
  • 网络GRAVITY;earth gravity;Terrestrial gravi-ation
  1. 地球重力场模型在线路GPS高程转换中的应用

    The Application of Earth Gravity Field in GPS Height Transformation

  2. 基于SST地球重力场模型的GPS高程转换研究及应用

    Study and Application of GPS Height Transformation Based on SST Earth Gravity Model

  3. 利用地球重力场模型精化GPS水准

    GPS Leveling Refinement with the Earth 's Gravity Field Model

  4. 地球重力场有限连续Fourier分析

    The Continuous and Finite Fourier Analysis for the Earth 's Gravity Field

  5. 试验数据表明,在地球重力场中的试验精度优于2×10~(-5)g。

    It is shown that the experimental accuracy under global gravity field is better than 2 × 10-5g .

  6. 基于GRACE星间距离变率数据的地球重力场模型

    A Gravity Field Model Recovered From Inter-Satellite Range-Rate Observations of GRACE

  7. 用GRACE星间速度恢复地球重力场

    Recovering the Earth Gravity Field from Inter-satellite Range-rate of GRACE

  8. 用GRACE卫星跟踪数据反演地球重力场

    Earth 's gravity field derived from GRACE satellite tracking data

  9. 两种GRACE地球重力场精度评定方法的检验

    Mutual verification of two methods on evaluating accuracy of grace earth 's gravitational field

  10. 应用GRACE卫星星历数据反演地球重力场模型

    Gravity Field Model Recovery Based on GRACE Ephemerides

  11. 精化地球重力场模型中SST距离的观测方程

    Observation Equation of Distance between SST Satellites in Refining Earth Gravity Model

  12. 为此,提出利用地球重力场模型改进GPS水准中移动曲面法的方法。

    This paper is mainly about how to improve moving surface method of GPS leveling by means of earth 's gravity field model .

  13. 极光的出现并不是来自于X星的持续的磁场轰炸引起的,因为极光是由地球重力场的波动引起的。

    The aurora display was not caused by the continuing magnetic blasts from Planet X , as auroras are caused by fluctuations in Earth gravity field .

  14. 卫卫跟踪(SST)技术是目前地球重力场测量最有价值和应用前景的方法之一。

    Satellite-to-satellite tracking is one of the most promising and valuable methods for gravity field determination .

  15. 基于CHAMP卫星星历反演地球重力场的两种方法

    Two methods for recovering gravitational potential from the ephemerides of CHAMP

  16. 利用地球重力场模型计算CHAMP卫星参考轨道

    Calculation of the Reference Orbit of CHAMP by Gravitational Potential Model

  17. 基于CHAMP短弧长动力学轨道的地球重力场模型

    A gravity field model based on CHAMP short-arc dynamical orbits

  18. 利用CHAMP科学轨道数据和星载加速度计数据反演地球重力场

    Earth 's Gravity Field Recovered from CHAMP Science Orbit and Accelerometer Data

  19. 应用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度数据恢复地球重力场

    Recovery of earth gravity field with CHAMP data of orbit and acceleration

  20. 利用CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型

    Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Orbits and Accelerometer Data

  21. 使用能量守恒方法恢复CHAMP地球重力场

    CHAMP gravity field recovery using the energy conservation method

  22. Surfer在地球重力场数据可视化中的应用

    Application surfer in visualization of earth gravity field data

  23. 利用CHAMP卫星数据反演地球重力场

    The Gravity Field Recovery from CHAMP Data

  24. 地球重力场与KBR系统频谱关系的建立与分析

    Establishment and Analysis of the Spectrum Relationship Between Earth Gravity Field and KBR

  25. 在求定重力场方面发展了卫星跟踪卫星(SST)测定地球重力场及其变化的新技术。

    The new technology of satellite-satellite tracking ( SST ) has been developed for the determination of Earth gravity field and its time-variation .

  26. GRACE卫星作为新一代地球重力卫星计划,利用其时变地球重力场数据产品监测陆地水储量变化的已经得到了广泛的研究验证。

    As one of the new generation of gravity satellites , using GRACE data and its time-variable product to detect the total water storage has been widely proved .

  27. 随着GPS技术的发展,星载GPS技术日趋成熟,因此由星载GPS相位数据确定地球重力场模型是当前国际地学研究的热点之一。

    With the development of GPS technology , onboard GPS technique can be used to determine the satellite orbit . Therefore the study of earth gravity model determination from onboard GPS phase data becomes a research focus in the international geoscience .

  28. 其次分析和探讨了GPS高程转换的方法,将其分为四种类型:线性拟合模型、平面拟合模型、地球重力场模型拟合法、地球重力模型与GPS水准相结合法。

    Then analyses and discusses the method of transformation of GPS height , which is divided into four types : linear fitting model , plane fitting model , earth gravity model fitting method , the gravity model in combination with GPS leveling .

  29. 基于能量守恒方法,研究了CHAMP卫星轨道和加速度计误差对卫星高度处的扰动位及由此恢复得到的地球重力场模型精度的影响。

    On the basis of energy conservation method , the effects of orbit and accelerometer errors on disturbing potential and the recovered gravitational field model are studied .

  30. 随着全球地球重力场模型、地面的实测重力数据、GPS水准数据和数字地而模型等数据的丰富,为确定厘米级大地水准面提供了必要条件。

    Along with a large numbers of the earth gravity field model , gravity data in the earth surface , GPS / leveling data , digital terrain model and other related data , the refinement of centimeter order geoid has been provided with necessary conditions .