
  • Groundwater funnel;【水】groundwater depression
  1. 临清市地下水漏斗区与地面沉降研究

    Study on Funnel-shaped Zone of Groundwater and Ground Subsidence in Linqing City

  2. 辽宁首山地下水漏斗区对铁路建设的影响漏斗状物外形象漏斗的物体

    Influence Study of Ground Water Funnel in Shoushan Liaoning on Railway Project Construction

  3. 济宁-汶上超采漏斗区水资源人工调蓄方案研究辽宁首山地下水漏斗区对铁路建设的影响

    The Artificial Regulation Groundwater Excess Exploited Funnel between Jining and Wenshang Influence Study of Ground Water Funnel in Shoushan Liaoning on Railway Project Construction

  4. 德州市浅层地下水漏斗区现状分析及保护对策引黄灌区地下水漏斗的综合治理-以位山灌区为例

    Present situation of shallow groundwater depression cones in Dezhou City and countermeasures for groundwater protection On Water Environment Protection of Partition Overtaken Out Groundwater in Weishan Yellow River Irrigation Area

  5. 抽水所造成的地下水漏斗区范围内,不仅能产生垂直形变,而且在其影响的不同部位,还形在压缩和拉伸的水平形变。

    Around the pumping wells and within the limit of a funnel-shaped ground water surface , not only vertical movement , but also horizontal compression and dilatation can be observed .

  6. 雨水的综合利用对消除城市热岛、减小地下水漏斗区,改善城市自然、生态、大气环境有积极作用。

    Comprehensive utilization of rainwater will play a great role in dispelling urban heat islands , reducing the groundwater funnel area , improving the urban environments of nature , ecology and atmosphere .

  7. 目前,由于水资源的过量开发利用,造成了地下水漏斗加深、河道断流、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,加剧了水资源的供需矛盾,严重地影响到山东省的水资源安全。

    At present , over-exploitation and utilization of water resources have caused the deterioration in ecological environment such as groundwater funnel , pollution of surface water and ground water , etc , which aggravate the offerings and requirement contradiction and affect the water resources safety in Shandong province .

  8. 衡水市深层地下水降落漏斗及发展趋势分析

    Cone of Groundwater Depression and Its Development Tendency at Hengshui

  9. 河北省地下水降落漏斗修复

    The restoring of groundwater descend funnel of Hebei province

  10. 基于数字水位模型的地下水降落漏斗提取

    A method for extraction of depression cone based on digital groundwater level models

  11. 沧州地下水降落漏斗现状及发展趋势分析

    Analysis on Present Situation and Development Trend of Groundwater Descent Funnel in Cangzhou City

  12. 地下水降落漏斗的形成与控制

    Cause and Control of the Groundwater Depression

  13. 华北平原地下水降落漏斗演变及主导因素分析

    Analysis on Evolution of Groundwater Depression Cones and Its Leading Factors in North China Plain

  14. 基坑排水形成地下水降落漏斗,诱发岩溶地面塌陷;

    Drainage of the foundation pit formed the landing funnel of underground water which induce rocky surface collapse ;

  15. 正确认识与掌握地下水降落漏斗的特点和变化规律,有助于人们合理开发地下水资源,避免不良环境地质问题的发生。

    The correct understanding to the characteristics and changes of depressions will be helpful to the exploration for groundwater resource and avoidance of geo environmental problems .

  16. 利用所建模型预报了现状开采量和不同设计开采量条件下地下水降落漏斗扩展及地下水水位的变化。

    It predicted the expansion of groundwater drop funnel and the change of underground water level under the conditions of exploitation situation and different designed exploiting volume by the model built .

  17. 通过对海口市深层地下水开采漏斗附近区超固结粘性土大量的物理力学性质等试验研究,认为饱和超固结粘性土在附加应力作用下同样会产生释水变形并存在一定规律;

    Based on test of physio-mechanical properties of the overconsolidated soils near the depression cone of groundwater in Haikou City of Hainan Province , it is found that the seepage and deformation of the saturated overconsolidated clayey soils can take place under the additional stress .

  18. 因不合理开发利用,出现了浅层地下水超采漏斗、咸水入侵、土壤盐碱化及地下水污染等水环境问题。

    Due to unreasonable exploitation and utilization , some environmental problems occurred in this area , such as over-mining funnels , salt water intrusion , soil salinization and underground pollution .

  19. 在地下水资源开采漏斗区,利用疏干含水层空间进行地下水库规划建设,这对于区域水资源的可持续开发利用有着重要意义。

    In cone of depression areas caused by over-exploitation of groundwater resource , the construction and planning of groundwater reservoir using depleted aquifer space is of great significance for sustainable development and utilization of regional water resource .

  20. 山东省主要生态地质环境问题&海(咸)水入侵、地下水超采漏斗、地面塌陷、地面沉降、地裂缝、地下水串层污染,主要是对地下水不合理开发造成的。

    Sea ( salt ) water intrusion , funnels , surface collapse , ground subsidence , cracks and underground water pollution in different layers are major ecological environment problems in Shandong province , which are mainly caused by unreasonable mining of underground water .

  21. 地下水已遭受污染,地下水开采降落漏斗区地下水位的持续下降是市区地下水遭受污染的主要诱发因素。

    The groundwater depression cone of urban district is the main induction factor of groundwater contamination .

  22. 从地下水水位的时空演化、地下水水位降落漏斗的形成和演化、地下水埋藏条件的演化以及地下水流场的变异等方面,分析总结出泰安岩溶水系统地下水动力环境的演化规律;

    From evolution of the groundwater level in time and space , forming and evolution of the groundwater funnel , evolution of the buried condition of the groundwater , and variation of the runoff field of the groundwater .

  23. 在水资源方面:北京都市农业用水比例较高,且以地下水为主,农业活动已经造成部分地区的地下水漏斗和严重的水污染。

    In water use : the ratio for agriculture of Beijing UA was high , mostly of ground water , resulted in underground tundishes and water pollution .

  24. 地下水经过多年的开采,已形成东西两大地下水降落漏斗。

    After years of exploitation of groundwater has been formed in two groundwater cone of depression .

  25. 区内部分地段由于多年来地下水严重超采,地下水水位持续下降,已经形成了地下水漏斗,并引发了海咸水入侵和地面沉降等环境地质问题。

    Due to years of groundwater overdraft in part of the district , the fall in water table was sustained , which had already formed the groundwater funnel , and caused some geological environment problems such as seawater intrusion and land subsidence .

  26. 由于大规模的不合理开发利用,使得地下水水位降低,目前我国已出现了56个地下水区域性地下漏斗。

    The big-scale improper exploration and utilization of the groundwater lowered the water level of ground water .

  27. 咸阳市是陕西的第三大城市,城市用水严重依赖地下水,地下水超采问题相当严重,已形成了三个区域性地下水降落漏斗。

    Xianyang is the 3rd big city in Shaanxi province . Their water application in urban area is depend on groundwater in a great extent , so the groundwater overdraft is very serious , which caused three regional cone depression of groundwater table .

  28. 大同市地下水开采的有关资料表明,自1981年以来大同市地下水开始超采,致使大同市地下水各降落漏斗已逐渐靠拢或合并,已经形成了一占据大同大半市区的降落漏斗。

    Related data of ground water mining in urban Datong demonstrated that extraordinary mining of ground water since 1981 , made the various drawdown cones gradually closed together and even merged and formed a large drawdown cone with an area of more than half of urban Datong .

  29. 结果表明,地下水埋深在14年间持续下降,且灌区中心地带的地下水埋深的下降速率较边缘地带快,导致地下水降落漏斗不断加深,并逐渐由灌区中心向边缘扩展。

    The results showed that the depth of groundwater was descending continuously , the velocity of groundwater line change in the center of irrigation region was faster than that in the edge region , and consequently , the area of the descending funnel of groundwater line was enlarged .

  30. 摘要在概述沈阳市地下水开发利用现状基础上,分析总结了沈阳市目前地下水资源开发利用中存在问题,如:地下水污染、地下水超采漏斗、饮用水安全等。

    The article is based on the present situation of development and utilization of groundwater resources , analyzes and summarizes its existed questions , such as pollution of groundwater , the over-exploited funnel of groundwater , safety of drinking water and so on .