- Pithead power station;electric power stations near coal-mines

At suitable regions , mine mouth power plants could be constructed .
Constructing coal mine mouth power plant with Chinese characteristics
Developing high-efficiency and clean coal burning and power generation technologies and construction of pit-head power plants burning inferior coal and / or refuse ;
With the fast development of the construction in pithead power plant , the large air cooling steam turbine has been widely used in China .
Owing to hillside creep at sliding , a power station near the pit of coal mine has deformed and cracking destruction has been caused .
The article proves the technical and economical superiorities between construction of pipelines and that of power plants built at the entrance of pits for railway transportation .
Mine mouth power plant can directly convert primary energy source into secondary energy , reducing coal loss in the transportation and environmental pollution , so it has tremendous advantages .
In north China , thermoelectric power station is often selected to build . And the pithead power plant is more economical , but the water source must be solved firstly .
Therefore , rational utilization of mine water as resource is the best choice of solving the water source problem of mine site and pithead power plant and the environmental problem of mine water pollution .