
  • 网络Scene finale
  1. 所以我才爱音乐什么哪怕多平淡的场景音乐都能赋予它深厚的意义

    That 's what I love about music . What ? One of the most banal scenes is suddenly invested with so much meaning , you know ?

  2. 在场景中加载音乐。

    Adding music in the scene .

  3. 场景5缺少音乐或者环境音(背景音,比如鸟叫或者风声)。

    Scenario 5 had no music or ambient sounds ( background noise , like birds and wind ) .

  4. 但在作品完成后,场景设计、音乐制作和建立网站等技能都被白白浪费了,对此他很失望。

    But he became frustrated that skills such as set design , musical composition and building websites were wasted after the production finished .

  5. 它主要被用来解决声音分离、分割、声音事件和声音源的刻划及表征、听觉场景分析和音乐分析等问题。

    It aims to resolve problems such as sound segregation , segmentation , sound event and source characterization , auditory scene analysis and music analysis , etc.

  6. 此外,埃尔加在作品之中运用的静态渲染与动态映画的音乐场景塑造与音乐行态表现手法,类似于理查·施特劳斯在其交响诗中惯用的手法。

    In addition of this , the shaping of music scene with static shading and dynamic picturing as well as technique expression of music form is similar to the modus operandi of Richard Strauss in his symphonic poem .

  7. 在这个场景的末尾把音乐逐渐减弱。

    Fade out the music at the end of the scene .

  8. 在有些游戏中,有人使用的是那种和场景同步切换的音乐形式。

    In some games , they use synchronized music that changes in an intelligent manner .

  9. 可以想象这样一幅场景:时髦的音乐,时尚的人群,烟雾缭绕,到处都充斥着音乐新革命的冲击。

    You can imagine the scene : hipand happening , smokyand full of the energy of a new musical revolution .

  10. 折手舞的历史可以追溯到上世纪30年代初的哈莱姆舞厅。可以想象这样一幅场景:时髦的音乐,时尚的人群,烟雾缭绕,到处都充斥着音乐新革命的冲击。

    Vogue dancing started back in the Harlem ballrooms of the early 1930s . You can imagine the scene : hip and happening , smoky and full of the energy of a new musical revolution .

  11. 尽管巴尔莫勒尔号是一艘现代游轮,但这次共含12个夜晚的纪念之旅会试图重现当时的场景,菜肴和音乐都与当时的时代吻合,专家还会发表关于泰坦尼克号的演讲。

    While the Balmoral is a modern ship , the 12-night memorial cruise will try to recreate the atmosphere of the time with dishes and music from the era , while experts will give lectures about the Titanic .