the bottom first.She came up behind him , her face red and her hair blowing in the wind .
The maximum field moisture capacity 、 capillary moisture capacity and the saturation moisture content of the soil in the lower foot slope were higher than the top of slope and the middle slope .
Telltale deposits of debris suggest that sediments were washed downhill by occasional liquid flows . The bottle should not be allowed to touch the bottom in the sampling to avoid stirring up the sediment .
The maximum stress occurred at its base So , the landslide top and its base area should be given prevention when it was constructed and governed , for example , lengthening and encrypting the anchor cable .
The study shows that calcirudites were mainly formed during sea-level rise and stillstand . When carbonate production exceeded the rate or creation of accommodation space , carbonate was shed off the platform top to the slope and basin by storm , gravity and earthquake , forming allochthonous calcirudites .
It is also found that there are two depositional models in the Cambrian .
Quantitative partition illustrates that sediments from the bottom and eastern slope of the middle Okinawa Trough are dominated by terrigenous detritus , maximum content accounting for 91 07 % .
The soil organic matter average content in 0 ~ 40cm depth soil layer in the middle and lower foot slope were significantly higher than that of the top of slope .
By adopting the critical depth ye and critical slope σ as the parameters for flow depth and bottom slope respectively , this paper presents the unified nondimensional computation method for 15 types of flow profiles in trapezoidal open channels with five classes of bottom slopes .
The activities of soil urease fluctuated with soil depth in both top and middle slope positions , but increased in the pattern of solar slope > lunar slope > fallow land at the slope bottom .