
The variation of Sr isotope in paleo-ocean is regarded as the result of the evolution of crust and mantle and of the crust-mantle interaction in different geological times .
Mathematical model of sea-level change curves in geological history
Whatever age is short relative to geologic era .
Study of carbon cycle during geological history
Paleoclimate Characteristics in Xinjiang in Geologic Time
This model is different from that of the other organic reefs in the geological history .
Formed in very long geological history , they mainly include Proterozoic , Carboniferous , Permian and Triassic volcanic rocks .
The composition , property and evolutionary of mantle fluid dealt with that in the global extent during geological time ;
The change of oblateness in individual geological periods is needed to determine the change of the earth 's shape .
Silver deposits are formed by suffering some important geological events in a certain geological history period and special geological environment .
Ecostratigraphy is using the way of reconstructing palaeocommunite to analyse stratum , to recover the real feature in geology history .
Forces in the earth 's crust have been active throughout geological time . Rocks respond to these forces by folding and faulting .
Fossil plants are considered as direct evidence for vegetation succession in the geological period and invaluable materials for the prediction of palaeoelevation .
Then use antitone structural analysis method to recognize and reconstruct the primary tectonic structure and sedimentary feature of a basin in certain geological history .
The shallow groundwater is mainly recharged by modern and local precipitation , and the deep groundwater might be originated from infiltration recharge of ancient precipitation .
Confined groundwater mainly originates by recharge of regional meteoric water and river water in the geological history , which has relation with modern water circulation .
Therefore , the middle Yangtze and its adjacent region have experienced in geological history four types of prototype basins with the characteristics of episodic sedimentation .
Carbon cycle , to a first approximation , can be considered a balance between the carbon in the sedimentary carbonate reservoir and the organic matter reservoir .
The earth is a ellipsoid consisted of both solid and liquid , so the true value in each geological time should be less than the calculated oblateness .
Rock mass is defined as a geological body with particular composition and structure . It was formed in long geologic period and hosted in a certain geological environment .
Identification of condensed section is not only the key to understanding of sequence structure , but also critical to analysis of global relative sea level changes during geologic history .
Studying the environment changes in geology history period can provide a method and reference to forecast the whole world change , especially the climate cycle from the Quaternary period .
Palaeo-karst was formed under an ancient stress condition in geological history , and deep karst was formed in a deep buried condition not controlled by the base level of erosion .
During the long geological historical period of earth evolution , with the geological function of internal and external power , the precious and non-renewable geological natural heritage was formed and developed .
Based research on mudstone compaction curves , the fluid pressures and fluid potentials during geological periods in deepest burial are restored , so as to study on ancient fluid of reservoir bed .
The Milankovitch cycle , whose records in strata can be considered both as an accurate " sediment clock " and as an auxiliary dating tool , is relatively stable in the geologic history .
Before the characteristics of fluid migration and accumulation being studied , evolution history of paleo-hydrodynamics must be restored first of all , because of being as specific history events set in geologically history periods .
Analyzing the fluid flow rules in researched region in geologic time , the migration , accumulation , remigration and reaccumulation of hydrocarbon are realized , evaluating the favourable accumulation zones and its characteristics finally .
As a cross-section and the latest chapter of the geological history , the environment evolvement of Holocene plays a role of the connecting link between the preceding and the following in the research of global change .
The results show that coal matrix flexibility energy was controlled by rock mechanical properties of coal , and was correlative nearly with the buried deepness of coal reservoir and the evolvement degree of coal rank in different geological phases .