  • a place where people gather;farm;site;spot
  • for sports and recreation

  • a level open space;threshing ground;country fair;market
  • for the duration of sth
  • 平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。

  • 量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。

  • 集,市集:赶~。

  • 处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。

  • 量词,用于文娱体育活动:~次。

  • 比赛地,舞台:上~。下~。粉墨登~。捧~。

  • 戏剧作品和戏剧演出中因场景变化或人物上下场而划分的段落:三幕五~。

  • 物质存在的一种特殊形式:电~。磁~。


(平坦的空地, 多用来翻晒粮食, 碾轧谷物) a level open space; threshing ground:

  • 打场



[方] (集; 市集) country fair; market:

  • 赶场

    go to market


(用于事情的经过) for the duration of sth.:

  • 大干一场

    go in for sth. in a big way; go all out;

  • 害了一场病

    be ill for a while;

  • 一场大雨

    a downpour;

  • 一场硬仗

    a hard battle


(进行某种活动的场所) a place where people gather:

  • 操场

    playground; sports [drill] ground;

  • 会场


  • 剧场


  • 战场


  • 运动员入场。

    Athletes enter the arena [sports field].;

  • 观众进场。

    Spectators enter the stadium, etc.


(农场; 养殖场) farm:

  • 国营农场

    state farm;

  • 养鸡 [鸭]场

    chicken [duck] farm;

  • 种马场

    stud farm


(场合) site; spot; scene:

  • 不在场

    be absent from the scene;

  • 当场抓住

    caught on the spot


(舞台) stage:

  • 上场

    come on the stage; enter;

  • 下场

    leave the stage; exit


(戏剧中较小的段落) scene:

  • 第二幕第三场

    Act ,Scene Ⅲ


{物} (物质存在的一种基本形式) field:

  • 磁 [电]场

    magnetic [electric] field


(用于文娱体育活动) for sports and recreation:

  • 一场电影

    a film show;

  • 一场球赛

    a match; a ball game

  1. 一旦养虾场建起来,将会截断这条河流。

    When the shrimp farm is built it will block the stream

  2. 我有点儿想在新墨西哥州开一个牧羊场。

    I 'd kinda like to have a sheep farm in New Mexico

  3. 他的著作被视为是对这场战争的辩护。

    His book was seen as an apologia for the war .

  4. 示威逐步升级,演变成了一场同警察的混战。

    The demonstration escalated into a pitched battle with the police .

  5. 英格兰队必须拿下这场比赛才能确保获得资格。

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying .

  6. 要是赢了下一场比赛,我们就占优势了。

    If we win the next game we 'll be laughing .

  7. 这场运动是反对战争的一种方式。

    The campaign provided a channel for protest against the war .

  8. 这形势本来是很可能成为一场大灾难的。

    The situation might all too easily have become a disaster .

  9. 这是一场她完全没有防备的危机。

    It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared .

  10. 许多声援信增加了这场运动的影响力。

    The many letters of support added weight to the campaign .

  11. 她在最后一场比赛中进行了顽强的防守。

    She put up a spirited defence in the final game .

  12. 这些改革标志着一场长期运动的胜利结束。

    The reforms marked the successful culmination of a long campaign .

  13. 他喜欢星期天的上午打一场高尔夫球。

    He enjoyed a round of golf on a Sunday morning .

  14. 她进行了一场家庭生活美德方面的说教。

    She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life .

  15. 取得这场胜利,别提多么痛快了。

    I can 't tell you how sweet this victory is .

  16. 她经历过这场苦难后显得憔悴不堪。

    She came out of the ordeal looking thin and worn .

  17. 他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。

    He was on a real high after winning the competition .

  18. 只有五匹马参加第一场比赛。

    There are only five horses running in the first race .

  19. 在市长的邀请下举办了一场音乐会。

    A concert was held at the invitation of the mayor .

  20. 想到所失去的东西,我真想痛哭一场。

    I could have wept thinking about what I 'd missed .

  21. 我们外出时把狗寄养在养狗场。

    We put the dog in kennels when we go away .

  22. 党内对于这场战争存在着严重的分歧。

    There are deep divisions in the party over the war .

  23. 他冒险把自己所有的钱都押在了一场纸牌游戏上。

    He risked all his money on a game of cards .

  24. 她公开谴责政府处理这场危机的方式。

    She publicly denounced the government 's handling of the crisis .

  25. 经过导演悉心劝说,全体演员完成了一场精彩的表演。

    The director coaxed a brilliant performance out of the cast .

  26. 正是这场运动确立了这家报纸的声誉。

    It was this campaign that established the paper 's reputation .

  27. 这场摇滚乐音乐会真让我父母大受教益!

    The rock concert was quite an education for my parents !

  28. 这场辩论当着现场观众的面进行电视转播。

    The debate was televised in front of a live audience .

  29. 那场棒球赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。

    There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game .

  30. 输掉这场比赛对这个队来说是一件伤心失望的事。

    Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team .