
dì dònɡ yí
  • Seismometer;seismograph as invented by the Chinese scientist Zhang Heng (张衡)in A.D.132
地动仪 [dì dòng yí]
  • [seismograph as invented by the Chinese scientist Zhang Heng in A.D. 132] 候风地动仪的简称

  1. 张衡地动仪与公元134年陇西地震

    Zhang heng ′ s seismometer and Longxi earthquake of 134 ad

  2. 中国的张衡在汉朝时发明了地动仪。

    China 's Zhang Heng invented the seismograph during the Han Dynasty .

  3. 地动仪全部用精铜铸成,结构非常精细巧妙。

    The seismograph was made of fine copper , and was ingeniously constructed .

  4. 张衡和地动仪

    Zhang Heng and the Seismograph

  5. 张衡发明的地动仪以青铜铸成,四周镶嵌以八条龙,龙头朝下。

    Heng 's creation was a heavy bronze vessel with nine dragons facing downward embedded into its outside .

  6. 张衡则以高超的工艺制造了“浑天仪”、“地动仪”等科学仪器,观察天象,感应地震。

    Zhang Heng invented seismography and the Armillary Sphere so as to observe the universe and perceive earthquake .

  7. 公元132年张衡发明制造侯风地动仪是世界上第一台感知地震的仪器。

    This seismograph was invented by Zhang Heng in A.D.132 , as the world 's first instrument to sense earthquakes .

  8. 这一最初的地动仪虽然有点简陋,但比起西方发明的地震仪仍然早了1500多年。

    This first seismograph seems a bit basic , but it would be another 1500 years before Western nations developed their own versions .

  9. 在地震学上,他发明了候风地动仪,是世界上的地震仪之祖,比其它类似设备早了1800年。

    He was renowned as the inventor of the world 's first seismograph , which was invented 1 800 years earlier than other similar devices .

  10. 早在公元2世纪前叶,汉代天文学家张衡就创造出了地动仪,他发明的地动仪还巧夺天工、壮观宏伟。

    Not only did imperial astronomer Chang Heng create a seismograph during the Han Dynasty in the early second century , he created a magnificently beautiful one .

  11. 清朝末年,以张衡地动仪为代表的科学思路在海外得到发扬,诞生了现代地震学。

    In the last years of the Qing Dynasty , the scientific train of thought represented by the seismograph of Zhang Heng was promoted overseas , and modern seismology came into being .

  12. 中国东汉科学家张衡于公元132年发明的地动仪是世界上最早的地震仪。

    The seismograph invented in 132 A.D. by Zhang Heng , Chinese scientist of the East Han Dynasty ( 25 A.D. - 220 A.D. ), was the first seismograph in the world .

  13. 汉代张衡发明了测定地震方位的地动仪和演示日月星辰的浑天仪。

    Zhang Heng ( 78-139 ) of the Han Dynasty invented a seismograph to determine the location of earthquakes and an armillary sphere that showed the movement of the sun , moon and other stars .

  14. 他一生做出了许多设计与发明,如水运浑天仪、候风地动仪、指南车、记里鼓车等,并在国际上拥有广泛地影响力。

    He did a number of inventions and designs all his lifetime , such as Armillary , Seismoscope , Southward Pointing Chariot , Li-drum-hodometer and so on , which have wide influence on the international arena .

  15. 此时,“悬摆锤”来回摆动引发地动仪内部的杠杆活动,从而触动机关,使得地震源方向的龙头张开嘴,吐出铜球,落到铜蟾蜍嘴中。

    This would trigger the release of a ball held in the mouth of the dragon facing the direction of the earthquake 's epicenter . The ball would then fall into the mouth of the frog directly below it .

  16. 他根据自己对于地震现象的观测,于公元132年在京城洛阳制成了“候风地动仪”,这台仪器成为世界上第一台观测地震方向的仪器。

    As a result of careful observations of earthquakes , he invented a seismograph in the then national capital of Luoyang in 132 AD , which was the world 's first instrument to identify and ascertain the direction of earthquakes .

  17. 尽管古代中国人并不能准确地告知世人一场地震是里氏几级(因为直到1935年里氏震级才被发明出来),但他们却设法发明了世界上第一个地震测量仪——地动仪。

    Although the Chinese couldn 't tell anyone exactly what an earthquake measured on the Richter scale ( since the Richter scale wasn 't created until 1935 ) , they did manage to invent the world 's first earthquake detector -- a seismograph .

  18. 通过对历史上京师地震和陇西地震文献记载的分析,进一步否定了用公元143年陇西地震来测试地动仪的可能性。

    Through analy - sis of the literature about the earthquake in West Gansu and the earthquake in the Capital in history , the possibility of using the West Gansu earthquake that occurred in AD 143 to test seismograph 's function is denied again .

  19. 铜球就会掉进铜蟾蛛的嘴里,自动报告发生地震的方向。公元138年的一天,地动仪西边的龙嘴吐出了铜球。

    The dragon facing that direction would open its mouth , and the ball would fall into the mouth of the toad below , automatically indicating the direction of the earthquake.One day in 138 AD , the dragon in the west expelled its ball .

  20. 考察地动仪及其设计思想在中国古代的流传情况,可以看出古人对地动仪的质疑早已有之,而且越来越明显与强烈。

    On the other hand , from the spread of the designing thought of the instrument in ancient China , it is very clear that the doubts about the instrument had appeared from very early times , and were becoming more and more obvious and strong .

  21. 由博学著称的中国发明家张衡发明了世界上第一台地震仪,这台地震仪也是他最伟大的成就之一。这台发明于公元132年的仪器的名字叫做“候风地动仪”。

    The famed Chinese polymath Zhang Heng has the world 's first seismograph to add to his impressive list of achievements.The invention known as Houfeng Didong Yi ( " instrument for inquiring into the wind and the shaking of the earth " ) was created in A.D. 132 .