
  • 网络landlord port model;Landlord Seaport
  1. 具体的政策建议包括港口业务的垂直分解及构建地主港模式、加快港口民营化进程、在放松规制的同时重建规制及推动形成区域内邻近港口间的协同竞争关系。

    The suggestions include constructing landlord port model , speeding port privatization , deregulation & re-regulation and forming co-operation relationship with neighbor ports .

  2. 采用地主港模式突破港口基础设施融资瓶颈

    Breaking the Bottleneck of by Landlord Port Financing Port Infrastructure Construction

  3. 地主港模式及其在中国的发展

    Analysis of landlord port and its development in China

  4. 地主港模式是世界港口发展的趋势。

    The mode of Landlord port is the trend of port development in the world .

  5. 运用地主港模式进行滩涂资源开发利用研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Exploitation of Resources in Coastal Areas Based on Landlord Port Mode

  6. 基于世界上采用地主港模式进行港口基础设施融资的港口地理分布,概述世界主要地区地主港融资实践和土地租赁情况。

    This chapter first summarizes landlord port financing and port land leasing practices according to the world port geographic distribution .

  7. 对地主港模式的内涵及其在国内外实践情况进行了介绍,阐述了浙江港口建设实施地主港模式的现实要求。

    With an analysis of the landlord port connotation and its application in both at home and abroad , the paper stresses the necessity of building the ports in Zhejiang province by the landlord port mode .

  8. 第五章对地主港模式在我国港口的应用进行分析和展望,并提出了一些针对运用地主港模式存在问题的对策,以期实现我国港口的长期繁荣。

    And the fifth chapter provides an outlook as to future landlord mode used in our country and proposes some approaches to the potential problems if use landlord mode with the hope that China 's ports will be prosperous for a long time .

  9. 文中从港口基础设施及其作用入手,探索我国港口融资现状和多元化发展趋势,借鉴国外港口融资成功经验,提出地主港模式的多元化融资模式。

    This paper commences from port foundation facility and its functions , investigate our country 's port attraction capital condition to develop the trend with the diversification , draw lessons from the abroad port margin successful experience , put forward the diversified attraction capital mode of the landlord port mode .

  10. 巨大的资金来源必须采取多种投融资模式,而最主要的是提高民资所占比重和实施地主港融资模式。

    The huge fund demand must be satisfied by varied financing modes , with the stress laid on raising the proportion of privately operated capital and implementing the landlord port financing pattern .

  11. 在地主港融资模式下,港务局或政府特许经营的公共企业作为地主,通过将港口土地租赁给港口经营者收取租金,实现港口基础设施建设资金的循环周转。

    In the landlord port financing mode , the port authority or government concessioned public enterprises to be a landlord , leasing port land to the private operators and charging rents to be the port infrastructure revolving funds .

  12. 首先明确了地主港的概念以及实行地主港模式的好处,接着分析了我国建立地主港模式的条件,在此基础上,提出了我国发展地主港模式的建议。

    This paper studies the definition of landlord port and its advantage firstly , then analyses the condition to build landlord port in China . On this basis , it provides some suggestions of developing landlord port in China .