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Seismic frequency and frequency ratio in different magnitude range
By computer scanning technique of two-dimensional space isogram of seismicity parameters ( seismic frequency N , seismic energy E and b-value ), we systematically traced the space dynamic evolution process of three seismicity parameters before and after the 1983 Heze M5 . 9 earthquake .
Variation in the three quantities : C-value , b-value and rate of seismicity with time , can describe the basic features of the seismicity along the central coast California during the past 36 years .
A statistical test for correlativity shows that seismicity indexes obtained from transformation of earthquake frequency N or energy E have correlation to a certain extent while they are used to describe seismicity changes .
Lunar phase effect on earthquake frequency in the Yanshan seismic zone
Precursor Information in Frequency Variation before Strong Earthquake of Guangxi Province History
An applicationof scan programme of seismological frequency and energy density
Different focus depth and zonings of earthquakes .
Maximum entropy principle and seismic MAGNITUDE-FREQUENCY relation
Earthquake frequency attenuation and earthquake prediction
The frequency of M ≥ 6 earthquakes was not very high , but the surface wave magnitudes of two M > 7 earthquakes were higher .
Because of special structural location and the intense diastrophism , the earthquake in the region has the characteristic of high frequency , high intensity , shallow hypocenter and wide distribution . It is one of the active earthquake regions in the Chinese mainland .
It was suggested that the seismic frequency and the released strain energy would be high in future 1 ~ 2 a.
The G-R relation between the earthquake magnitude and frequency has been an important premise in seismological study , but its actual distribution often deviates from its theoretic result .
Frequencies and energy of global earthquakes ( M ≥ 6 ) from 1900 through 1980
It has been of concern to scholars with its frequent seismic activity with high intensity , short-cycle and shallow focal depths .
The frequency of seismic activity in this area had migrated eastwards since the beginning of the historical recording , but the released energy was decreased eastwards .
The cumulative frequency of earthquakes with M ≥ 4.0 in the statistic unit increases smoothly in linearity , exponent acceleration and attenuates in power function with time , respectively .
Deviation between magnitude - frequency statistics and G-R relationship
Deviation of magnitude frequency distribution of earthquakes from the Gutenberg-Richter law : detection of precursory anomalies prior to large earthquakes
Coal shaking ; An explanation of ″ fall ″ phenomena at the range of small earthquakes in the magnitude frequency relation
The study shows that one can make the dynamic tracing of S-value in the seismogenic area in Sichuan-Yunnan area and provide criteria for the earthquake prediction
In a year before if , the yearly frequency for the events of 5.0 ≤ MS ≤ 6.0 in Yunnan and its vicinity was twice of the averaged yearly frequency .
Based on the research of practical magnitude-frequency distribution of various earthquake sequences , we have deeply studied the general features and difference of characteristic magnitude of 45 earthquake sequences .
We have fitted respectively using an exponential distribution model of the earthquake frequency in every period and got an increasing rate of each period .
Modern plate boundaries are the zones with the most intense tectonic activities , as well as the largest earthquake intensity and the highest earthquake frequency .
With more and more earthquake disasters happening , how to improve the comprehensive ability of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction has become a major issue which the government needs to face .
Earthquake in Huanghe delta area has small strength and low frequency , while earthquake happeded frequently in Bohai area with large strength and high frequency , which is the largest and strongest area to effect Huanghe delta area .
Earthquake frequency , strength and sequence type in the four seismic belts are analyzed .
All these sequences distributed in three different seismic belts , and their frequency , intensity and type in each belt are different .