
  • 网络Geochemical anomaly
  1. 酸解烃和ΔC各指标等值线图显示在调查区的西北部和东北部分布有两个地球化学异常区。

    The isogram of acid hydrocarbon and Δ C show two geochemical anomaly areas , respectively in the northwest and northeast of the survey areas .

  2. 在金、铜矿床(体)上方分别发育有良好的Au和Cu的生物地球化学异常和元素组合及分带。

    The Au and Cu botanical geochemical anomaly and composed zonation are respectively developed over orebodies in gold deposits and copper deposits .

  3. 桂西北MS金矿区岩石地球化学异常特征

    Characteristics of rock geochemical anomalies in the MS gold district , northwestern Guangxi

  4. Au的生物地球化学异常和对植物细胞的变异效应

    Gold biogeochemical anomaly and aberrance effect of botanic cell tissue

  5. 城镇区土壤中Hg环境地球化学异常查证及评价新思路

    New thinking about appraisement and inspecting of Hg environmental geochemical anomalies in soil around urban

  6. 元素地球化学异常为Au-Ag-Hg-As-Bi组合。该矿床属浅成低温热液型金矿床。

    The geochemical element anomaly is Au-Ag-Hg-As-Bi composition , The deposit belongs to epithermal low temperature type .

  7. 应用多重分形滤波技术提取致矿地球化学异常:以西南三江南段Cu、Zn致矿异常提取为例

    Application of Multi-Fractal Filtering to Extraction of Geochemical Anomalies from Multi-Geochemical Backgrounds : A Case Study of the Southern Section of Sanjiang Ore-Forming Zone , Southwestern China

  8. 结果表明,区域上二台子金铜矿床的表生地球化学异常元素组合为AuAsSbHgCu,并表现出与原生异常在组合、含量等特征上的一致性。

    The results show that the supergene geochemical anomalies in the gold orefield have the element association of Au_As_Sb_Hg_Cu , consistent with characteristics of the primary anomalies .

  9. 为达找矿之目的,根据1:50000土壤化探资料,用块段平均法计算,编绘Pb、Zn、Cu地球化学异常图。

    In order to find mineral deposit , based on 1:50000 scale geochemical soil survey data , Pb , Zn and Cu geochemical anomaly maps are drown up using data calculated by block average method .

  10. 根据龙泉站测区构造地球化学异常分布及EH-4电磁测量成果,共圈定找矿靶位2处。

    Two prospecting targets were delineated according to the abnormity of tectonic geochemistry and EH-4 geophysical sounding .

  11. 成矿前和成矿期的海底火山活动带来了Mn、Co、Ni、V等,藻礁捕获成矿元素形成地球化学异常和矿体。

    Metallic substances , Mn , Co , Ni and V , were introduced in by the submarine volcanic activities before and during the metallizing phase , and the geochemical anomalies and ore bodies are produced by the metallogenic elements captured by algae reefs .

  12. 通过对李坝金矿外围水系沉积物地球化学异常特征的研究,认为区内具有良好的寻找金矿前景,Ag为近矿指示元素,As、Sb、Pb为远程指示元素。

    Through the researches to the unusual characteristics of sediment geochemistry in outer water of Liba Deposit , the paper thinks this area is very potential , Ag is an close indicate element , As , Sb , Pb are far indicate elements .

  13. 根据构造地球化学异常的分布及地表矿化情况,选择16线和111线开展了EH-4电磁测量。

    Based on the distribution of tectonic geochemistry abnormity and surficial ore occurrence , EH-4 geophysical sounding were carried out in 16 and 111 exploratory lines .

  14. 在Hg环境地球化学异常查证及评价研究中发现,在城镇及其周边土壤Hg异常内普遍存在着辰砂,而且辰砂的产出位置与Hg异常的空间分布位置基本吻合。

    The cinnabars are found in Hg anomalous areas around urban areas , and located in alluvial plain . Location that occur cinnabars is basically consistent to the layer that exist Hg anomaly in the item of appraisement and inspecting of Hg environmental geochemical anomalies .

  15. 我国平原区土壤地球化学异常成因研究

    The origin of soil geochemical anomalies in plain areas in China

  16. 对环境地球化学异常与碘缺乏病关系的探讨

    Discussion of the Relation between Environment-geochemical Abnormity and Iodine Deficiency Disease

  17. 确定地球化学异常水平分带序列方法的研究

    A study of the method for determining geological horizontal zonality sequence

  18. 锡矿山锑矿床地球化学异常模式及其找矿预测标志

    Geochemical Anomaly Pattern and Ore-hunting Prognosis Evidence of the Xikuangshan Sb-deposit

  19. 大中型铜矿区域地球化学异常预测评价研究

    Prediction and evaluation of regional geochemical anomalies for middle-large copper deposits

  20. 砷的地球化学异常在寻找金矿中的应用

    The Geochemical anomalies of As and its application to gold prospecting

  21. 覆盖区地球化学异常特征及甄别方法探讨

    Discussions on Geochemistry Anomaly Properties and Discrimination Method in Overburden Area

  22. 硫同位素在地球化学异常成因研究中的应用

    The Application of Sulfur Isotope in the Cause of Geochemical Abnormality

  23. 八宝山金矿原生晕特征与地质&地球化学异常找矿模型

    Primary Halo Features and Geological-Geochemical Model of the Babaoshan Gold Deposits

  24. 元素迁移的分维结构、级序路径及共轭地球化学异常存在的理论依据

    Fractal structure and hierarchical paths of element migration and conjugate geochemical anomalies

  25. 台西盆地某坳陷油气地球化学异常特征与评价

    Geochemical anomalies and hydrocarbon potential of a depression in West Taiwan Basin

  26. 比例尺对地球化学异常解释的影响

    The Effect of Scale on the Interpretation of Geochemical Anomalies

  27. 海洋浅表层沉积物和孔隙水的天然气水合物地球化学异常识别标志

    Geochemical anomaly of marine gas hydrates from shallow sediments and pore waters

  28. 地球化学异常规模不大,常由多个中心构成。

    The geochemical anomaly is generally small with multiple centers .

  29. 湖北青山口地区地球化学异常特征及找矿认识

    Prospecting Cognition and Geochemical Anomaly Characteristics in Qingshankou Area , Hubei Province

  30. 区域地球化学异常系统评价的思路与方法

    Thought and method of systematic appraisal of regional geochemical anomalies