
  1. 全省划分出27处地质灾害易发区。

    There are 27 geological hazardous places plotted out in Shaanxi Province .

  2. 浙江省龙泉市地质灾害易发区划分分析

    LongQuan city geological disaster easy happen area analyses by the zone division in zhejiang province

  3. 因此,通过圈定地质灾害易发区,有计划地开展地质灾害防治其潜在的社会意义及经济意义将是十分巨大的。

    Therefore , it is very profit for the social and economy to distinguish hazard-prone areas and designedly carry out geological disaster prevention .

  4. 限制在地质灾害易发区开采矿产资源,禁止在地质灾害危险区开采矿产资源。

    We shall restrict the exploitation of mineral resources in areas liable to geological disasters , and prohibit the exploitation of mineral resources in areas with real danger from geological disasters .

  5. 地质灾害易发区划分利用袭扰系数法,按易发程度依次为高易发区、中易发区、低易发区及不发育区。

    Using disturbing ratio method and according to easy-happening degree , geological hazards easy-happening areas can be divided into high easy-happening area , medium easy-happening area , low easy-happening area and not happening area .

  6. 得到地质灾害高易发区11个、中易发区12个、低易发区8个和不发育区3个。

    The results show that there are 11 high-prone areas , 12 medium-prone areas , 8 low-prone areas and 3 no-developed areas .

  7. 评价表明:太白县地质灾害高易发区主要沿公路、河谷分布,占全区面积的7.9%,区内人类工程活动强烈,地质灾害发生的可能性极大。

    The evaluation showed : the high-prone region of geological disaster in Taibai county is mainly distributed along the highroad and valley , which account for 7.9 % of the whole area and where the human engineering activities are strong , the probability of geological hazards is significant .

  8. 三峡地区是我国地质灾害高发区和易发区之一。

    Three Gorges area is one of the high incidence areas of geological disasters in China .

  9. 周至县地质灾害分布特征及易发区划分

    The distribution features of geological hazards and the classfication of areas of its probably occurrence in Zhouzhi County

  10. 宝鸡市大地构造位于中朝准地台与祁连褶皱系及秦岭褶皱系的交接部位,地质构造、地理环境复杂,属地质灾害多发、易发区,在未来地震作用下会诱发一系列的地质灾害。

    Baoji situates at the junction of Sino-Korean paraplatform , Qilian fold system and the Qinling fold system . It has complex geological structure and geographical environment , which leads to an area with many and prone geological disasters , especially under the action of the next possible earthquake .