
  • 网络geological tourism;geo-tourism;geotourism;geological tour
  1. 河南省地质旅游资源及其开发利用初探

    A pilot probe on the geo-tourism resources and their development in Henan Province

  2. 澎湖群岛地质旅游资源评估与规划

    Geo-tourism Resources Evaluation and Planning in Penghu Islands

  3. 贵州具有发展地质旅游的良好资源条件。

    Guizhou has the good resources advantages to develop geological traveling .

  4. 巢湖区域地质旅游资源评价与开发对策

    Evaluation and Development Strategy of Geologic Tourist Resources in Chaohu Area

  5. 山西地质旅游资源概况及其开发与保护构想

    Exploitation and Protection of Geological Tourism Resources in Shanxi Province

  6. 地质旅游资源分类及开发利用初探

    Preliminary Study on the Classification of Geological Tourism Resources and Its Exploitation

  7. 江西地质旅游资源特点综述

    Summary on the Characteristic of Geologic Tour Resource in JX

  8. 澳门地质旅游资源的形成与开发

    The formation and development of geological tourist resources in Macau

  9. 贵州发展综合性地质旅游的思考

    Thought on Developing the Comprehensive Geological Tourism in Guizhou Province

  10. 长白山天池火山地质旅游

    Geological trip on Tianchi volcanoes in Changbai Mountains area

  11. 冰川地质旅游资源的开发策略

    The Exploration Strategy on Glacial Geological Resources for Tourism

  12. 新疆地质旅游资源与开发

    Geological resources for touring and its development in Xinjiang

  13. 区域地质旅游资源的评价方法

    Study of evaluation on regional geological tourist resources

  14. 地质旅游资源是地质作用形成的特殊的自然资源。

    Geological tourism resources are special nature resources which are formed by geological process .

  15. 京九铁路沿线江西段地质旅游资源开发建议

    Some suggestions on development of geological tourist resources along the Jiangxi Section of Beijing-Jiulong Railway

  16. 本文重点介绍了西昌锦屏地区的几处自然景点和地质旅游路线。

    The present paper gives some natural scenic spots and geological tourist routes in this area .

  17. 随着秦皇岛旅游业的不断发展,开发秦皇岛北部的地质旅游资源,是秦皇岛旅游业的发展方向。

    With the tourism development of Qinhuangdao city , developing the resources in northern Qinhuangdao is the orientation .

  18. 如何能够应用科学的方法对地质旅游资源进行合理的开发与规划,是目前地质公园开发所面临的一个突出问题。

    How to introduce scientific methodology to exploitation of tourism resources is critic problem in the development of geopark .

  19. 要破解这一难题,在贵州开发地质旅游资源,促进民族旅游与地质旅游的结合是一条可行的道路。

    We think developing geological tourism is a feasible way to promote the combination of ethnic minority tourism with geological tourism .

  20. 在分析了旅游资源特色和开发条件的基础上,对地质旅游开发的对策进行了初步的探讨。

    Based on analyzing the characteristics of tour resource and conditions of development , tentatively discusses the measures of developing geologic tour .

  21. 大连的地质旅游资源种类丰富,规模较大,而且有很多地质旅游资源都是国内外罕见的,甚至是惟一的。

    Dalian variety of geological tourism resources , larger , and many domestic and international geo-tourism resources are rare , even unique .

  22. 地质旅游资源的开发一项系统工程,新疆具有十分丰富的地质旅游资源。

    The geological tour resources development is a systems engineering ( project ), Xinjiang has very ( extremely ) rich geological tour resources .

  23. 最终建立由终因子模型、中间模型和子模型共同构成的整个地质旅游地的综合评价系统。

    Finally , the entire comprehensive appraisal system which is formed by the end factor model , the middle model and the submodule is established .

  24. 在地质旅游引起旅游业界广泛关注、地质公园在世界范围内掀起申报浪潮的时代背景下,地质公园成为了旅游业的新的增长点。

    Under the ground of geo-tourism caused widespread concern and a wave of world geo-park declaration , geo-parks have become a new tourism hot spot .

  25. 同时,结合贵州旅游资源多元和多彩的特点,贵州地质旅游开发要走综合性的整合开发之路。

    Meanwhile , we should integrate all kinds of elements to develop the tourism in Guizhou Province by unifying Guizhou 's multi-element and colorful characteristic of traveling resources .

  26. 近年来,地质旅游在中国表现出强大的发展动力和生命力,旅游人数逐年递增。

    In recent years , the geology tourism shows powerful motive force and big Vitality in China , the number of tourism increases by degrees year by year .

  27. 贵州的地质旅游资源得天独厚,国家地质公园的建设、世界地质公园的申报都为贵州开发地质旅游准备了充足条件。

    Guizhou is rich in original geological resources . National geological park construction and geological park of the world declaration has prepared ample conditions for developing Guizhou geological tourism .

  28. 因此,对抚仙湖流域的地质旅游资源进行科学评价,并以湖泊地质旅游资源特色为卖点,开发湖泊旅游产品,将湖泊地质旅游资源、地质旅游精品推介入旅游市场,具有积极地意义。

    Hence , it 's worthwhile of assessing scientifically the geological tourist resources in Fuxian Lake area for market , to develop lake tourist products as highlights of lake geological tourism .

  29. 作者竭力倡导积极开发新疆的地质旅游资源并提出普查、保护、景点建设及线路开发等具体建议。

    The authors suggest to develop these resources , and offer some propositions , such as the geological survey and protection , build of touring sites , and development of touring lines .

  30. 并提出将科学旅游,诸如洞穴探险、地质旅游、自然保护区考察和历史考古等作为贵州旅游业向高层次发展的方向。

    And science tourism , such as cave exploration , geological tourism , natural conservation survey and archaeological studies , has also been put forward as orientation of the development with high rank for Guizhou tourism .