
  • 网络bad debt rate;Rate of Bad Account;net charge-off rate
  1. 然而进出口贸易额的增加,也产生了国内企业巨额的海外应收账款及高坏账率等问题,这无疑给外贸企业带来了严重的经营风险和财务风险。

    However , along with the increase in volume of trade , there arose the problems of huge amount of overseas accounts receivable and high bad debt rate on the part of home enterprises , bringing to domestic export business serious management and financial risks .

  2. 银行坏账率巳经是正常的两倍了,我想情况还会变得更糟。

    The default rates already are twice what they used to be . I think it 'll get worse .

  3. 浮动利率的抵押贷款坏账率最高,这种贷款承诺在前几年实行固定低利率。

    Defaults are highest for adjustable-rate mortgages & loans that promised a low , fixed-interest rate for the first few years .

  4. Bradford&Bingley贷出410亿抵押贷款,而坏账率是市场平均值的两倍。

    Bradford & Bingley has written 41 billon pounds of mortgages ; those loans are now turning bad at twice the average industry rate .

  5. 另一个问题是,好于预期的银行业绩主要是由于减记规模小于预期;坏账率上升的慢慢折磨才刚刚开始。

    Another problem is that the better-than-expected bank results were largely the result of smaller-than-expected writedowns ; the slow grind of rising bad debts has only just begun .

  6. 西方国家中小企业在高比例信用销售的同时,能够保持极低的坏账率,就得益于西方国家已建立起完善的信用体系。

    The SME in western countries can keep the extremely low bad account rate in a high proportion of credit sales , because they have already established a perfect credit system .

  7. 中国的《经济参考报》援引一位不愿具名的央行官员称,中国东部的一些小额贷款公司的坏账率超过5%。

    The non-performing loan ratio for some small-loan companies in eastern China is more than 5 per cent , according to an unnamed central bank official quoted this week by Economic Information , a newspaper run by the official Xinhua news agency .

  8. 中国面临着严重的通货紧缩压力,中国必须改革国有企业,中国还面临着经济领域降低高坏账率的挑战。

    Even that level of growth , however , leaves huge challenges for China 's economic and social development China Faces serions deflationary pressures . It has to reform ailing state-owned industries . It faces challenges in the financial sector to reduce the high level of bad debt .

  9. 调整应收账款坏账准备率提高企业营业利润

    Adjust Dead Account Preparation Rate for Collectable Account , and Raise Prod uct Profit of Enterprises

  10. 坏账担保率、应收账款的付款期限、应收账款池大小对代偿概率的影响比较明显。

    The bad debt guarantee rate , the payment period of the accounts receivable and the size of the accounts receivable pool influences the compensatory probability apparently .