
dì xínɡ qì hòu
  • Topographical climate;topoclimate
  1. 黄土高原北部坡梁地微地形气候的温度变化特征研究

    Landform Microclimate Characteristic of Sloping and Hummock in North Region of Loessial Plateau

  2. 地形气候差异在作物安全越冬精细区划中的应用

    Application of Topography and Climate Difference on Fine Regional Planning of Crops Safe Wintering

  3. 影响这些物种分布的主要因素包括地质过程、地形气候条件以及人类活动的干扰。

    The key influence factors to these species include landform , climate and human disturbance .

  4. 然而雷达提供的信息量少,精度不高,易受地形气候影响,探测能力受到严重影响。

    But less information is provided and the accuracy of radar is not high . Furthermore , radar is vulnerable to climate and its detection capability is severely affected .

  5. 基于PRESS准则选取预报因子的逐步算法我国地形小气候研究概况与展望

    The Stepwise Algorithm for Selecting Predictors on the Basis of the Criterion from Prediction Sum of Squares

  6. 本研究首先根据综合自然地理因素(包括海拔、地形、气候、植被、水系、农业等),利用GIS技术手段,将中国版图划分成124个基本单元。

    On the basis of comprehensive natural factors including altitude , topography , climate , vegetation , river system , farm belt , etc. , the present paper has divided China ′ s territory into 124 basic units by using the GIS technique .

  7. 由于重冰区地形、气候等的影响,OPGW容易发生冰害事故,选择合理的OPGW结构型式非常重要。

    Because of influence of landform and climate in heavy icing area , OPGW will to happen ice injury accident easy , it is very important to choose rational OPGW structure pattern .

  8. 微地形微气候对导线覆冰有很重大的影响。

    Micro-landform and micro-climate could exert great influence on conductor icing .

  9. 发展柑桔生产的地形小气候资源探讨

    A discussion on microclimatic resources for development of citrus production

  10. 把地形和气候共同造成了这里的低温。

    The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate .

  11. 对局部地区,局部地形、气候等因素起着决定性作用。

    In local areas , the factors of local topography , climate etc. , play an important role .

  12. 山区农业气候资源空间分布的推算方法及小地形的气候效应

    The methods calculating the spatial distribution of Agroclimatic Resources in mountainous areas and the climatic effects of microtopography

  13. 山地绿洲的气候效应可以抑制山地地形的气候效应。

    The climatic effect of mountain atop oasis could restrain the upward movement led by the terrain height .

  14. 分析了山东省石灰岩山地的地形、气候、土壤和植被的特点。

    The characteristics of the topography , climate , soil and vegetation in Shandong limestone mountainous region are analyzed .

  15. 对地球表面的研究:包括人类对地形,气候,土壤,和植被的反应。

    Study of the earth 's surface ; includes people 's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation .

  16. 受地形和气候条件的控制,我国的大多数水电资源都在高山峡谷地区。

    Most of power potential are in alp and gorge region being mastered of landform and climate condition in our nation .

  17. 论文针对中冻地区的特殊地形、气候及自然环境因素,分析了该地区道路运营产生的诸多病害。

    For the particular topography , climate , and natural environmental factors , many damages in the middle frozen area are analyzed .

  18. 自然环境要素包括地形、气候、植物和水体等,它是构成农村特色的基本要素理。

    Natural environment elements include topography , climate , vegetation and water bodies , constitute the basic elements of rural characteristics theory .

  19. 兰花的生长分布与地形、气候、土壤和植物等生境因子关系密切。

    The distribution of orchids are related to such natural factors as elevation , landscape , climate , soil and flora itself .

  20. 利用该模型和地理信息系统技术,建立了越南各月气温、各月降水量高分辨率空间分布栅格图层。这些图层充分地反映了中小尺度地形对气候的影响。

    With the model and the GIS technology , the high-resolution dimensional grid-layer chart of monthly temperature and precipitation in Viet Nam is built .

  21. 青藏高原的隆升剧烈改变了亚洲的地形和气候,并影响了高原上和邻近地区的生物多样性。

    The uplift of the QTP dramatically changed the topography and climate of Asia and affected the biodiversity of the plateau and its adjacent areas .

  22. 应用气候学知识分析坡地环境特征对气候的影响,总结出地形影响气候的一般规律。

    Application of knowledge of climate to analysis the slope environmental characteristics that impact on the climate , summarized the general rule that topography affect climate .

  23. 定义的特点是水平的地形,气候干燥,一个缺乏trees.The的大平原,实际上是前浅内海床。

    The defining features are level terrain , dry climate , and an absence of trees.The Great Plains are actually the former bed of shallow inland sea .

  24. 特殊地形、气候条件和富含沙尘源的下垫面是形成沙尘暴的物质基础;

    The special topography , climate conditions and the underlying surface with the source of the abundant sand were the material base of forming sand and dust storm .

  25. 其次根据山地城市综合体的布局原则,分析山地城市综合体适应地形和气候等因素的处理手法。

    Second , according to the layout of Mountain City complex principles of mountainous terrain and urban complexes to adapt to the handling of climate and other factors .

  26. 各元素在土壤剖面中分布状况与元素特性、母质,地形、气候以及地质淋溶和生物积累强弱有关。

    The distribution of element in soil profile was related to the characteristics of elements , soil parent , topography , climate and intensity of geological leaching and biological accumulation .

  27. 土壤中硒的含量与土壤母质、地形、气候条件和土壤性质等有关,调节土壤性质可以改善作物的含硒量。

    The content of selenium in soils is controlled by a series of factors , such as soil parent material , soil forming process , soil property and climate , etc.

  28. 能够让学生拥有日本地理的基础概念,包含自然地理:位置、地形、气候、山川、湖泊等;

    Let the student have the Japanese geography foundation concept , contains the physical geography : Position , terrain , climate , mountains and rivers , lake and so on ;

  29. 云南省地处中国西南边陲,地形、气候复杂多样,物产、资源非常丰富。

    Yunnan Province lies in the southwest of China . The complexity of the landforms and the climates and the abundance in the products and resources are its main characteristics .

  30. 根据反映不同空间尺度气候要素变化规律,充分考虑辐射、地形等气候形成因子的影响,采用不同内插方法,建立了越南气温和降水量插补模型。

    The interpolation model of temperature and precipitation of Viet Nam is built by using different inserting methods according to the elements that reflect the climate in different dimension scales .