
  • 网络lurker;Spikeweed;Lucker;Luker
  1. 她把刀子深深地刺进他的胸膛。

    She plunged the knife deep into his chest .

  2. 除了去杜塞尔多夫(Dusseldorf)之外,我都突兀地刺人眼目。

    Everywhere I go but Dusseldorf , I stand out garishly .

  3. 滨海盐碱地刺槐林生长衰退机理研究

    Study on Growth Decline Mechanism of Black Locust on Coastal Saline-alkali Soil

  4. 她把刀子深深地刺进他的胸膛。

    She plunged the kinfe deep into his chest .

  5. 我生平所经历的事情没有一件象这次别离这么深切地刺我的心。

    Nothing that ever befell me in my life sank so deep into my heart as this farewell .

  6. 当今天早晨我发现一把血腥的弯曲匕首深深地刺进大门的时候,我意识到那些黑暗祭祀已经找到我了。

    I knew the cultists had found me when I saw the bloody , curved knife stabbed violently into my door this morning .

  7. 但是他一位忠诚的护卫从隐蔽处跳出来把他的剑深深地刺进了勇敢的先知的胁里。

    But one of his loyal bodyguards leaped out from hiding and thrust his sword deep into the side of the brave Knowing-one .

  8. 他逼得我退到了墙边,在我的胳膊上深深地刺了一剑,然后开始微笑。很快他就能杀死我了。

    He drove me back against the wall , gave me a deep cut in the arm , and began to smile.In a second he would kill me .

  9. 手里的短剑直刺向我的心脏。我跳向一边,短剑深深地刺进我的肩膀。

    In it he held a dagger and it was coming straight at my heart ! I jumped to one side , and the dagger went deep into my shoulder .

  10. 进入后,顺着从地面钻出来的地刺走,拉动中央的机关,即可打开上图中下方的门。

    After get into , the ground which follows to drill out from the ground stabs to walk , pull to move a central organization , can immediately open up diagram under of door .

  11. 黄河三角洲重盐碱地白刺造林技术的研究

    Study on Planting Techniques of Nitraria sibirica in Yellow River Delta Region with Worst Salt-affected Soils

  12. 他出于习惯,“机械地”连刺受害母亲数刀。

    He " mechanically " stabbed the mother several times because of this habit .

  13. 他费力地把刀子刺了进去。

    He ran his knife in with difficulty .

  14. 他凶狠地将刺刀刺向稻草人。

    He viciously bayoneted the straw dummy .

  15. 管桩桩体产生向上刺入变形,由于桩帽和加筋褥垫层的设置,能有效地缓解上刺入深度。

    The study also shows that the pipe piles produce upward penetration deformation , and due to pile caps and reinforced cushions , the penetration depth is effectively alleviated .

  16. 他不知道自己要写多少节,也不知道自己究竟要写些什么,他只是重重地把笔尖刺向稿纸,让笔尖发出的嚓嚓的声音紧紧跟上胸膛里那颗心的搏动。

    He did not know how many sections he wanted to write , nor just what it was he wanted to write ; he just stabbed heavily at the paper with his pen , letting the scratching of the pen follow closely on the beating of his heart .

  17. 为了使自己的技术更加精湛,骑士们需要不停地训练,即刺靶。

    In order to perfect their skills , knights would need to train - and that 's quintain .

  18. 因此,本文采用大鼠游泳实验,系统地研究了以刺五加为主要组方的单味及复合药对无氧训练大鼠运动能力的影响。

    The effect of Ciwujia and combination on improving the physical performance of anaerobic training rats by weight carrying swimming test .

  19. 这些都较大地提高了白刺的利用价值,为重盐碱区提供了良好的盐土改良植物。

    And these all improve the Nitratia 's practical values and provide an excellent plant for the improvement of the high saline and alkaline area .

  20. 那些只不过沦为俘虏的幸运的人被随便地赶进有刺铁丝网包围的拘留营不定期地关押起来。

    Those lucky individuals who are merely taken prisoner are unceremoniously herded into holding camps , hemmed in by barbed wire for an indefinite duration .

  21. 我愿意有什么事发生,这事可以产生这种效果,使呼啸山庄与田庄都平静地脱离了希刺克厉夫,让我们还像他没来以前那样过日子。

    I wanted something to happen which might have the effect of freeing both Wuthering Heights and the Grange of Mr Heathcliff , quietly ; leaving us as we had been prior to his advent .

  22. 养蜂人被群蜂围住,痛苦地大喊:“你们这些不知感恩的坏家伙,让那偷蜜的贼逃之夭夭,却一个劲地来刺一直照顾你们的人!”

    At this he fell into a passion and cried , " You ungrateful scoundrels , you let the thief who stole my honey get off scot-free , and then you go and sting me who have always taken such care of you ! "