
  • 网络st james;saint james;james;St. James
  1. 圣詹姆斯皇家饭店的厨师们曾经为女王烹制菜肴。

    Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen

  2. 大家非常气愤,BP在圣詹姆斯广场伦敦总部的一位员工表示。

    Everybody is really angry , says an employee at the London headquarters in St James 's Square .

  3. 在她怀孕的第一周经历极端的晨吐后,凯特将在家人的安慰下度过圣诞节,圣詹姆斯宫发言人在周六告诉《people》。

    After suffering from extreme morning sickness in the first weeks of her pregnancy , Kate will spend Christmas in the comfort of her family , a St. James Palace spokesman told PEOPLE on Saturday .

  4. 圣詹姆斯宫表示,律师将要求禁止意大利蒙达多利传媒集团旗下的法国名人八卦杂志《靠近》和意大利八卦杂志《Chi》刊登这些照片。

    St. James 's Palace says lawyers will seek an injunction against Italian media group Mondadori , which publishes France 's Closer and Italy 's Chi gossip magazines .

  5. 泰姬酒店还拥有位于伦敦圣詹姆斯白金汉门的皇冠假日酒店(CrownePlaza),但它希望将其更名为泰姬品牌。

    The group owns the Crowne Plaza hotel at Buckingham Gate in St James , London , but wants to re-brand it as a Taj .

  6. 他的葬礼将于周五在长岛圣詹姆斯的圣斐理伯与圣雅各伯教堂(Sts.PhilipandJamesChurch)举行,消防局各部门也将举行盛大悼念仪式,组织大量消防员和官员参加。

    His funeral will be held Friday at Sts . Philip and James Church in St. James on Long Island , with the expansive pageantry and huge turnout of firefighters and officers that accompany all departmental ceremonies .

  7. 哈里和马克尔选择订婚照在露天拍摄,就在肯辛顿行宫外的洼地公园(SunkenGarden),而威廉和凯特,恰恰相反,他们在圣詹姆斯行宫的内部拍摄。

    Harry and Meghan chose to have their engagement photocall outside , at the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace . William and Kate , on the other hand , did theirs inside , at St. James 's Palace .

  8. 这家位于伦敦圣詹姆斯(StJames)地区的标志性酒店表示,它为了增加东方人的生意而引入了中国的银联支付系统,从而使得过去只能支付现金的中国客人数量在去年增加17%。

    The iconic St James hotel said the number of Chinese guests , who used to pay in cash , increased by 17 per cent last year after it introduced a Chinese credit card payment system in an effort to boost eastern trade .

  9. 你可以从左边冲下来,进入圣詹姆斯的住所。

    You can dive off left into St James 's Place .

  10. 下一站圣詹姆斯公园

    And the next stop , St James ' Park Station .

  11. 到达圣詹姆斯公园的只有6节

    And only six carriages arrive at St James 's Park .

  12. 在圣詹姆斯球场有一个胡顿的圣乔治标语。

    There is a'Hughton is a Geordie'banner unfurled at St James ' .

  13. 从威斯敏斯特到圣詹姆斯公园需要十分钟.

    Ten minutes to get from Westminster to St James 's Park .

  14. 它在圣詹姆斯公园和西敏寺站台间消失

    It vanishes between St James 's Park and Westminster .

  15. 圣詹姆斯公园近似于一个长长的三角形。

    St james 's park is approximately a long triangle .

  16. 它在圣詹姆斯公园和威斯敏斯特之间某处消失,莫兰勋爵的消失

    It vanishes between St James 's Park and Westminster.Lord Moran vanishes .

  17. 到了圣詹姆斯公园车就空了

    And the car is empty at St James 's Park Station .

  18. 他是在圣詹姆斯商场的那家药房购买这香水的。

    He bought the perfume at the chemist in St james 's arcade .

  19. 接下来一站.圣詹姆斯公园站.却是这样

    And the next stop , St James ' Park Station . And ...

  20. 我们在帕尔玛尔和圣詹姆斯街的交叉口会面了。

    We met up at the junction of Pall Mall and St james 's street .

  21. 上周一路易斯王子在圣詹姆斯宫殿的皇家礼拜堂接受了洗礼。

    Louis was christened in the Chapel Royal at St James 's Palace last Monday .

  22. 而在上图的非正式照片中,两人则在圣詹姆斯宫康沃尔厅深情相拥。

    The informal image , above , shows the couple embracing in the Palace 's Cornwall room .

  23. 卡通军团在赛前对老板阿什利表示抗议,最后却结束在圣詹姆斯球场的一片狂欢之中。

    The Toon Army came to protest against owner Mike Ashley but left St James Park in raptures .

  24. 他们认为,圣詹姆斯宫有着最丰富的历史,不该成为私人公司竞价的目标。

    Officials have already begun contacting firms and charities who they think might be interested in using the Palace .

  25. 报道称,王室去年出租了圣詹姆斯宫的一套房子,据认为带来了近25万英镑的年收入。

    Last year it was reported they were renting one in St James 's Palace thought to bring in nearly

  26. 如果是这样,俱乐部已经为那些漂亮的圣詹姆斯公园的常客们找到了最佳答案:俱乐部品牌女式内衣!

    If so , the club could have the answer for all saucy St James'Park regulars : club branded lingerie !

  27. 因此笔者预测星期一在圣詹姆斯公园的比赛会是一场平局。

    Portsmouth 's need for points is still serious and therefore I predict a draw at St James'Park on Monday .

  28. 消息发布数小时后,英国威廉王子携未婚妻在伦敦圣詹姆斯宫于订婚后首度亮相。

    James 's Palace in London on Tuesday & just hours after announcing their plans to wed in London in the spring or summer of2011 .

  29. 阿兰。史密斯下赛季将在圣詹姆斯公园球场征战超级联赛,纽卡已经正式确认签下了这名射手。而费用没有公布。

    Alan Smith will play his football at St James'Park in2007 / 08 after Newcastle confirmed they have signed the striker for an undisclosed fee .

  30. 其中的一张正式照是在圣詹姆斯宫的会议厅拍摄的,两人并肩站在一起,米德尔顿小姐的手臂搭在威廉王子的臂上。

    In the formal image , taken in the Palace 's Council Chamber , the couple stand together with Miss Middleton resting her arm on her fiance 's.