
  • 网络Uniform Atmosphere;Homogeneous atmosphere
  1. 均匀大气中的强爆炸一维辐射流体力学数值解

    An one-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic numerical solution for a strong explosion in uniform atmosphere

  2. 给出了用Kolmogorov谱描述大气湍流时,在水平均匀大气中多束照明光在目标上形成光斑的漂移角方差的解析表达式。

    The analytic expression for the wandering angular variance of the speckle formed by multiple beams focused on the target in the horizontal homogeneous atmosphere is given when the atmospheric turbulence is described with Kolmogorov spectrum .

  3. 铅直不均匀大气流场中污染物扩散规律的研究

    Study on Air Pollutants Diffusion in Vertical Nonuniform Wind Field

  4. 曲光线追踪在非均匀大气现象模拟中的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Curved Ray Tracing for Inhomogeneous Atmospheres

  5. 水平均匀大气边界层的立方样条方法数值模拟

    The numerical simulation of horizontal homogeneous atmospheric boundary layer using cubic splines

  6. 卫星遥感数字图像的非均匀大气修正研究

    Study for the Inhomogenous Atmos ' pheric Correction on Digital Image of Remote Sensing

  7. 水平均匀大气中多束照明光在目标上形成光斑的漂移

    Wandering of the Speckle Formed by Multiple Beams Focused on the Target in the Horizontal Homogeneous Atmosphere

  8. 复合绝缘子出现的电蚀老化,外部因素主要是电场分布不均匀和大气污湿,本体因素是伞套材料的耐漏电起痕及电蚀损性能较低。

    The erosion and ageing of composite insulator is attributed to non-uniform electric stress and atmospheric contamination as external conditions , and low tracking-errosion resistance of shed material .

  9. 本文应用WKB方法研究了在弱非均匀层结大气中,当基本气流具有弱垂直切变时,重力惯性内波的稳定性问题。

    This paper discusses the stability of internal inertial gravity wave in the heterogeneous stratified atmosphere when basic flow appears to be weak vertical shear by the WKB method .

  10. 水、陆不均匀条件下大气边界层结构的模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure over a Water-Land Heterogeneous Surface

  11. 水平非均匀层结大气中重力波的时空结构

    Spatial and Time Structure of a Gravity Wave in Horizontal Atmosphere of Heterogeneous Stratification

  12. 非均匀层结大气中的重力惯性波及其激发对流的物理机制

    Internal inertia gravity waves in a non - uniformly stratified atmosphere and their role in initiating convection

  13. 在此基础上,深入研究了水平非均匀加热对大气环流的影响。

    On the basis of these results , the impacts of horizontal inhomogeneous heating on the circulation are discussed .

  14. 该处凝结加热的垂直分布不均匀可引起大气环流热力适应,从而可能有利于阿留申低压的加强;

    The vertical structure of heating in this region will lead to the atmospheric adaptation to diabatic heating , which may be in favor of the intensification of the Aleutian Low ;

  15. 风洞实验给出了在均匀气流和大气边界层气流中,不同雷诺数和塔面集中粗糙度时的平均风压分布。

    Wind-tunnel tests give the mean pressure distribution on external surface both in uniform flow and in atmospheric boundary layer flow for different Reynolds Numbers ( Re ) and different surface roughnesses .

  16. 河西地区非均匀下垫面的大气变性过程

    The variability process of atmosphere over heterogeneous underlying surface in Hexi Region

  17. 非均匀大气层结中大气惯性重力波的发展

    Development of internal inertial gravity waves in the atmosphere with heteroge-neous stratification

  18. 本文利用室内水槽模拟均匀下垫面大气对流边界层。

    In this paper , flat-underlying-surface convective boundary layer is simulated in laboratory simulation tank .

  19. 海洋的上混合层可近似为温度、盐度和余流的垂直均匀层,如同大气的充分混合层一样。

    The ocean surface mixed layer can be approximated to a vertical uniform layer on temperature , salinity and current .

  20. 非均匀下垫面对大气边界层影响的研究是环境流体力学的重要课题之一。

    The study of the effect of a non-homogeneous underlying surface on atmospheric boundary layer is one of the important tasks in environmental fluid mechanics .

  21. 本文在定常和中性温度层结条件下,首先介绍了均匀平坦地面上大气边界层的一些空气动力学特征,并将大气边界层与一般空气动力学边界层作了比较。

    In this paper , general properties of the atmospheric boudary layer ( ABL ) undcr homogeneous , surface conditions are described , including a comparison of ABL with aerodynamic boundary layer .

  22. 本文使用上海湍流强度分布模型,分析了湍流非均匀条件下,大气闪烁的空间相关特征,并比较了它和湍流均匀条件下的结果异同。

    In this paper , we use the model for turbulence intensity distribution in Shanghai to analyse the space correlation of atmospheric scintillation . Some characteristics of atmospheric scintillation under the condition of nonhomogeneous turbulence are quite different from those deduced from homogeneous condition .

  23. 给出了在均匀介质和非均匀介质(实际大气)情况下的斯托克斯光强随脉冲间隔、传输距离和天顶角变化的函数关系。

    The solutions describe stokes intensity as a function of inter pulse spacing , distance and zenith angle in a uniform medium and in nonuniform medium ( atmosphere ) .

  24. 在充分考虑地磁场、低电离层电子浓度和碰撞频率在高度方向上的不均匀性、地面电特性分段不均匀性、大气折射等物理条件下,采用全波理论解决了天波的理论预测问题。

    By the analysis of the nonhomogeneous of earth magnetic field , low ionosphere electron density and collision frequency with altitude , the nonhomogeneous of electrical characteristic piecewise , and the physical influence of atmospheric refraction , the " full wave theory " can solve the problems on sky-wave prediction .