
  1. 本文介绍省局FTP服务器技术系统的构建和管理,以及如何在地震监测预报的业务处理工作中更有效地利用该系统进行数据和信息资源共享。

    This paper introduced the structure and management of FTP SERVER technical system , and then introduced how to share the data more effectively by this system in the daily operation of the seismic prediction and seismic monitoring .

  2. 综述了近年来美国、日本的GPS连续观测系统和INSAR空间测地技术在现代地壳运动和地震监测预报研究中的应用现状和发展趋势。

    In this paper , the present situation of applications and developing trends of GPS continuous observation systems and INSAR space geodesic technique in monitoring and prediction researches of current crustal movement and earthquakes in recent years in USA and Japan etc. are reviewed .

  3. 我国地震监测预报研究的主要科学进展

    The main science advance of earthquake monitoring and prediction in China

  4. 做好地方地震监测预报基础工作之管见

    Suggestions on Making Basic Work of Regional Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction Better

  5. 简论地震监测预报的横向联合

    Discussion on the crosswise connection of seismic surveillance and prediction

  6. 应用断层气氡进行地震监测预报

    Applying fault gas radon to earthquake monitoring and prediction

  7. 新形势下地震监测预报发展的思考

    Speculation of Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction in New Position

  8. 固体不极化电极的使用效果及其在地震监测预报中的应用前景

    Application effect and prospects of solid nonpolarized electrodes in earthquake monitoring and prediction

  9. 北京市的地震监测预报;

    Earthquake monitoring and prediction in Beijing Municipality ;

  10. 防震减灾工作中地震监测预报是地震灾害监测与防御的基础。

    Earthquake monitoring and prediction is the basis of seismic disaster monitoring and defense .

  11. 由此可见,江宁地电新台具备较好的监测预报效能,有望在江苏及南黄海地区的地震监测预报中发挥作用。

    Therefore , the monitoring and prediction efficiency of new Jiangning geoelectric station is better .

  12. 现代地壳运动与地震监测预报研究的现状和发展趋势

    Present situation and trends in monitoring and prediction researches on current crustal movement and earthquakes

  13. 四是各级政府加大地震监测预报经费投入力度。

    Forth , increase the funding for earthquake monitoring and prediction on all levels government .

  14. 第二章地震监测预报

    Chapter II earthquake monitoring and prediction

  15. 在长期的地震监测预报工作过程中,我们积累了大量的地震观测资料。

    We accumulated a lot of earthquake observed data during the long-term earthquake observation and forecast work process .

  16. 关于创建川滇水库地震监测预报研究实验场的建议

    A suggestion and tentative plan of establishment of reservoir earthquake monitor forecast research experiment field in Sichuan and Yunnan Province

  17. 对地震监测预报几个问题之管见&纪念邢台地震40周年和唐山地震30周年随笔

    My Humble Opinion on Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction & In Commemoration of the 1966 Xingtai Earthquake and the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake

  18. 抓住机遇,建设新世纪专群结合的地震监测预报系统

    Seizing on the opportunity , building an earthquake monitoring and prediction system combining the professionals and amateurs in the new century

  19. 利用遥感手段进行地震监测预报已经成为当今世界地震研究领域的前沿方向和热点问题。

    Earthquake monitoring and forecasting by means of remote sensing tools has become the forefront of seismic research and hot topic .

  20. 超大功率振动源在首都圈地区地震监测预报中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of the Ultra-Large Power Vibratory Sources to Seismic Monitoring and Earthquake Prediction in the Capital Region of China

  21. 关于监测预报问题,包括20年来我国地震监测预报的成就;

    The problems in the monitoring and prediction of earthquakes , covering the achievements of such work in China during the past 20 years ;

  22. 建立安徽省地下水观测及群测群防网管理信息系统,有利于实现市县地震监测预报工作信息化、规范化管理。

    The establishment of Management Information System of Anhui ground water observation & mass observation and mass preparedness is beneficial to standardized information management .

  23. 这点认识对福建沿海地区的地震监测预报、防震减灾和重大工程的地震安全性评价,具有重要意义。

    These viewpoints have great significances to the earthquake monitoring , prediction and prevention , disater reduction and safety assessment of significant engineering seismology .

  24. 本文介绍了一种专门用于地震监测预报方面的遥感信息(图像)接收及分析处理软件系统。

    In this paper , a remote sensing information receiving and analytical processing system , which is special used to seismic monitoring and earthquake prediction is introduced .

  25. 跨断层形变自动化观测技术为断层现今活动性研究、地震监测预报和工程安全评估提供了有利条件。

    The technique for automatic measurement of fault deformation is of advantage to investigation in present-day fault activity , earthquake observation and prediction , and engineering safety evaluation .

  26. 因此,布设科学合理、运行稳定可靠的观测台网,可更好地为地震监测预报、地震应急以及科学研究提供保障。

    Therefore , a reasonably distributed , stably operational seismograph observation network plays an important role in providing better guarantee for earthquake monitoring , prediction , emergency and science research .

  27. 应用磁测资料分析了北京地区地磁变化,研究了震磁前兆信息,对开展地震监测预报工作有一定的实际效果与积极作用。

    Based on the data , the geomagnetic changes in the Beijing area were analyzed , the seismomagnetic precursor information was researched . The work has some practice effect to earthquake monitoring and prediction .

  28. 本文阐述因地制宜地把重点监视区建设成为地震监测预报和减灾初级试验场的有关问题。

    This paper expounds some issues about building the key seismic monitoring region into the preliminary testing ground of seismic surveillance , seismic prediction and mitigation of seismic hazard in the line with local conditions .

  29. 阐述了固体不极化电极的技术指标、性能特点、实际使用效果及其在地震监测预报中的重要作用和应用前景。

    The technical indexes , property characteristics and application effect of the solid nonpolarized electrodes made by the authors are introduced in this paper . The important role and application prospect of this kind of electrodes in earthquake monitoring and prediction are discussed .

  30. 为了地震监测和预报,作者研制了一套四极质谱气体分析装置。

    A quadrupole mass spectrometric equipment has been developed for monitoring and predicting earthquake .