
  • 网络Underground city
  1. 海洋城市和地下城市的走势;智能建筑与智能城市的来势;

    It includes the trend of urbanization , maritime city and underground city , intellectual architecture and intellectual city , and ecological city .

  2. 它变成了这个新世界的立面:一个水平的拼花玻璃窗&一个密集的、三维地下城市的窗户。

    It becomes the facade of this new world : an horizontal Vitrail : a church window of the dense three-dimensional underground city .

  3. 法国里昂地下城市建设&多种并存的典例

    Underground Urban Construction in Lyons , France-Example of Multi-version Coexistence

  4. 发掘出一地下城市、一希腊花瓶。

    Excavate a buried city , a Greek vase .

  5. 墨西哥的地下城市正在大幅变化。

    The underground of Mexico City varies substantially .

  6. 两座地下城市隧道防水评述

    Comment About Two Underground Urban Tunnel Waterproof Systems

  7. 每一座地下城市都将能容纳地上居民长达一年之久。

    Each one will be fully equipped to meet the needs of its inhabitants for up to 1 year .

  8. 我认为,大多数地下城市亡在今后的极地变化,但一些将继续存在下去。

    I think that most of the underground cities will perish in the coming polar shift , but some will survive .

  9. 我认为建造地下城市的优势大于劣势,而且建造地下城市是解决过度拥挤的一种方法。

    I believe the advantages of underground cities outweigh the disadvantages and building underground cities is a way to solve the problem of overcrowding .

  10. 兔子认真地倾听阿麦德介绍说目前为止这里已经开设了37个地下城市。

    The rabbits listened attentively to the guide Arhmed who explained that there are thirty seven underground cities which have been opened so far .

  11. 第二个办法是安排兴建地下城市和设施,以确保特定选择的团体可以生存。

    The second alternative was to arrange for underground cities and facilities to be built in order to insure the survival of select groups of people .

  12. 例如在蒙特利尔,人们建造了一个“地下城市”,包括旅店、餐馆、影院、购物中心等等。

    For example , in Montreal they have created an " Underground City ", which includes hotels , restaurants , movie theaters , shopping centers and more .

  13. 位在阿肯色州地下城市之极为复杂的亚特兰蒂斯实验室正在进行这项工作,并利用其它水晶的能量,包括超次元的远距传送(译者:这与金字塔等大型建筑的建造有关)。

    An Atlantean laboratory of great sophistication existed in the subterranean city in Arkansas to work with this , and other utilization of crystal energies , including hyper-dimensional teleportation .

  14. 他的家乡,地下城市魔索布莱城,是一个粗暴的地方,而且他的家族通过坚守城市的金箴规则:“不留活口”而取得了它的权力位置。

    His hometown , the underground city of Menzoberranzan , is a rough place , and his family achieved its position of power by adhering to the city 's Golden Rule : Don 't get caught .

  15. 发掘埋在地下的城市花了很长时间。

    The excavation of the buried city took a long time .

  16. 考古学家发掘出一个埋在地下的城市。

    The archaeologists excavated a buried city .

  17. 他们发掘了一座埋在地下的城市。

    They unearthed a buried city .

  18. 地铁车站及周边地上、地下空间城市设计探讨

    Investigation on Urban Design with Integration of Above - and Under - ground Space around Subway Station

  19. 该方法将深埋地下的城市供水管网逼真的呈现在用户眼前,极大地发挥了用户生理感知功能和联想功能,为实现城市供水管网安全调度管理提供必要的技术支持。

    So the urban water network which was buried deep underground would be in the realistic presentation of the users , and users could greatly play physiological functions of perception and association .

  20. 随着城市建设规模的不断升级,地面空间日趋饱和,人们开始把目光转向地下寻求城市发展的空间,即进行城市地下空间的开发利用。

    With the urban construction scale of the escalating and the floor space increasing saturation , people began to look towards the underground space to find room for urban development & development and utilization of the urban underground space .

  21. 鉴于燃气本身有毒、易燃、易爆的特性,敷设于人口稠密城区地下的城市燃气输配管网一旦发生泄漏,将可能造成中毒、火灾和爆炸等恶性事故,导致严重的人员伤亡和经济损失。

    In consideration of gas is poisonous and flammable , if gas pipelines which buried under the city full of people ground leak , there would be some serious accidents such as poisoning , fire and blast . Then the incidents will cause casualties and property loss .

  22. 隧道及地下工程在城市交通中的运用

    Application of Tunnel and Subway Engineering in urban Transport System

  23. 推进地下管网等城市基础设施建设。

    Underground pipe networks and other urban infrastructure were improved .

  24. 地下空间是城市建设的新型国土资源。

    Underground space is a new resource of urban construction .

  25. 合理规划地下空间实现城市可持续发展

    Project Underground Space in Reason Realize Standing Development of Cities

  26. 地下空间作为城市空间结构的社会学内涵

    The Socialogical Connotation of Underground Space as Urban Space Structure

  27. 地下交通与城市绿地复合开发模式

    Discussion on Combined Development Mode of Underground Traffic Tunnel and Urban Green Areas

  28. 地下街结合城市场所精神的演变趋势探讨

    Discussion on Evolution Tendency of Underground Town Integrated with the Urban Place Spirit

  29. 开发地下空间完善城市功能

    Improvement of City Functions through Development of Underground Space

  30. 城市地下管网是城市的重要基础设施,是城市赖以生存的重要物质基础。

    Underground pipeline network is an important urban infrastructure .