- 名coordinate axis

(1) [coordinate axis]∶用来定义一个坐标系的一组直线或一组曲线;位于坐标轴上的点的位置由一个坐标值所唯一确定,而其他的坐标轴上的点的位置由一个坐标值所唯一确定,而其他的坐标在此轴上的值是零
(2) [axis of coordinates]
(3) 平面解析几何中用作参考线的两条相交直线
(4) 有一公共点的三条直线,为三维解析几何中三个参考坐标平面的交线
This thesis using the method of integrating history and logic , firstly puts the theory in the development coordinate axis of western psychology , philosophy and aesthetics , studies , compares and analyses the subject background that the theory artistic .
The measured object of the three degree-of-freedom measurement mechanism is moving along X , Y , Z three coordinate axis . That is only to trace and measure the position of the motion part .
Construct a set of rectangular axes and resolve any inclined forces into rectangular components .
Knowing the span of the X and Y axes is only one part of the equation .
An increasing path from ( 0,0 ) to ( n , m ) is a set of lattice edges .
Therefore , the X-axis span should be divided into four equal segments of length = span / 4 .
A Three-phase Quasi & sine Signal Generator Based on Coordinate projection and PWM Freguency Control
These include the establishment and set axis ; CNC I variable ; the G codes of interpolation programming ; etc.
So , if the span of the X axis is800 , the segment length will be800 / 4 , which is200 .
The Drawing of Multi-Axis Curves based on ActiveX Control
Topological classification of the trajectories of Kolmogorov cubic system e_3  ̄ 2 with hyperbolic solution which contact both axes
Because the area is fixed , you can always find the span ( length ) of the X axis and the span ( height ) of the Y axis .
On this basis , by increasing the one-dimensional axes we can further come to the 4-D Lorenz plots analysis .
This paper talks about the method of developing the control of drawing the multi-axis curves under the VB environment at the beginning of discussing the COM technology .
Three-coordinate machine system can be controlled by use of the real time controlling single chip microcomputer of MCS-51 as the controller .
Consider these freedoms with respect to the three mutually perpendicular axes XX , YY , and ZZ .
For convenience ' sake , suppose there isn 't any variation on surface model along the coordinate axis in Y direction but it can , arbitrarily , be distributed in X , Z directions .
And , in terms of a graph , they correspond to slicing by a plane that 's parallel to one of the coordinate planes , so that we either keep x constant , or keep y constant .
This paper gives six formulas with the relative mathematic knowledge and decides the direction and positions of major and minor axis of stretched and slopped ellipse by the formulas , and implements the relative functions in CAD software .
Specify if you want the series to be scaled to the left or right vertical axis . Numerical Simulation of Eletromagnetic Propagation Logging by FDTD in 3-D Cylindrical Coordinates
The CAD plane drawing of the bend sheet-beam was created through coordinate transform after reading the data face of its solid drawing adopted the frame Brep-law .
The expression of antenna temperature that this paper has derived is based on the situation that the main beam of the antenna is not on the axis , so it has universality .
In R ~ 3 , we can fix the first coordinate axis , and rotate the other two coordinate axes .
The bladder neck position was plotted on an assumed X Y coordinate system with the tip of symphysis pubis as origin and symphyseal mid line intersected the X and Y axis at an angle of 45 ° .
A transient model of temperature field is established which is heated by a random movable point heat source on the workpiece . In the paper , MIG welding input is approximately treated as 3-dimensional heat sources along three axes .
This paper deals with the variance between the seismic line and the coordinate orientation by rotation transform and realizes the auto pickup of events by Viterbi algorithm , obtaining satisfactory results . These two methods are feasible to preprocessing of prestack depth migration of wave equation .
The toroidal coordinate system and its use in metal forming processes
It can also rotate about any of the three axes ;
Enters chart title , axis labels , or data labels
A simple algorithm for multi axes general linear interpolation is introduced .