- 名alpha-thalassemia;beta-thalassemia

They then modelled the effect a malaria attack would have on both normal children and children with alpha thalassaemia .
This showed that children with homozygous alpha thalassaemia have to lose more red blood cells than their normal counterparts to get SMA .
Children with a specific type of the condition homozygous alpha thalassaemia are60 per cent less likely to develop SMA when suffering from malaria .
Alpha thalassaemia , an inherited condition , is common in many areas of the world where malaria is endemic , particularly Africa and southeast Asia .
The thalessemia belt passes through the Mediterranean and West and Central Asian countries .
The Clinic and Molecular Mechanism Study of " BUSHENYISUI " Method to Treat β - Thalassemia
NOTE : Anaemia is not always caused by iron deficiency - lead poisoning and thalassaemia can also produce anaemia .
It was carried out in a non-viable embryo so we will never know if it would have developed into a thalassaemia-free baby .
So-called recessively inherited disorders , such as Tay-Sachs disease , cystic fibrosis and red blood cell disorders known as thalessemias are rare .
a team in China recently revealed they had partially succeeded in excising the gene for beta thalassaemia , an inherited blood disorder , from a human embryo .
The technology works on mice and men ; a team in China recently revealed they had partially succeeded in excising the gene for beta thalassaemia , an inherited blood disorder , from a human embryo .