
  • in the distance;far away;From a distance;Further afield
  1. 我们看见船在远方忽明忽暗地闪着灯光。

    We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance .

  2. 你可以看到一座小岛,正如塞尚许多风景画展示的那样,马赛东部的山峦在远方幻化淡淡的蓝灰色,比如《从埃斯塔克一岚马赛湾》(GulfofMarseilleSeenFromL'Estaque),而今,这些画作散落在世界各地的博物馆里。

    You can see a small island , and the hills east of Marseille , bluish in the distance , just as they appear in so many of C é zanne 's landscapes , " Gulf of Marseille Seen From L'Estaque , " which are now scattered in museums around the world .

  3. 他们注视着公共汽车消失在远方。

    They watched the bus disappear into the distance .

  4. 最后一架轰炸机的引擎声渐渐消失在远方。

    The sound of the last bomber 's engines faded into the distance .

  5. 他们确实使用了一个只有经过邀请才能进入的照片分享平台,以便朋友和家人,包括那些在远方的人,能看到这些照片,但是他们十分坚定地拒绝把孩子的照片放在其他社交媒体平台上。

    They did use an invitation-only photo sharing platform so that friends and family , including those far away , could see the photos , but they stood firm , simply refusing to put their child 's photos on other social media platforms .

  6. 没有什么比得上有朋在远方更使地球显得如此巨大,他们构成了纬度和经度。

    Nothing makes earth seem so to have friends at a distance ; they make latitudes and longitudes .

  7. 该系统可通过GPRS在远方的控制中心实现远程数据采集、监视和控制。

    The system can collect , monitor data and perform control through remote control center based on GPRS .

  8. 为了实现在远方主站端对分布在不同变电站的低压开关柜进行远程控制,利用电力通信通道,扩展用于电力系统远程通信的CDT规约,使远程控制问题变成计算机串行通信问题。

    In order to control of intelligent low-voltage switch cabinet by use of PLC in different remote transformer substations .

  9. 他们一直注视着火车,直到它消失在远方。

    They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance .

  10. 我会在远方,永远祝福着你。

    I will be far away and always a blessing you .

  11. 路在远方,我还在风雨兼程。

    Road in the distance , I still trials and hardships .

  12. 跑车疾驶而过,在远方消失了。

    The sports car scorched past and disappeared into the distance .

  13. 在远方有一座核电站。

    In the distance there is a nuclear reactor power station .

  14. 加油声在远方慢慢地消失了。

    The sound of cheering faded out in the distance .

  15. 通信串口在远方备自投上的应用

    Application of serial interface in distance standby power automatic devotion

  16. 12月2日厚重的云层在远方缓慢的移动。

    Dec.2.The thick clouds float slowly at the corner of the sky .

  17. 好朋友是-纵使身在远方,心仍是近的。

    Best friends are close in hearts regardless of distance .

  18. 我看着她们的身影消失在远方。

    I watched them until they disappeared in the distance .

  19. 据说几个著名的山峰在远方都看得见。

    Several famous peaks are said to be noticeable in the far distance .

  20. 内缇莉,你知道我真正的身体在远方沉睡着。

    Neytiri , you know my real body is far away , sleeping .

  21. 他在远方能否听见我。

    If he heard that message from far away .

  22. 如果我不得不离开你,我会在远方祝福你;

    If I have to leave you , I will wish you in distance .

  23. 我会默默的在远方看着你。静静的等待着你。

    I will watch you silently from far away and keep waiting for you .

  24. 只要你努力了,成功就不会在远方。

    As long as you try hard , you will achieve success before long .

  25. 你是否知道这是由于我在远方静静地想你?

    Do you know it is because I am missing you silently from afar ?

  26. 我时不时地瞥一眼那个渐渐消失在远方的女孩。

    I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance .

  27. 一座灯塔在远方闪出信号。

    A light-house was flashing in the distance .

  28. 她说他只是迷失在远方

    She said he 'd just lost his way in the land far away .

  29. 文明而温和地使用权力&对这样的人,神会在远方投送来赞许的目光。

    On him who wields power gently , the god looks favorably from afar .

  30. 总有一天我将找到我恴眞僾,虽然他现在仍在远方。

    Though he 's far away , I 'll find my love some day .